Would you rather live a normal average life or live as Zyzz and die at the age he did?

Would you rather live a normal average life or live as Zyzz and die at the age he did?

motherfucker did more partying and had more pussy in 1 year than I'll ever have in my entire life.
ofc I'd live like him, and have abnormous impact on youth and all-in-all people after death.

(no idea why it tagged OP the second time)

When did he achieve that body? He died at the age of 22 so probably he fucked every girl he wanted and was the fucking boss for five years at best.

Nah 5 years is too little time, if it were 15 years then I would consider it but not for only 5.

I'm already older than Zyzz and haven't done a fraction of what he did. That said, the rest of my life has so potential. Who gives a fuck if I haven't fucked 200 Australian raver sluts, Zyzz will never have a higher Pokemon Go level than me.

>fantasizing about this kind of shit instead of trying to make it
>not going to make it

I just turned 20 and I can't honestly recall maybe more than 3 nights of my life that were actually amazing like something out of a movie

I would rather live 1 month as zyzz and die than live 50 more years with the way my life has been going

well he started posting on bb.com in like 07 and he started getting fame on there in about '09/'10

youre crazy

zyzzs life wasnt anywhere near as good as people make out, he lived with his parents, went to school, trained every day and went to a festival once a month or so

do i also get the awesome mall kiosk printed tombstone?

I would prefer to just die.


>pussy is everything

Y-you too? Every single night before I go to sleep I hope I don't wake up come morning yet here I am.

none, i love myself. iam way greater then muhammad ali or jesus.

yeah pretty much. is that an option in this poll?

isn't it?

I'm currently living an above-average but not Zyzz-tier life. I'll stick with this and hope I don't croak early

I love you though Zyzz

>dem pupils
>dat crazy laugh on the girl

Not really, it gets worst

I live a much better life than he ever could, as a fit white female. i would never trade in my life to be an insecure roided sand nigger with tasteless tattoos

24 is extremely young to die.
I'd rather take his average at most and live for the rest of my life.

There's more to life than dumb skinny sluts, user.
But damn do those skinny sluts get me every god damn time.

Definitely normal average life.

Zyzz was an empty loser

>I live a much better life than he ever could, as a fit white female

Rather live a long life, dying at 22. Fuck that.

zyzz was doing what he loved to do and died doing what he loved to do

so far i've lived few years longer than him, never did anything considerd "doing what i love to do", never had any real friends, never had gf, never been at a party, never had "good time", feeling suicidial most of the time and crying myself to sleep. I don't care about those fun things right now, but when im thinking about all that stuff i just feel pain and regret that i never had a chance to experiance it. Im not expecting anything from life right now. Im too old to have fun and to actually enjoy it.

I can smell your insecurity through the monitor

Don't be so depressed about your livfe, most of us who visit Veeky Forums have shitty lives, that doesn't mean we should end it.
Nothing matters at the end when we die, but you should be happy that you at least had the privilege to have a human experience in this world.

Don't forget guys.
Technically, you have gone to the gym more than Zyzz has in the past 4 years.
Technically, all of you have lifted more than he has the past 4 years.
AND FOR THE RETARDS, you have gotten more pussy than he is (masturbation counts, especially when done by a pussy).

Uh, long life for sure. There is a point where partying and banging sluts stops being interesting.

i know you could get so much pussy :D

Well, I would already be long dead so..

Yes, I would choose zyzz

live fast and die young.

>too old to have fun
How old are you and you can have fun in ways other than partying, drugs, and girls faggot.

What do you consider fun? Calling other people faggots on a weeaboo imageboard?

partying and having sex is fun but if you think that is the only thing life can offer that is pathetic.