Why you'll never hit your natty potential



Much sooner than your genetic potential you'll hit your lifestyle potential, which means to get bigger you might have to workout/eat more than what you have time for in your lifestyle if you're busy with other things like work, kids, family etc

Why the fuck would anyone take anything else but the green one?

Manlet here

would take 2 blue without a second thought, the rest can be worked for except penis which desu who gives a fuck

Double red probably. I'm already around 10% bf and I'll never be fat barring a coma or horrible disease. I'm also tall and happy with my dick as it is.

Same. Once you hit 11-12% bf, further improvements are only important to queers/BB-enthusiasts.

double red is literally the only option. esp if playing a sport

Double yellow gives unlimited breeding potential

Cmon guys, gotta spread em genes

double red is like captain america levels of strength, why would you not do that.

>tfw already 6'1''
>tfw have a 7" donger
>tfw dont really have trouble keeping at an athletic bodyfat%

double red

Two red. This isn't even a question

>women like pole benis
Hello beta

How about these choices
>You can control your muscle mass at will for the rest of your life, only limited by the natty limit (roids can still go beyond natty limit)
>You can control your bodyfat at will for the rest of your life
>become 6'3 with an 8x6
>9/10 face, hair, and skin

Which one gives gf ?

Blue and Yellow, All others are just shortcuts to something you can achieve on your own.

I would double up on one or the other though. One inch isn't a lot for either.

D, easy.

red & blue

adds 15 pounds of muscle under you what, 20% bodyfat you have currently will just make you look huge, add that extra inch and fix your proportions from the blue is perfect

Double blue

6'4 and I get a decent jawline. hell yeah

why would anyone choose C tho? no reason to get shorter.

obviously d

I forgot to include that C gives you a perfect frame as well, not that it will change your answers

D 100%

Would consider C but 8x6 too big, and I sort of like being able to attain non-natty physique while natty by cause of manletism

you gave up double strength gain for the rest of ur life for one inch to your height. Are you 5'3 or something?

>RR or RY
desu senpai

I'm a manlet and would like BB but that would only put me at 5'10", still a fucking manlet
Don't really care about GG

>nobody chooses double yellow

Why doesn't this surprise me?

Hello, dicklet.

>he doesn't have an 8x6

Its not like you are going to use it on anyone anyways

t-two yellows pls

yellow and blue

red and yellow.

pls no bully I tried

>desu senpai
wtf do they replace desu and famalam now or something
desu famalam

Double red please and thank you.

Fucking lanklets.

Because i'm already not a fat fuck.

I would probably go double green, but you have to be retarded to think everyone would. Why the fuck would a manlet skellington take it?

5'6 turbomanlet here, double green for the win.

It's hard to imagine your shorter than me, don't let your height fuck you up bro. It's not nearly as big of a deal as Veeky Forums makes it out to be

Give me 2 bluepills 5'8 here

why would anyone not double down the green?

I'd choose yellow and start building a lot of houses with the wood.

>tfw already have D and C.

Feels good brehs.

Imma have to go with B and life that fattie life without gaining weight.

>double yellow
>being so concerned with having the validation of a woman's orgasm that you'll miss out on another pill

The only pill Veeky Forums needs is the one that resolves their crippling emotional issues so that they stop being snivelling needy betas.

Maybe also a pill that bestows social skills and charisma.

Though really you can do all that shit without pills too. And no "le red pill" isn't how you do it.

D obviously,you can get natty and look doing it

They are retards

>Can gain muscle+strength twice as fast for ever (4 years into lifting still gaining at a good pace), can go on trips without having to worry about dropping. Can just eat better to get that 8-10%
Ya anyone that chose the only obvious choice of RR must be retarded

already have nazi jaw, big d

gimme dat double green

double green

>abuse the fuck out of the cannot go above 8% bf clause by eating 10k calories a day without gaining an ounce of fat

What if you have a black pill that makes your dick become as long as your body and as thick as your thigh?


Double yellow obliviously become this generation's Ron Jeremy while funneling all my money into opening my own gym franchise pandering to normies, retire from porn to spend the rest of my days working out and whatever else I want.


I'm already

Anyone can achieve their goal body after 2 to 3 years of hard work.

>Double Red
Now we're talking. This is literally Captain America shit. Why the fuck don't you want to be Steve Rogers? Are you a pinko commie cyka? Where is your sense of freedom?

Debatable, but unless you're under Five-Feet, Seven-Inches, you really, really, REALLY don't need this, unless you truly are suffering from body Veeky Forumsmorphia. Not even meeming.

>Double Blue
Pretty good. It's a pretty good recommendation for anyone under 5'7", and I wouldn't fault you at all if you took it even if you WERE above 5'7", but still, I feel like you've been meemed by body Veeky Forumsmorphia, because 5'7" and above is relatively normal.

I might choose it because I literally have an underperforming pen0r. It's, like, 4 inches hard. Absolute halal. I want someone to kill me.

>Double Yellow
Please...End my suffering.

Can be achieved with lots of hard work after 2 to 3 years. No need to take a pill for it. I mean, might as well just take another pill and get surgery for that kind of shit if you care about staying 10% all year long.

>Double Green
Literally only men care if you're at 8% and under. For what purpose?

>Double Red
You are a literal super human. How can you even compete?

>Double Yellow
You will never achieve this with hard work or surgery either. This is a legitimate superhuman ability. Why would you not?

>Blue and Yellow
Go from less than average to average, or go from average to above average. Don't take if you're already above average in both height and length.

>5'5'' manlet
>get two blues
>still manlet
T-this isn't fair ...

>tfw pencil dick
>tfw 5'8' manlet with double blue
>manlet gains and normal progress make red 1 not useful, green 1 is a shortcut.

Honestly, double yellow, cause then I could become rich off porn or doin some other freaky shit.

green red.

Either double green so I can be 6ft or green-yellow so I can be 5'10" with an 8x6.

You guys are so insecure you all must be autistic 16 to 25 year olds who wasn't raised in a normal environment and wish you were CHAD eating pizza right now while fucking all the hottest bishes. Get game and actually leave your rooms, faggots.

But you will have a SLIGHTLY deeper voice also, so you will pretty much be a caricature of a manlet.

Double red basically makes green redundant, because maintaining low BF% is easy as fuck when you can have massive lean body mass with no risk of it ever wasting regardless of what you do. Unless you actually intend to eat 4000+ calories every single day, you would have no problem keeping very low body fat with double red, even without exercise.

Proof Veeky Forums just wants the d

Blue and red. Won't do green because I like do strongman.

Red and green seem like the worst options because they're stuff you could already do without magic.

Gimme dat double dose of dick brah

That feel when none of these magic pills can give you a gf

That's the key, green and red are both just shortcuts to something you can change without magic pills. Blue and yellow can change static factors, but my dick is already average which is good enough for me, so double blue it is 100%.

>Double Green
Literally only men care if you're at 8% and under. For what purpose?

So I can eat as much as I want you fucking skeleton.

>taking candy from a random old man

Double dose of blue.
I have pretty decent gains and am only about 3-4 kgs from my goal weight, my bf is probably below 15%, my dick has never been a source of insecurity for me and is plenty big enough.
Height is the only thing that would appeal to me even though I'm not really a manlet 5'10" but I wouldn't mind being 6'1" plus some jaw gains to counteract my babyface.

Double red, of course. I'd have a 2800 total natty.

one red one yellow please

>Ottermode can be achieved within a year easily
>6.7x5 dick, so I'm happy with that
>Losing bodyfat is easy as shit
Give me a double dose of the blue m&m please.

Double yellow is the only way to go because it turns you into a real life Orgasmo. It never specifies that the dick need touch the woman to cause the orgasm. "At will" is a magical thing (even if we nerf it to a touch attack).

the obvious answer is blue and yellow, because red and green can be changed naturally, but those 2 cannot

D, because you literally have a much easier time with life when you're an extremely attractive male, in pretty much every aspect

Because I know how to control my diet and I'm not a fat piece of shit. Double yellow and a career as the greatest porn star of all time thanks.

>step 1: take two yellows
>step 2: become prostitute
>step 3: ???
>step 4: become millionaire

I feel like women would just use you for your dick and youd be sad you didnt acheive it normally, double blue is the only right choice as youre still "natty" in your life
youre basically just taking steriods, whats the point if youre not really natty?

desu senpai baka

because some of us have never been over 10 percent body fat and probably never will be

>You can achieve red's effect on your own
>You can achieve green's effect on your own
>You CANNOT achieve blue's effect on your own
>You CANNOT achieve yellow's effect on your own
Well I mean it's obvious. B+Y

>mfw people think M&M's fit their macros
Come back when they're magic almonds then we'll talk.

C and D are the only relevant options

>being 6'3 with an 8x6 and ugly
>keeping your current height + dick (which I am contented with) but being beautiful af

as long as you are not an actual midget D is by far the best choice you can make

a-activated almonds?

how the fuck can you get 0% muscle atrophy forever on your own?

>implying double red isn't the best choice.

Double green is the only choice for lazy fat faggots. No one in their right mind would waste perfect face for staying lean. Just eat less you dumb fat shit


Double red is best choice, you can just diet and never lose muscle when cutting, allowing double green results

i take m, my penus is a little below average. but still gets the job done.
>however them unlimeted nuts.

One blue and one yellow please.
I am ok with my height and size but if i took another one i would not enjoy the journey as much.

That's why you don the cape and tights before using your power indiscriminately. The general female populace never needs to know Clark Kent is Superdick.

Also you could make some serious money as a lumber baron with the unlimited wood.

Blue is the only one. My dick is already great and I have massive sexual stamina, I put on muscle easily and keeping a low BF isn't hard.

I'm 6'0" however and those extra 3 inches over a year would be amazing. It would complete me, I don't even need the more masculine features I already have a great jaw.

Double red. Keeping fat off for me is no issue since I have hyperthyroidism.

>All those faggots taking green
Effects of Red and Green can be obtained by hard work, whereas Blue and Yellow can't, under any circumstances.

I have 6 inch chode so sex would be close impossible if I took Yellow. So 2x Blue is the only rational choice.

yeah probably i'd go eaither double green or green + red

Anything that isn't double blue or double red is retarded, except yellow if you have a small dick.

Double Blue 6'2, better looking why wouldn't you

Red and green

Lose fat and saggy skin and add muscle

Best combo it seems to me senpai

Double red, anyone who says anything else is retarded.
You will look amazing until youre 150. You can't get heart attacks, you won't grow old and brittle, you will probably become the strongest man alive and make millions of dollars.

1 blue 1 yellow

Give me those horse balls.