Will boxing teach me how to fuck people up?

Will boxing teach me how to fuck people up?

I've been informed that a world champion MMA fighter would get BTFO by even an average boxer.

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Just be like Kimbo Slice did and make shitty Youtube vids of underground fight rings.

In da streets yes generally this is true.

Despite what BJJ nut huggers would like you to believe, the majority of all self defense altercations do not goto the ground. A boxer has superior stand up and footwork which is enough to end something in a few seconds.

just wait until that brown belt in BJJ comes ITT. he boxes too

>it's a boxer shill thread

The only thing that bothers me is naive young Veeky Forums users getting into the combat arts will believe your bullshit and get hurt.

It's not bullshit. I'm 32, I've been in a few scuffles, I've trained in grappling and striking and traditional arts and I've bounced.

Ground fighting is stupid IRL. Kicking is stupid IRL. Throwing fists and standing locks are the only things worth a shit.


Different sports, different rules.
Boxing typically has a higher skill ceiling. It's why you see careers with 40-0 records in boxing and why MMA champions are typically not champion for long.

Thanks, you've completely changed my mind.

>boxing wont work if fight goes to the ground
>grappling wont work if you cant take down your opponent
So why the fuck not learn both? Aka just do MMA instead of circlejerking over 1 style.

Your stupidity and arrogance makes me vomit.

Real fighting is far more complex and dynamic than boxing. That's why guys lose, you can't train for everything all the time.

boxing is a sport
MMA is combat.

There are endless examples of boxers trying their hand in mma and getting fucked up

I'm sure you all have fought a million times and are super cool guys but I doubt anything you say if you say shit like

>mma is a sport
>it's not real fighting
>street fighting is DANGEROUS

Street fighters are pussy bitches compared to a trained fighter.

Ground fighting is a lot less important than you think it is, outside of a ring.

If you think that then you've never been in a real fight.

just sayin.

Holy 12 year old.

You honestly believe MMA isn't a sport? Fucking kek.

>boxers get fucked up in MMA
Guess what would happen if an MMAer fought in a boxing ring? It would be embarrassing.

>street fighters are pussies
Im sure not wearing gloves makes u a pussy and the possibility of getting knocked out simply by your head hitting the cement. MMA is a bunch of fag boys in a ring humping each other. Having certain rules in a fight doesnt make it a fight.

I've been in quite a few and have never once been on the ground other than one time when 5 people were stomping me.

BJJ def would have helped me then, eh?

man shut the FUCK up

mma has so few rules it might as well be combat, especially the PRIDE circuit before it closed.

boxing is a sport. you can only use your fists. MMA allows you to do whatever you can to win. Boxing is boxing, MMA is fighting.

daily reminder that pic related would fuck up 99% of Veeky Forums

skill beats muscle every time

A lot of people will clinch up or tackle you naturally. Thats assuming they arent even trained to do so.
If you boxers really have your head up your ass so far that you refuse to learn anything but muh sweet science then if you ever get taken you deserve to get the shit beaten out of you.


Karate trumps all. If ANYONE grabs my wrist and allows me to do my moves I will come out victorious in a fight.

anyone have the webm with the trained boxer trying to fight a dude in a public bathroom who grabs him and slams him onto the floor and knocks him out within seconds?

Ok I'm being trolled. You got me.

I know boxing, MT and Judo. Boxing is 100x more practical. Nobody tackles you IRL. They push you and get in your face or they sucker punch you.

Knowing Judo is helpful too, actually. Ground fighting is pointless.

here ya go


I think the intense endurance training from boxing, plus being able to throw a punch, gives you plenty of an edge for self defense.

Last fight I got in I was soooo fucking physically drained after a few minutes. I'm thinking of joining a boxing gym now or starting a martial art. Not sure.

If you only have time to focus on one combat sport just learn MT (striking, standup grappling). Just learn some basic take down defense and ground game and you'll beat 99% of untrained people

Thats why you shouldn't fight people when youre a manlet.

And for what it's worth, the little dude got a perfect overhand right in and broke big dudes nose. If he wasn't such a skinny bitch that would have actually been a fight ender.

Bro you are so fucking retarded.

Please do not give novice martial artists your shit advice.

Pretty much anyone that played football or watched ufc will go for a shitty tackle even if theyre untrained and if they have a significant size advantage you're pretty fucked.
This is assuming youre not fighting someone with grapoling knowledge in which case good luck because all your training is worthless now.

>tiny manlet vs big guy

BJJ / judo / wrestling for 1v1s
Boxing for group fights then GTFO

pipe bomb trumps all

That is probably true.

I prefer boxing because the footwork and evasion is 2nd to none, however. MT is def fun tho

boxing killed all my gains

"you gonna know how to fuck people up" they said

dont do it


yeah dude... knowing an olympic sport is helpful....

dumb fuck.

>people who have never been in a fight or self defense situation

I'm actually speaking from experience whereas you're basement dwellers. So suck my balls I know the truth because I've lived it. You're just pretending.

Man shut the FUCK up

Watch an old man with little training in grappling fight a young man with adequate training in boxer


Yeah bro im a bouncer and been on 28 street fights clinches or tackles never happen trust me bro i have experience

>implying you'd ever take down any wrestling/grapping+throwing sport champion down in a real fight
>implying he wouldn't grab you and slam your head into the pavement at a thousand miles per hour and scatter your brains all over the pavement

there's a dude i know who has a black belt in bjj, the gym he goes to seems like a bit of a mcdojo (they have a motto not to respect tradition because they think its pointless). The guy is only 20 so I'm skeptical of how legit his BJJ blackbelt is. Thought?

Why don't you spar with him and find out?

seems lik you didn't eat enough

wrestling, boxing, bjj, muay thai defeats all

>he thinks this somehow represents real life

Again. You're all pretenders that don't know shit.

I'm typing this sitting at the door of a club I do security at. You're posting propaganda BJJ videos from YouTube. Fucking losers lol

Try that shit IRL and let me know how your face feels after dudes friends start smashing beer bottles on it.

I think anyone with experience in any legit combat sport would fuck up pretty much anyone that's untrained. All you have to do is clinch someone and they flail around in a panic. A few knees to the head and its over

the bad thing about wrestling take downs is that you get guillotined a lot

It's usually really difficult to get promoted in BJJ.

You have to compete to get blue and above; if you can't place in the top 3 of your belt class don't bother. And even if you place 1st, your gym might just keep you as a blue so you can rekt scrubs in competitions be a free advertisement for your dojo.

lol you just took that from pic related

>Ground fighting is stupid IRL. Kicking is stupid IRL. Throwing fists and standing locks are the only things worth a shit.

sounds like you'd prefer boxing plus clinchwork, which you'd get from wrestling, judo and aspects of MT and

I have barely any ground game training, he'd fuck my shit up on the ground I don't doubt. I just am questioning if he's a legit BJJ blackbelt

your whole post reeks of bullshit and troll

I post videos from youtube because you can see it with your own eyes and it's not me telling you some bullshit story about my personal experience.

Has he won a shitton of competitions?

If no, he's not legit

BJJ brownbelt user is 21 so it's not that weird

I wouldnt say so.
Yes the most common double leg does do that but if you just go with maybe a knee pick, bear hug or a mat return you will be fine.

How has literally no one in this thread mentioned Krav Maga, where the sole purpose is to just fuck up your opponent?

cuz krav maga is meme for yuppies

Yeah doing drills with the local soccer mom in your kike dojo will get you really good at fucking people up

i see this meme being spouted a lot, people being elitist about krav maga. most people that take it and who are taught how to disarm knives will just get fucked up and have a false sense of confidence

>oh hey fighting thread c:
>some user posts my pictures again

You don't know little if anything about BJJ or martial arts. Control is absolutely paramount.

>Ground fighting is stupid IRL. Kicking is stupid IRL. Throwing fists and standing locks are the only things worth a shit.
You also don't know what you're talking about. Even by your own word, you have little experience.

Krav Maga is for the IDF.

Knowing one style is very foolish. I have eight years of experience in BJJ, and five in wrestling, boxing, and muay thai, all for specific reasons. Like a few stalkers have said already, I am a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I dislike these threads sometimes because few people know what they're talking about and want to act like keyboard warriors for some ego boost in their day.

Hey guys all shit posting aside, as I was talking to you fucks a deaf dude just got punched across the street and his hearing aid got knocked out. Hit his head on the sidewalk, not moving.

I don't care what you fags learn but seriously learn to at least dodge a punch or be aware of your surroundings.

what was he doing

Well I was talking to you instead of doing my job but what I gathered was a black dude tried talking to him at the bar and he ignored him (no shit, he's deaf), black dude punched him, it moved outside, black dudes brother sucker punched him and he fell.

They're still outside, deaf dude still down.

So I guess you were right. Sometimes fights do end up on the ground kek

That's why I'm voting trump. Even the deaf can hear victory

>Control is absolutely paramount.

Finally someone who knows what they are talking about. Control is everything in the martial arts.

You never launch an attack unless you are 100% sure you won't experience a counter attack.
Always secure superior position before landing strikes.
Everything else is taking an unnecessary risk.

Striking should be done to further your acquisition of the superior position.

Drunks do not qualify as dangerous combatants.
In your world maybe, but not in the mma community.

Anyone else hate fighting threads? Can we make a different board for these sperglords so they can convince eachother how good they are at fighting

This isn't world star hip hop where two people yell at each other until one guy sees an opening to sucker punch a nigga KO.
Boxing is good, boxing is not better. Any fighter would tell you it's all entirely situational.
Boxing also (I'm not dissing the skill curve, chill) is a lot about luck. One little tap, that's it, you win.
Or you could get a guy who knocks you straight to the ground and starts smashing your skull into the concrete, because he doesn't want to play your game.

Real life is not ring.

Wtf are you talking about

You know MMA isn't real life right? It's a controlled sport.

Clinch is love
Clinch is life

>You know MMA isn't real life right? It's a controlled sport.

People who say this shit are shit at fighting. My old gyms leader hated the fuck out of pompous ass street fighters and would fuck them up in fights.

I came in claiming to be a street fighter and he fractured my shin.
Gangsters who thought they were hard would come in and he would knock them out.

The boxer was wearing glows and still the fat guy lost at 0:45. I don't see the point of your video.

I never said street fighters weren't shit at fighting. I asked if you realized MMA isn't real life. It's a controlled sport with rules just like boxing and fencing and football and gymnastics.


Just because he stumbled doesn't mean he lost

OH BOO HOO i feel so EMBRASSED I must have LOST

We go till we snap your arm or knock you out dumbass

>sperging out on the internet
Your autism is showing.

yeah in real life everybody sucks at fighting.

you have to get unreal before people know what they are doing

always cracks me up to see people talking about fighting on Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums is the only place on the internet I've heard striking recommended over grappling except on tumblr and reddit

They do its called alternative sports

it's been completely taken over by inbred wwe wrestling fans though

It's shocking and amazing, being confronted with a real and true form of mass retardation and poor breeding.

I'd like to see that fat guy avoid getting the shit kicked out of him after falling on his ass like that if his opponent doesn't give him time to get back up.

Boxer here. It's called MMA, as in MIXED MARTIAL ARTS, so if oxing was the most effective, they'd all use that and scrap everything else, but they don't, so put two and two together here bud

shut the fuck up you gimp. If someone has some takedown defence or the fight isn't 1v1, you're going to get fucking murdered if you can't strike.

>shut the fuck up you gimp.

That's a very creative comeback, where'd you get that one from, your moms bedroom?

Boxing pros
>quick fight ender if landed
>able to stay mobile
>able to identify possible threats
>can quickly engage and disengage
>can throw repeatedly

>might hurt hand

Grappling pros
>able to control opponent

>get face stomped by opponents friends
>get stabbed while engaged
>can't easily disengage
>can't maneuver if more than one opponent
>can't identify multiple opponents

Cool strategy bro lemme know how it works out for you.

Boxing cons
>might hurt hand
>literally useless if a clinch or a takedown is intiated
>years of training down the pooper
>can be sealt with using low kicks

Grappling pros
>able to control opponent
>can easily take out braindead boxers who cant do anything on the ground

Judo op. You're mostly focused on throw others to the ground instead of joining them their shoving your nuts intot their mouth

Judo is idiotic to learn without competing, solely. Holy shit none of you know what you're talking about other than BJJ brownbelt user for fucks sake

and yet preparing for something that is dangerous make you a hestitant coward! others are born to fight and will continue to do so then people will convince them to fight for money and low pay!

Sounds like deaf dude might become dead dude

Boxing isn't as applicable in real life, you don't walk around wearing gloves, you're much more likely to break your hands throwing punches, and you can't usually drop someone with a single jab. By that point if they know what they're doing you'll be on your back.

Obviously being proficient in multiple martial arts is better though.

ITT a bunch of insecure mongs that wanna extended their e-peens by defending something they've seen on YouTube and thought was cool

Best self defence skill you can train is knife fighting or if legal a gun. Have fun grappling me with a knife in your kidney

that's great if you get attacked by some nigger in the streets. however what if you're at a house party and someone you know gets too drunk and starts picking a fight? knowing grappling by then is way better than murdering them.

why would you fight someone at a party? unless you're a beta or a manlet that needs to prove themselves

while i think the vast majority of fights are avoidable, there is still a theoretical possibility of being randomly attacked.

what i'm trying to get at is that there are scenarios in which you'd want to hold another person down without harming them.

Oooh nice mate, insult my insult instead of coming up with a rebuttal.

do you even leave your home? are you an adult? where the fuck do you live that there is always a possibility you would fight someone?

Eliminate the threat as fast as possible. That's the only rule you need to know about street fights.
Poke his eyes out, slap his ears really hard, sleeper hold until he starts twitching, etc.
Or just get a hold of an arm or something and try to break it with all your body weight.
Don't waste energy on flailing around.

i'm not saying the risk is big or anything i'm just saying that IF there is a fight there is also a possibility that you don't want to hurt the one you're fighting. if you disagree on that then fine. you haven't convinced me on that though.

This guy get its.

Defang the snake, right babe?

>Defang the snake
Only that it's not about a snake you can just go around, It's about earth's most capable killer coming to get a piece of you.
It's also about saving your life and probably a few others by taking out the threat completely.

Also, a defanged snake will still attempt to bite you. It's about beating such behaviour out of the snake.

That's actually a nice (except for these fuckimg chest insertions, ugh), easy to achieve, easy to maintain and functional body.