What do you think about the feeder/fat fetish??

What do you think about the feeder/fat fetish??

I find this disgusting and fascinating at the same time

I knew in the photo in one of FatHate threads, he was 600lbs and was trying to raise money to have surgery, he gave up and now is 1060lbs

Really makes you think, why people do that to themselves? I was a former fatty and when I was overweight I always want to lose all that lard

It's a fetish and not fitness related.


I dont know, that chick is on a serious bulk

Sorry for trying to discuss about something more deep than CBT or ricardo pianola

It's an unhealthy fetish and that's all it is.

I bet this shit gets you off, op

Well, speaking as an actual fat fetishist, it fills me with ambivalence.

I know fat chicks give me a boner, but I don't believe it's right to lie and tell them their obesity is healthy. Nor do I believe it's morally right to make them fatter for the sake of my boner.

I cope with this by having pretty intense fantasies about fat women.

i think /pol/ has some opinions about this

It does help though I got my fat fetish from cartoons.

This is exactly how I feel. It's a fetish and nothing more. I'll fap to it but I would never want to live it out.

Yeah. IRL there's too much guilt and conscience associated with it, especially when I know exactly what obesity does to the human body.

So I keep it to the realm of fantasy, where there are no consequences.

Can't you post your lame shit in /d/ or /aco/?

I'm said my piece.

It's some sort ofbrain problem. American men are really into fat chicks i've noticed. Also som africans.

Maybe it's the control, maybe it's the brain going haywire after nott seeing human shaped women. Maybe it's some value expressed by obesity, like wealth or something.

I've said, correction. Still waking up.

the only time someone would be turned on to a girl getting fed is if she's fed cock and jizz
fat fetish is never acceptable.

I feel like if I view that image backwards, I'll find a hidden evil message in it.


BBWs and SSBBWs give me the most intense boners. However, I'm very much conflicted in wanting to act on these fantasies because I know they're unhealthy. I mean, if I found a slightly overweight, but not obese, woman to be with, then I could be happy and I'm sure she would too. It's undeniable there would be health concerns but it would still be perfectly possible for her to live a life as long as most people do nowadays in Western society.

On the other hand, I can't tell if I'm lying to myself to try and justify being with a larger woman. It's the irresistible big curves, hips, tits, and ass. Facially, I find the 'skinny' face attractive. I can't tell if the media has warped my perspective of women in that regard.

I don't think I could ever be with an SSBBW, other than in a sexual situation, primarily because she probably wouldn't live beyond 45. On top of that, the lack of/struggle with mobility means that we couldn't do the things I'd want to do with a partner.

Maybe I should just go the Veeky Forums way and find a man instead, r-right?

see the hidden message?

"Silence is rest the fall I. God is Sinatra Frank."

I think sporadically-occurring humping is the most I go with a fat woman, and only if she knew her obesity wasn't healthy (i.e she wasn't a self-deluded SJW Fat Acceptance type).

How would you be able to determine her views on her weight without really implying any offence to her feelings? Especially given that you, outright, like bigger women?

That is one of the most difficult things about being a fat fetishist. You don't even know how your fat fetishism is going to be perceived exactly.

It's quite literally a double-shot in the dark. You don't know how she feels about her own obesity, and you don't know how she feels about your fat fetish.