Fuck is wrong with my posture?

Fuck is wrong with my posture?
What stretches/exercises can I do to improve it?
Or does it just look bad since I'm skinnyfat?

Feels like my shoulders and head are rolled forward and my pelvis is pushed forward as well.

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lose bodyfat and stand straighter and start lifting

When I'm standing I stand pretty straight man I think it's my sitting posture that fucked me up.

Your pelvis seems to be naturally tilting downward. Try thrusting your hips forward a bit, that might be your problem.

see how your palms are facing backwards?

that shows your shoulders are rotated forward

pull your shoulders back and do reverse dumbell flies

When I look at my whole profile including my legs, the area right above my dick is what is farthest forward, I feel like it's tilted to make the front face the floor. But it's also pushed forward. I can't figure out how to fix it/how to stand or sit.

Okay cool this makes sense. Thanks.

Your shoulders are forwardly rotated, do more horizontal rows (at least a 1:1 ratio to horizontal pressing movements)

You also have anterior pelvic tilt, stretch your hip flexors and strengthen your glutes.

Do lower back and glute + ham exercises to fix your muscle imbalance (downward tiltiing women hips).

you have some sick anterior pelvic tilt, and a bit of forward neck

this is stuff to do throughout the day: youtube.com/watch?v=TQqgf8kB6R8

and these are some exercises and stretches to do: bodybuilding.com/content/posture-power-how-to-correct-your-body-alignment.html

the good news is your belly will look a lot smaller once you improve it

We have almost the same body I am also dyel skinnyfat


You have slight forward neck, and slight forward shoulders.

Your hips are fine, you don't have excessive anterior tilt as others are saying. It just looks weird because you have a fat belly.

Pelvic tilt looks fairly normal actually.

start lifting weights and eating right
you'll look good in 4 months if u eat sleep and train right

I had the same posture, I started lifting and it made ZERO difference. Do not waste your time doing facepulls or any kind of lifting exercise to improve it, unless they're legit part of your workout, it 100% has no effect.
Stretching helps a bit but doesn't make any visible difference either, it makes it easier for me to relax in a more normal position but that's it.
Shit like
>just stand straight and it will feel natural after a while
is of course also complete broscience and absolutely retarded when you spend a few seconds actually thinking about it.
I have no idea how to fix it and I'll probably see a doctor about it at some point but it's none of the broscience shit posted in this thread so far.

Your posture adds 5-10 years to how old you look dude haha sort it out

>contract abs
>squeeze glutes

Do I really need to be able to constantly be engaging my abs and glutes? Do you guys with good posture reach a point where you don't have to think about engaging abs and glutes? Because I can do that, but it's something I need to conciously think about

>>contract abs
>>squeeze glutes
You're not fixing your posture long term by doing that, you're just compensating for your bad posture by temporarily contracting other muscles in an unnatural way.

Good posture is supposed to feel right, if you have to adjust then it means there's something wrong with you and you have to fix it.

I don't know how to but I'm not going to pretend I do like those youtube clowns.

>Do I really need to be able to constantly be engaging my abs and glutes?

>Do you guys with good posture reach a point where you don't have to think about engaging abs and glutes?
if you do exercise on a daily basis, it becomes natural
on the other hand, if you spend most of your time sitting, it does get difficult

when I was sporty in my teens, I had good posture even sitting; nowadays that I spend most of the day sitted, I slouch a lot...

I had this same issue but much worse due to not having enough to eat for a while as a kid. Eat more and workout more and treat yourself well. By working out, you will gain a better balance with your muscles. It's not about 'fixing' your posture in your case, it's about gaining muscle to properly fill your posture out.

Look up Esther Gokhale

>I don't know what I'm talking about but have my opinion anyways.

This will do wonders for you op

As for your hips, just stop sticking your ass out. It feels natural because you probably sit a lot. You'll get what I mean when you attempt to stop sticking your ass out. Don't over compensate and constantly push your hips forward though.