Every girl I speak to mentions she has a boyfriend within 5 minutes of me meeting her

Every girl I speak to mentions she has a boyfriend within 5 minutes of me meeting her.

Feels good to be a Chad.

Other urls found in this thread:


>is turned down by every girl he talks to in 5 minutes

Kek mate, lay off the keto.

you're a Chad?
prove it
pizza with a timestamp or gtfo

That's not a good thing.
Chad wouldn't find out she had a boyfriend until he caught her with Chad's dick tickling her belly button.

surely it must be a specific pizza flavor, yes?

>girls shut him down within 5 minutes

>girl asks me if I have a girlfriend
>starts telling me about how awesome her boyfriend is
I got tricked hard

girls only pull the bf shit when they hate you

T.beta who has been lied too

I don't ever like skull shit but that tattoo is pretty cool.

tfw random girls start conversations with you in line and mentions their boyfriend

>i don't want to talk to you, why even talk to me, you that bored

not OP but if a girl immediately says she has a boyfriend out of nowhere, it's a good thing. It means she's thinking of fucking you in her head and turns to the "i have a boyfriend" as a defense. Can't tell you how many girls I've fucked that've said she had a boyfriend lol

Every woman I meet that has a child tells me about it within minutes. I wonder if it's a sign I'm repulsive, that I'm actually attractive, or maybe that's a sign I seem to be a womanizer.

>Pizza flavor

Oh please nigga, that means don't try to ask for my number. You got shut down before you could start

every girls i talk to mentions they don't like overly huge cocks. i'm always like >uh... okay. guess we can't talk anymore then...

hahahaha. feels good, man. feels good

If you were really Chad, girls would nervously walk around you or straight up wants the D

I don't make eye contact with Chads, I don't talk to Chads, I don't care to acknowledge that Chads exist because I fear for some reason if I did it would jeopardize my marriage

if she wanted to fuck she wouldn't tell you about the boyfriend until you were in her bed or at all

having a child is a wonderful responsibility and they are simply proud of the fact they have brought a life into the world

Its a test

>those hideous tattoos
How vulgar.

you've both just exposed yourself as never having interacted with a girl in a social setting

Some of them accidentally brought children into the world. Nothing pisses me off more than teenage mothers pretending to be some hot shit because they gave birth when it's in fact so mindless and unintentional. It doesn't take a lot to get pregnant, it doesn't take a lot of carry a child to term, it does however take a little effort to deliver a child even though it's not like you could procrastinate on child birth.

The thing that breaks my heart whenever I see these children is how pitifully unbalanced they are. They are half their mothers and half daycare. Some don't even have a close relationship with their mothers at all because their mothers are out working double shifts or 2 part time jobs. Of coirsrz this is just the reality where the baby daddy doesn't pay child support.

No wonder

if she mentions she has a boyfriend that means you havn't made it

could lie and say you are casually seeing a few women but nothing serious. this will maybe get her thinking about you.

Girls with kids are great. Most guys they meet are intimidated by the fact they have a kid. Just let them know you want a non-serious relationship for fun and that you don't want to get involved with her kid and she will be all for it.

Would I ever marry a girl who has a kid? no, but I would have some fun with them.

as the other poster says, it's a test, judging by your post afterwards, you fail.

it just means she wants to shut you down, if she doesnt mention it that means you are gucci to continue.

>low test betas detected

Tattoos are a sign of low inhibition dangerous badboy behaviour that gets women wet. The reason you hate tattoos is because you are high inhibition "safe" and non-threatening betas.

Or I have and that has happened to me and I just dismissed the idea of going to the bone zone


>fucking some girl obviously okay with having a kid
>wasting time with a girl you see yourself with long term
worst of both worlds

good fucks will ABORT asap
good girls to be with wont have you being a cuck with a wife's son

No, you see, all girls want to shut down guys they want to fuck, you are a huge threat to the stability of their life, you could get them pregnant, or do any number of things once you get serious enough to have sex.

If a girl tries to shut you out immediately upon meeting you it means she wants you in.

>blah blah blah women like reckless men
I ride a motorcycle and all I got is shit from girls im with
you must live in europe, girls who are DTF but have a bf never tell me directly until its too late

I suppose there is the risk that is she had a kid once when would have one again. I'm just saying they usually make good no strings attached fuck buddies.

Papa John's

>I'm just saying they usually make good no strings attached fuck buddies.
thats how they got in the mess in the first place you idiot

stop rolling dice with those loaded guns and go get a FWB with a woman who is good for abortion

>being beta
>thinking a motorcycle will change your already established image

you make good points

>I ride a motorcycle and all I got is shit from girls im with
Because you're a beta male. Women can smell that on you.

A real alpha tattooed badboy would get laid without even trying.

You probably just bought a motorcycle to impress women.

>not knowing girls say dumb shit all the time like "I have a boyfriend" or "i'm only here to dance with my girlfriends" all the time as shit tests

you don't get laid dude it's obvious

>using the beta strawman when its shown your point is invalid
Im not a beta but you are dumb to think women like a reckless man, they like fun men

>You probably just bought a motorcycle to impress women.
nobody except weeaboos does this, I rode dirt bikes when I was younger and I liked two wheels

I think you are responding to the wrong person.
We were talking about women with kids and whether or not they make good fwb.

you dont want a girl that cheats

you want a girl that picks you over other guys, not one that uses you as a rebound

Reckless is fun.

Let me guess. You're probably a cubicle slave wagecuck with little ambition. You've most likely never been in a fight or broken the law or done anything "risky" in your life. Like getting a tattoo.

You are a beta male plain and simple.

This is true. Scary true. Guys that don't get this aren't paying enough attention to details.

>Tattoos are a sign of low inhibition dangerous badboy behaviour that gets women wet.
Oh my god, this is the best thing I've read all day

I'll bet your tribal armband just rakes in pussy

>Like getting a tattoo.

Damn bro, you way too hardcore for us. lmao

i'm fucking a single mom with 2 kids (2 different dads). i told her straight up i dont want a serious relationship but I think she's trying to change my mind.

Whatever, she eats ass and sucks good dick, so I don't mind. I just make sure to always wear a rubber, even though she says she's on the pill.

im in college you idiot, stop thinking everyone that doesnt do tattoos is some neckbeard loser.
why the fuck would I do this? if people think youre a good dude to fight youre a beta.
>broke the law
m8 I ride a motorcycle we routinely break the law, doesnt make us any cooler
>beta male
projecting hard my m8, you can tell im a beta from riding my motorcylce lel

>muh motorcycle

Riding a motorcycle doesn't make you alpha, neither does getting tattoos.

Girls like both as long as the guy is alpha.

This is actually true faggots. I was cucked by a dude who knew I was her bf. Not a good time.

>2 kids, 2 dads

what a winner she must be

did you beat him up?

>implying riding a motorcycle isnt 300,000x more dangerous/reckless than having some guy paint on you
boy user you sure are smart
>girls like both
they'll like you no matter what, getting a tattoo because it makes girls "wet" is beyond retarded, and shows you only hang out with trash

>2 kids (2 different dads)
>she says she's on the pill

>playing russian roulette with an obvious baby whore

>getting this riled up when people make fun of his motorcycle
>claims he isn't beta

Nope, they lived over 60 miles away so I just proceeded to pick up and put down weights as any other fag on here would. Pic related.

Is that you saying that to him or the other way round?

>gets this riled up for having some guy paint on him in comparison to someone doing an actual reckless activity
>claims he is alpha

>not even the same guy
>just another person that thinks you sound like a retard who bought a motorcycle

bro, that's a roadtrip and a fight right there.

>getting cucked by THAT guy
wew. try picking up more weights and putting down more weights. also stop being ugly i guess.

Other way around. It's how I found out kek

>implying I ever implied women like motorcycles
>implying Im not saying that women dont care about tattoos and other "reckless" thinga
>implying getting tattoos is a sign of manly and reckless behavior

tell him to enjoy his Herpes

I'd fly to Turkey if I had to.

>defending some whores honor

Not the whore's honor; my own.

no bro it's defending your selfs honor. You can't just get cucked and let someone talk shit to you. I'd smack the girl around too but you can't hit girls.

If you get a reputation that cheating on you is okay you're going to get cucked all the time.

>Not the whore's honor; my own.
>no bro it's defending your selfs honor.

not even memeing tell him to enjoy your sloppy seconds and move on

It's only an hour drive, go get some training in mma if you don't have it, look up his number or address on face book, and surprise him with a beat down.


Ah, the hold-your-pants-with-one-arm technique

Did that guy drive straight into a truck?

>If a girl tries to shut you out immediately upon meeting you it means she wants you in.
oh yea ? so tell me what they do when they want you out.

yeah, it was a chloefag that saw a recent pic of her

They just treat you like any other person, you get friend zoned.

If some guy fucks your girl and you beat the guy up, that isn't defending her honor..
It's defending your own.

this literally means you're trying too hard and creeping girls out.

good job OP

it can mean that or it can mean you are sexually intimidating, which can be good. If you don't even register on a girls sexual radar then you are just friend zone material.

>all talk, no action
Typical Veeky Forums, this was over 6 months ago anyways.
>implying I don't have anything better to do than to ruin my future by getting criminally charged for assault over a dumb whore

see for a picture of (you)

>getting criminally charged for assault
Every pussys argument
because cops wait behind every corner and evidence is everywhere

I'm not saying that being a nigger is a good idea, just your excuse is cuck-tier.

Check your local laws bro. Where I live you can challenge another man to unarmed combat and if they accept and you can prove it neither of you can be charged with a crime.

Issue him a challenge, if he doesn't accept you can talk about how much of a bitch he is and shame your ex for having sex with a coward, if he does accept you can fight him without worrying about the law.

Make sure you get the challenge recorded on video and send it to your email so it won't get deleted.

Check you local laws to make sure you can do this.

Just punk on him until he either loses all his friends or accepts your challenge to combat.

Combat between two consenting adults is legal in most places.

What a majestic creature.

Holy shit, dude. I'd probably have just said "have her, I'm through with her" to save face and then try not to go insane with rage.


Think about it bro, if he doesn't accept your challenge you can just post shit talk to his face book for all his friends and family to see. Call his mother a whore, insult his family, call him a coward.

Have a field day, if he doesn't accept your challenge to lawful combat he is your bitch to dominate. Make sure everyone knows it.

> I'm a muthafuckin Chad
> Muh Permanent Record

Choose only one

u fucking piece of shit. that's not you, that's a really old pic. nice bait tho, my ass is salty

>not sending a picture of you fucking some over girl 4 hours later with the caption "enjoy my sloppy seconds, she's your problem now"

That's nu-male tier.
Any one in this day and age can go out and fuck a girl, that doesn't prove anything.

Not everyone has the balls or skill to go and beat someones ass for cucking them.

How long can you run? what if you really liked the girl and wanted her to be your wife?

You have to destroy him. Challenge him to lawful combat, beat his ass, and then shame him publically for the rest of his life. Shame your ex too for having sex with a loser, make her feel tainted with the seed of a failure.


this is true and this is the first kneejerk reaction

but look at again
she is doing it as a DEFENSE for a reason and you need to learn to see through it if you want to play the game

girls will even say they have a boyfriend if they don't, and it's really not an automatic rejection - it's just an easy way to shut out the betas immediately

>implying showing you dont have the upperhand isn't the better option
>implying most dudes can fuck 4 hours later
>implying the girl wont feel like a whore because you moved on so quick
its about turning the tables, read inbetween the lines

Interesting. I looked into it a bit but it's still not clear whether the law applies nationally or just in certain states.


This is me and I've posted it on here before for the keks

I'm afraid I don't leave room for ambiguity.
I'm not going to read between the lines because you are a nu-male

if you think challenging a dude to combat will do anything except show you salty you need to go outside more.

Yeah, some place are more pussy and liberal than others, just check your local laws and consult a lawyers help.

Most people get really nervous when discussing combat so expect bias answers and recommendations not to fight. If mutual combat is legal in your area then you are Go. Make sure to get both the agreement to mutual combat and the fight itself on camera. Fight in the traditional mma style, go to the knock out/choke out/ limb break, then stop the fight. Make sure your opponent knows and acknowledges all the terms and conditions on camera.

You should be in the green if you can preserve the footage.

If your opponent does not accept, he is your bitch to shame and harass till the day he dies. Make his friends and family know he is your bitch.
