Smoothie thread

Smoothie thread

I recently bought a blender to make smoothies for bulking at home. I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for decent combos so I can hit my protein goals and get a decent calorie intake boost at the same time.

I saw a thread a few weeks ago where everyone was posting smoothie recipes, that put the idea into my head, but I forgot to pin it.

So any suggestions would be awesome

got one for bulking

250ml milk
60g peanut butter
50g oats
100g vanilla ice cream
1 banana
1 tbsp olive oil
10g honey

should be 1000-1400 calories, lots of protein & crabs, I take two a day

Isn't ice cream really bad for you, with all the sugar?

yes probably

The unhealthy part of ice cream is the massive amount of fucking fat, not the sugar. Sugar is not unhealthy. Replace the ice cream with refined sugar or more honey and you're better off.

Guys, how the fuck do i stop my blended oats in my shake to be clumped up at the bottom

incase you're too stupid to realize it, this is bait

also saged

get a better blender.

Try almond milk instead of cows milk.
More protein, and is really good in smoothies, especially with peanut butter.

If you want a fruit one
4-6 strawberries
handful of blueberries
handful of raspberries
half cup of orange juice
scoop of protein powder
bit of honey

just keep it simple

cup of ice
half cup mixed strawberries
half cup frozen mango & pineapple
half cup milk
half cup of unsweetened orange juice
2 scoops of vanilla whey

put them in at the end on top then one final blitz

It's not bait you fucking retard, are you too dumb to look at the nutrition label and do math? Ice cream is 50% calories from dairy fat. Fucking idiots on this board.

OP here's all you need to add to smoothies. Alter the amounts depending on how much you want to bulk (read the nutrition facts idiot)

Milk (regular cow, almond, soy, whatever kind)
Peanut Butter
Oats (I use quick oats because they are smaller and softer and go down easily)
Greek Yogurt (this stuff has 20 grams of protein per cup
Protein powder if you want I guess

You can also add in some sweetener if you want, I use a few packets of splenda

It's easy to make smoothies, they are basically just like stuff you would put in oatmeal

are YOU retarded? dairy fat is much better for you than refined sugars. more filing and won't spike your insulin and result in a sugar crash

1 cup soy milk
1 scoop protein
2 Tbsp Peanut butter
1 tsp organic cocoa powder
1 banana

Around 40g protein and 500 calories
shits dope.

A person will lose more weight and be healthier giving up refined sugar over fat. Yes, fats should from a healthy source and ice cream isn't that great of a source, but it's better than sugar or some kind of fake sugar laden sherbet shit.

Wow, I wasn't aware the level of retardation on this board is so much worse than what the memes say. American teenagers discussing nutrition, beyond hilarious

you should really, really substitute yogurt for ice cream

just add in some sweetener like splenda or equal for sweetness

whatever you say frogposter fag

I love how you just pull shit out of your ass, even though there are controlled high-quality studies that disprove the garbage you spout. If you simply tell fatties to reduce fat intake, they start losing weight immediately without counting calories. If you tell them to reduce sugar, nothing happens except that they get more fucking diabetic from upping their fat intake to make up for the sugar calories.

>healthier giving up refined sugar over fat
This is just fucking hilarious since high-fat diets induce prediabetes in obese subjects within 3 weeks even while losing weight, whereas sugar improves insulin sensitivity.

Simple trick: blend the oats up first on there own into a powder, add water or milk, blend again for one minute. Now add your fruit and whatever else - the shake will have no clumps.

try harder