Anyone here skate?

Anyone here skate?

I'm thinking of learning how to do it. It can't be any harder than riding a bike, and it could make for some fun cardio.

says its good for your quads/hamstrings, abs, and some back muscles I think because you have to make them work to keep you balanced while you exercise on the board.

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I longboard to the gym when it's nice out and I'm not in a rush

It's not exactly a workout but it's an easy/fun way of transportation

are you talking longboard/banana board for transport or actual skatepark ramps and rails skating?


Do you have to use a longboard to just cruise around? I wanted a skateboard since I thought they looked cooler/nicer

and if I REALLY enjoy skating I might want to do some basic ez tricks on them and maybe I won't be able to do those on a longboard?

I've been skating since middle school

Ask away

regular skateboards are shit for transport, you hit a surface that isn't nice and smooth and you're either stamping the whole time or hitting stones and coming off your board. the wheels aren't built for it.

longboards are just more comfortable to ride over long distances. The wheels make the ride smoother. Trick board will be fine if you're riding on smooth surfaces though

ive been skateboarding for over 18 years (real skateboarding, not that faggy longboard shit where people cant even ollie) and i can tell you its grate for glutes, quads and calves.

only started lifting 3 months ago but boy-howdy my legs and ass are more developed than 90% of people is see at my gym.

Are those band aid§x

For some reason I feel like skating is only for kids. I know its stupid cuz I wouldn't make fun of some dude in his 40s for riding a bike, so why would I make fun of a guy in his 40s for skating? if anything thats impressive that he can balance himself and control his body that well

How old are you now? Do you feel like people judge you unfairly for skating?

I'm 27. I don't really bring up skateboarding to people. Kind of like anime, video games, political views it's not something I just go ahead and say I do. My friends know I skate. Any girl I've dated seemed fine with it

Is your name Jason?


I've been riding on pic related for a couple years now. You can still do basic tricks and the wheels won't catch on cracks or rocks too bad. Decent price. One thing I've been worried about is muscular imbalances from kicking with only one leg though.

27 years of sk8ing here. Get a real setup: 8.5 inch deck, 55mm wheels, helmet and knee pads, some vans or gum soles you like. Find a bowl/pool at a local park and learn to cruz. The cardio-resp once you can flow is like running sprints accept fun/ weightless, a little out of control.

Yeah, to expand on this, real as in buying a skateboard from real skateboard companies and not something cheap from some department store or Walmart. With skateboards this makes a HUGE difference. Walmart tier boards/trucks/bearings are terrible.

> justifying skateboarding as a good physical exercise
You have your logic backwards op. Skaters are passionate about skateboarding, not about fitness. They are driven to do it everyday all day to get better at skating, to discover new tricks and have fun doing it. With such intensity you are bound to pretty fit but if your goal is just to strengthen your back then go to gym. You get better results much more efficiently.

I'm 37yo ex skater with job, wife and kids who doesn't have time to skate. I go to gym 3x a week for 1-1.5h to get to strenghtening done.

If you skated 5 hours a week, it's not skating, it's posing.

I've been skating on and off for the past 7 years. Skating is only good cardio once you're good enough and find it fun enough that you don't do it as a fitness exercise. Kind of a catch-22. A normal skateboard is also a lot harder to learn to ride than a bike, but once you feel comfortable there's nothing more satisfying than cruising round parks or the street.

It offers an odd amount of core/balance i found in the military/doing bjj type stuff i could handle guys bigger than myself because of the years of balance work. And slams i guess. The gym is most certainly a better workout, skating is just fun in of itself.

Yeah like some anons here said already, if there's one positive thing about skating that I can take from doing it for some years is the balance I have now.

Those designs are fucking tragic.

been skating since 12, now 20.

like this guy said, don't cheep out.

my setup is as cheep as i can get away with and it comes up to around £120.

pic related, fracture 8" deck, fracture wings 5" trucks, bones reds bearings and some old bones 52mm wheels.

While you drive around on your skateboards and longboards, i drive in my BMW to the gym with my arm hanging out.

Holy shit youre a bunch of failures

Hi Elliot!

I used to skate when I was a teenager and I want to skate again.

The problem is that I'm 30 now and I haven't been on a board in over a decade.

I know people will say "fuck what others think, you're never too old to skate etc..." but I'm really self conscious about going to a skatepark as an adult with a white collar job.

Anyone have any similar experiences?

you're a faggot

its just something to do for fun

I'm worried I'm gonna buy a skateboard (found parts online for $93 total, actually 125, but theres a discount if you buy a complete set of skateboard parts) and then try it and be like "this takes too long to learn i quit"

how long does it take to learn to just cruise around comfortably?

I bought one last year, cruising could take a couple weeks. Unfortunately I took a fall going over a crack I didn't see and broke my elbow on the first night. I've tried to get on mine since but now I'm paranoid.

what is "stamping"?

also why can't I just get a skateboard but with bigger softer wheels, like

It is great exercise, great cardio, especially if you're at the very least riding pipes or bowls.

It will work on leg strength a little, but here's the major problem...

Most people usually have a dominant foot, learning to ride switch can be very difficult, but otherwise you can end up with lopsided gains.

You can get a better setup than that for the price

Almost deck £23
Bullet trucks £23
Ricta naturals seconds £16
Bones reds bearings £16

Bought this minus the bearings within the last month.

If you try to do tricks etc get ready to lose gains from missing workouts due to skate boarding injuries.

hey man trust me dude. Longboards are easier to learn, WAY more comfortable and about twice as fast as a skateboard. Skateboards are cheap so you can probably get one as well, but for the long run if you wanna cruise around campus or skate long distances like to the gym, definitely get a long board.

Exactly what a BMW driver would say.

Cool skateboard user. Can you kickflip?