Tfw no qt to mire dem gains

>tfw no qt to mire dem gains

is having a gf that great? Be honest

LOL, how would I know? I know the absence of one for 19 years if fucking crippling though.

they have a useless opinion most of the time, and when it is useless it wont even be interesting or funny

It's a nice but overrated.
Reliable contentment comes from yourself, relationships are secondary.
Get yourself a practice girl.

Having a gf is nice provided she is a nice girl, as for gym stuff it depends, mine is just a cardio bunny and not very good at lifting weights but I go to the gym with her anyways because we shower together after and I get to slip my dick all over her body


No it's not worth the eventual cucking you will go through. If you get a gf don't give her your heart. Think of her as a dedicated prostitute. That's all gf's are anyway right? Pay for shit all the time for sex whenever you want


Most of the time they're retarded and annoying but it's nice to have someone to care about and constant sex is a plus.

It's nice. You sometimes get fooled in believing she actually cares about you.

Spotted the neet

It's shit. Before getting a gf I thought it would be awesome, but after getting one I realized that I actually had to work to maintain the relationship, like going out when I didn't want to, spend money that I didn't want to, do stuff that I didn't want to, and fucking text every minute I wasn't with her. So yeah, it's pretty shit m8

This. If you generally avoid hanging out with friends/talking to them constantly and enjoy spending most of your time alone a gf is not for you. They require a lot of effort to maintain and if you neglect them they start bitching and eventually leave you.

great thanks for making me realize im going to die alone

Get a gf you like hanging out with then

Depends. Current gf lifts hard, we go together to the gym and eat chicken afterwards while watching movies and fucking. There are worse ends to a shitty day at work than this.

>tfw a girl likes you

If you spend too much time with your gf they will leave you because they will find out you have no friends

Get friends then

Just find a gf who also has no friends duh

But if you have good friends you wont be able to hang out with your needy girlfriend and she will leave you for chad

>tfw started lifting so I wouldn't die
>accidentally become attractive
>girls express interest
>never reciprocate simply because I haven't met an interesting girl I actually want to spend time with since middle school

Maybe I'm just autistic or something but every single woman I meet I can't stand, they're all boring or annoying.

I need to just find some cute nerdy trap who can actually hold a conversation or something.

Then dont get a needy gf or invite her to hang out with your friends, you neet faggots and your cuckhold chad fantasies are ridiculous

>they're all boring or annoying.
You need to grow up.

>accidentally become attractive


I think I'm coming to the same conclusion. I gave my entire being to my ex and she left me because it amplified my insecurities and clinginess. I wasn't like that in the beginning of the relationship.

My current gf likes to go out and stay late, get wasted and God knows what else but I just don't give a fuck. I'll never love her and if I start to get feelings I'll pull away.

My advice would be don't fall in love and especially don't fall in love with a outgoing party slut.

I've been single for 2 years and haven't even kissed a girl for 6 months. I've achieved some weird state of enlightened self-confidence recently though, and currently have no particular desire for a gf, although I certainly wouldn't mind one.

Wish I knew how bro
>lift to become healthy
>get passable physique in process
>live in San Antonio where only 1 in 3 people have a healthy bmi let alone anything resembling fitness.

>I've been single for 2 years and haven't even kissed a girl for 6 months.
What a loser.

I'm thinking about asking out one of my coworkers but we both leave for seperate colleges in the fall is it worth it to try or not

Been seeing this girl for like 1 month now. She is kind of a slut but I actually like spending time with her. I know she will eventually cuck me but I just want to enjoy the ride while it lasts. How do I keep myself from getting developing feelings for her?

What a pathetic insecure hate preacher you are..

Break up with her once you feel you've gotten everything out of the ride you can, there is no one not to feel like shit when cucked.

Yea i'll try... Knowing me I'll probably fuck it up though. Thanks for the advice senpai.

It's like getting on a train and it's the best train ride ever, the conductor gives you a high five and it's the comfiest ride ever, everyone is friends and they serve vanilla ice cream for free, eventually the train stops and you're thinking "this isn't my stop hey what's going on bro". It's customary though, you get off the train and the door shuts. You get off and there's two homeless guys cock wrestling on the ground over the last half of a dorito, the air quality is bad, just a really rough place, the type of place where you start being sad just being here, oh what's that another train awesome, pulls up to the station and damn are you happy to be back on this train, get inside, wait a second this is a different train, the seats aren't comfy, no high fives, oh fuck they got vanilla ice cream at least, nope not good enough you want to get on the first train that was the best time ever, you get off at the next stop fuck it I'm waiting for that first train, waiting at the same dusty baron train station you'd imagine that the first train comes again I mean where else would a train go, you get on every train that pulls up hoping it's the first train, sometimes they don't serve vanilla ice cream, rude conductor, piss stains on the seats, sometimes you ride the train for longer the conductor says the ice cream machine is currently being fixed just wait a few more minutes but it's never fixed, it never changes, you end up back at the train station every time and think to yourself fuck I miss that first train, but it never comes back, you get on another train just to get away from the dusty bus stop, fuck it I don't even like vanilla ice cream, you try to lie to yourself but we all know you love it, i miss you first train

hope this is pasta cos feels

sometime you want it, sometimes you don't

sometimes you want a qt 3.14 to lay down with while it's raining outside, sometimes you're glad you don't have one so you can go out with your friends and get shitfaced and wake up 12 hours later in your car remembering that the reason you got shitfaced in the first place is because tfw no gf

fuck girls man

worst case you get rejected you faggots need to realise that isnt even that bad

Had a gf for 3 years, gave her all my love, we broke up, she fucked with some hipster faggot, I got mad, sent him to hospital, thought it'd feel good, didn't feel good, actually met the dude to say I'm sorry, dude is actually pretty cool, realize my ex is just a slut, realize all girls are slut, realize being a slut is normal in 2016, realize I don't want a gf anymore, treat all girls with respect but deeply knowing they are sluts, might never fall in love again

Yeah this is practically it. Just don't get sucked into any serious feelings about her and you'll be fine user.

god damn

>GF for 3 years
>Eventually she move and we can't see each other because of the distance
>I'm a wreck because I need to get my life back together
>Ask for a break up, she drives to my place the same evening to cry in my arms
>Eventually she always make excuses as to not see me
>Agree to take a "break" because I'm moving further to study
>1 month later she's with a guy I'm pretty sure she cheated on me with
>Get heartbroken, loose some years over it
>Eventually fucked a grill here and there
>Realize you can't trust women
>Just wish I could go back to those days of bliss where everything was simpler
>I used to wish for a wife and family
>Now I just want a well-paid job to travel the world and live in luxury for myself

>nerdy trap girl

I got some news for you man...

I mean, the details are different I'm sure- i.e. I'm the hipster kid- but this basically describes my same situation. Only person I ever cared about more than myself and now if she sees me at the bar she looks like she's gonna puke, for no reason other than to defend her own psyche from how horrible she was to me and how much she cheated on me.

>If you generally avoid hanging out with friends/talking to them constantly and enjoy spending most of your time alone a gf is not for you
Good to know that all these years of being alone and dead inside were just the beginning.

I've got my first bf a few months ago. I'm 24. I always thought everything will be fine and I'll be a happy person once I get a bf. but I was wrong. But I'm not gonna lie, it's still fucking great to have someone to lean on. Life would be harder without him.