Can we all agree that fapping in any shape or form is bad for you?

Can we all agree that fapping in any shape or form is bad for you?
1. Messes with your test.
2. Bad for gains.
3. Kinda pathetic.
4. Kills motivation.

Other urls found in this thread:

It acutally keeps me sane when the gf's not around
>ib4 high libido

>Still falling for the 'fapping is bad' meme

This, shit's healthy and necessary, but it's bad when overdone

>Not keeping once a week fapping session in with your Hedonism Day

sure if you admit having sex has the same efffects

I just relapsed after 3 days famalam, my dick was diamonds and I couldn't sleep

just do it once every few days and you'll be fine

if you're doing it multiple times a day to the point where you cum nothing, you're fucking yourself up

Obligatory info post. Carry on

nofap is shit

showing self control for a week and then enjoying one incredible fap is fucking great though

>Try doing nofap constantly
>In a few days wake up hard and sensitive as fuck
>Can't even sleep because I'm so fucking horny and just my boxers brushing against my duck makes me shudder

I'll honestly never be able to do it lads. I'm settling for a few times a week.

NoFap is nothing special and not necessary. Just don't force your dick up, if you get a boner, have a wank using your imagination.

NoPorn is good though.

>Internet porn is like fast food
welp, the dude's said it.

>claims to be a psychology professor
>doesn't cite a single source to back up his bullshit claims
Lol, sure thing buddy, the guys behind nofap might be pariahs but at least they have actual references to back up their claims

I've been on nofap for several months with no difficulty

I'm getting mighty close to losing my virginity and will likely be having sex for the first time quite soon

Should I start fapping again so that I last longer?

If the girl you're going to fuck is also a virgin she'll probably want you to finish quickly because of the pain so you should definitely not fap beforehand (I made the mistake of fapping before losing my virginity and I had to pound the poor girl for like half an hour before I came inside her, she was sore for days). If she's not a virgin then you'd be better off having her suck you off before you fuck her since if you've been doing nofap for months you should get hard and be ready to go again only seconds after cumming in her mouth

Yeah I thought about that

How does one "have her suck you off"?

Are you seriously asking me for instructions on how to get a girl to give you a blowjob?

They are both quicker, easier, less effort, and cost less than the real thing.
Sounds right

Well presumably you start off by kissing her and you remove some of her clothes, perhaps fondle her tits/play with her clitoris a bit

Then do you just whip your cock out and she understands what it means and gets to work? Do you have to give instructions of any sort?

Some of those shits in the middle need to be dealt with big time.

>(((psychology professor)))

Tbqh user you might want to try kissing a grill, taking her clothes off and playing with her clit a few times before you try having sex with her, if she's also an autistic virgin just be like "hey do you wanna try sucking me?" if she's not a virgin then she's probably given a blowjob before so just ask her to suck you off once you've taken her clothes off

Thanks for the advice man

Talking girls from tinder here so I'm pretty sure they've sucked off a few guys in their time

I certainly don't look like a virgin, so I'm pretty self-conscious about appearing experienced

It's textbook sour grapes user
>guy decides to try nofap
>guy realises it's actually a lot harder(kek) than he thought it would be
>guy gives up and faps after less than a week of abstinence
>guy is faced with two options:
>option 1 is to face the horrifying realization that he has so little self control that he couldn't even resist the temptation to touch himself for a couple of day and admit that he may have a problem
>option 2 is to call nofap a meme and aggressively mock anybody who advocates it

Meh, just have a couple of beers or take some phenibut before you try to do lewd things with her, it'll make you seem more confidence and less nervous plus it will make your dick less sensitive so that you can last longer, alcohol has an almost magical ability to prevent the awkwardness that usually comes with hooking up with someone for the first time, I honestly don't think that modern hookup culture could exist without it.

P.s. Grills tend to "judge a book by it's cover" if you look like a sexually experienced guy they'll just assume that you are unless you spill spaghetti everywhere.

>make you seem more confidence
da fuck nigga

Yeah? Does it not have that affect on you? It makes me chatty, confident and uninhibited

good for you I guess.
shit made me sleepy.

>3. Kinda pathetic.

Yesterday I fapped on the new video of ultimate surrender.

The moment I cum I realise the stronger woman is a disgusting trap.

This is the last time I fap of my life.

>1. Messes with your test.
>2. Bad for gains.
>3. Kinda pathetic.
>4. Kills motivation.
literally none of these are true dumb cunt.

pic related

You're probably taking too much, I only take 400-1000mg, anything beyond that makes me very sleepy too

How fuck you deal with the curse of hunger for pussy and everything women then? Do you really want to crave and even find obese chicks fuckable? What the fuck is wrong with you. Fapping is a release from the vaginal jew.

How THE FUCK you didn't realize this?

I know people will yell placebo but to be 100% honest after I get to about 2 weeks into nofap/nosex I start feeling like a golden god, nothing but aggressive, confident, focused energy, the only thing I can compare it to is the euphoric state that people experience on keto

I get that from getting off my computer chair and doing other stuff besides porn and vidya games.

nofap boosts TEST

Nah man, it's deeper than that, I honestly feel like a different person on nofap, even non-porn related aspects of my personality change, for example I listen to completely different music now and according to my friend my voice sounds noticeably different, I'm not specifically against porn or fapping but if any anons out there feel like they want to change their lives I feel that nofap/nosex can help them achieve this

I've done NOFAP on and off (Max streak was for 6 months) for the past 3 years. Ask me anything you want to know about it.

Explain this "hedonism day" thing

what effects did you notice have 5 months?

I dropped the intro.

Try and find a milf/cougar, I've heard they love taking dudes virginities

I drop the intro.

All the times

he's wrong about the receptors though, they down regulate with increased test and upregulate when it lowers. Also forgets about SHBG and feedback loops of neurotransmitters on testoteron and vice versa.

You can do anything you enjoy :)

Do whatever THE FUCK u wanna do

Ultimate Surrender is disgusting ten times out of ten. You made that bed and now you have to lie in it.

>1. Messes with your test.
>2. Bad for gains.

These 2 are false.

Speaking as a fellow medfag I assume 99% of the reported benefits of nofap are caused by the significant drop in prolactin caused by abstinence rather than the (actually very small) increase in testosterone levels caused by nofap

1 does not mess with test in any significant way
2 not bad for gains
3 not pathetic
4 does not kill motivation

you are a fucking idiot.

Lea lexis vs darling is the best porn scene ever made

>3 not pathetic
>4 does not kill motivation

>there are motivated, built alphas out there banging chicks and jack-off

>people on a Tibetan ghost-hunting emulator think nofap will change them overnight


mfw busted nut 3 times today

might even do a 4th

I have a girlfriend who goes to school about 40 minutes away from here so i see her only 3-4 days per week... i fap between those days and it is perfectly fucking normal.. it is not pathetic at all and it doesn't do shit to my motivation.. enjoy your sexual fucking purgatory you ignorant catholic shill.

>fap more than once daily
>dick throbbing all the time
>can still get hard while benching lmao2pl8 if I see some sloot in yoga pants
>fuck wife daily
Am I counteracting the effects of fapping by having sex? I don't know but fapping feels good so I'm gonna keep fapping.

>people on a Tibetan ghost-hunting emulator think X will change them overnight
Insert literally anything instead of X, hell even gym.
Bad logic.

>Bad logic.

Correct, which is why it's stupid that it's constantly-spouted on here.

People thinking nofap is some magic thing are deluding themselves with a broscience excuse.

i think it's horrible for you, but i've been doing it cause when i don't my sole purpose in life is to find some sloot, ANY sloot, and stick my dick inside her.

i hate doing it though. i always am tired as fuck right after.

gotta replace the old with the new

I don't care if nofap is good or not. It's my last hope of getting rid off my cuck fetish that I developed. Anyone feel me ;-;?

>People thinking Х is some magic thing are deluding themselves with a broscience excuse.
Insert literally anything instead of X, hell even gym.
Bad logic.


>post-work out routine
>eat, which for some reason always makes me need to....
>shit, while I'm doing this I usually...
>smoke a fat bowl, then...
>wank and...

How does Veeky Forums clean their dick. mines is nasty AF and I use soap and shit

You'd think cleaning your dick with shit would be counterintuitive :^)

ahahah upvoted)) )

>Off of work
>Cheat day for food
>Spend day fapping to the most deranged shit I can find and playing h games
>Rest of week be good and straight edge while eating well and abstaining from fapping
I do this once a week or once every two weeks when I get the itch

you're allowed to finish quickly

this whole cultural meme about having to get the girl off started and a lot of it is centralized around getting men to be more self-conscious and beta

you're allowed to bust fast your first time or times when you're really fucking into it

if it seems to be a problem later on, then you can address it, but seriously your first time just bust when you bust.. maybe she'll want to go again anyways

ph neutral soap (dove)

>ph neutral

The natural pH of skin is lightly acidic so that's what you should get.

true. people should probably fix a lot of problems before even thinking about getting a GF

Anyone has some good info on eastern views on nofap and chi or whatever?

>muh }citation needed{

He's not making any claims. He's offering alternatives based on his experience. He might be a bullshitter like any one of us and may not have any experience but it's a 50/50; he's lying or he isn't. Either way, his citation is the massive logical holes in their claims, lack of peer reviewed studies (how do you cite a study no one has done?), their lack of credentials and misrepresentation of what little data they do have.

Every time someone gets into an argument it's "fallacy this, citation that". If someone makes an fallacious or uncorroborated claim then make a fuckin' counterargument. You should be able to blow them out of the water. Don't start prattling off from a list you keep under your fedora.

Desparation? yeah I want to do it lol why the fuck is that a problem? Its literally programmed in your DNA

Whats a boring life? lift and go home yeah, but idk ill do more shit if I had one

The chart is not accurate on some points

this actually makes a lot of sense

Been thinking about this and trying things out and here's my experience.

>baseline. Before any of thought of it jacking off every day to pictures and normal porn first thing in the morning. Felt generally good at the start of the day.
>Start hitting the gym in the morning because shift in schedule.
>Lifting in the morning feels great! Stop jacking off in the morning because it would make me tired before lifting.
>Read about edging and possible test boost from it.
>Try out edging first thing in the morning before work out session, best lifting i a while, definitely had a boost.
>Edge again the next day, no significant boost like the previous day, but good workout.
>Do this from Monday until Thursday just edging and working out after.
>Had really good workouts, generally better than previous weeks.

I think I'm going to to stick to this routine.
Edging in the morning before working out feels good but if you fuck up and finish which happened once you will have the shittiest workout after.

If you try this you will notice an awesome boost on the first day that you start edging before working out, but then subsequent days are just a small boost, still better than without though. Carry edging until the end of your weekly routing. So now I'm only finishing once or twice weekly on my rest days.

Are you retarded? The link in cites almost a dozen studies to back up their claims that porn/masturbation can be harmful

Yeah, edging on nofap can cause cocaine-tier euphoria but it's pretty much inevitable that you'll accidentally cum eventually, IMO you eventually won't need to edge to experience those good feels if you do nofap for long enough

Oh like a Purge Day

It's a man having sex with a woman. What's wrong with that?

I don't think nofap is healthy user. If you don't use it you'll lose it, test levels, healthy sex life etc.

It's probably different for everyone, but to me it sounds healthy to cum every once a week at least.

Studies show there is only a boost in test in the 7th day of no fap and then it's back to normal. I honestly think it would go lower if nofap continues.

Edging at least keeps that drive going and then once a week you can clear the pipes and restart.

Guy who was asking for advice about his date tonight here

Things went unexpectedly well and unexpectedly poorly and unexpectedly well

>The date itself went quite well, I showed her around a museum and we wound up making out in a public park (my first french kiss)
>Then I confidently took her back to my room
>She commented on how autistically plain my room was
>We made out a bit on my bed (I came in my pants while I was on top of her kissing her neck)
>Then she disengaged and went back into conversation, she kept saying that she didn't know what to say and basically pointing out my autism
>I took it back into kissing and then she asked if I was a virgin
>I answered yes and she asked if I was lying and I said yes to that then she asked how many girls I'd slept with and I said none
>She asked if I was lying around ten more times, to which I said it was the truth
>She said that she didn't think I'd be a virgin since I was so attractive, then said that she likes virgins and they turn her on
>She got on top of me, we made out a bit more, she took off her shirt, I grabbed her tits a little, she took off my shirt
>As she moved her hand into my pants I flinched and grimaced a bunch of times, told her I was just ticklish (in truth I was both ticklish and afraid)
>As soon as her hand touched my penis, I came again, she kept stroking it to no avail, I couldn't get hard and was in obvious distress from both refractory period and anxiety
>All of my anxieties came to the forefront and I started having a panic attack
>She asked me if something was wrong a bunch of times, wouldn't take no for an answer, started asking me what was wrong
>I confessed that I was having second thoughts, she got off, sex turned into therapy
>I poured out all of my neuroses and amateur self-psychoanalysis to her over a half hour period
>We agreed that it had been a mutually beneficial experience
>She went home

>mfw fapping furiously while going through a folder of all my friends gfs in bikinis or hot outfits


Exactly what I said after reading that.
Sounds like a love story in the making haha

>if you don't use it you'll lose it
If not fapping/fucking meant that you lost the ability to fap/fuck the human race would have gone extinct Millenia ago

At least you've had a girl touch your benis now, in the future if recommend lying and saying that you're not a virgin but you don't have much experience


Am I only one who doesnt get tired/unmotivated after fapping? I get this really relaxed and focused state and its easy to get stuff done. If I dont fap, I might become too distracted and seek porn instead of doing stuff etc.

fuck dude i know fapping is bad to me and i always feel terrible after. but its so hard to stop
>The study that shows the risk of prostate cancer go up in the 20's and 30's and down in the 50s if you fap
So basically the only claimed health benefits for fapping are false
>Study after study shows that intercourse has all sorts of benefits for men -- for your blood pressure, heart and prostate health, pain, and more. You'd think that masturbation would, too. But it doesn't.
Mfw this only took me a 5 minute google search

I over did it one time, my balls almost imploded that day.

Women can have multiple orgasms without problems, but with men it's different.

Which makes me wish I was a full package futa, which is 200% impossible.

Intercourse probably has those benefits because it's 20mins-1hr of light aerobic exercise as opposed to masturbation which is usually 10 mins of tears and shame.

>if you fucked a doll it would probably give you those benefits.

Underrated post, it's literally just a tactic to make young men neurotic and anxious.

It's funny how it's always the virgin spergs who preach no fap . If you talk to any dude who gets laid regularly and has non-sperg test levels, he will tell you that he faps.

>messes with yoir test
No. Not significantly at least.
>bad for gains
>kinda pathetic
If you find jerking your meat pathetic thats on. To me its natural.
>kills motivation
For how long? I might be in a state of euphoria for a few minutes after im done but after that i just clean up and move on.
Overally fapping is fine and you're an idiot.

>>I answered yes and she asked if I was lying and I said yes to that then she asked how many girls I'd slept with and I said none

Pathetic desu