Bodyweight training

Anyone saw the beginner course called fundamentals (not foundations) from gymnastic bodies? What's in it?

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That's not how you hang yourself.


Havent seen it but afaik its the foundation of Foundation 1 if u kno wot im sayin.

I think its a prep for that basically. Its 24 days long if you think that is worth 99 dolla

fuck that shit do a push/pull with this, 2 main lifts for each and do some skill work.

Here's a tor of foundation 1, 2, 3 & 4, handstand 1 & 2, rings 1 and some other stuff


You might wan to check reddit's /r/bodyweightfitness they have a lot of resoures and a recommend routine.

>More BW info

Realtalk, but calisthenics + deadlifts is probably the best way to work out.

BRB athleticism, endurance, good coordination/balance, great core strength, can still lift heavy things

and squats once bodyweight squats do jack shit

god bless user, the PDF i had only goes to lvl 6

kekd hard

That's encouraging. I just started /homegym/ with just a barbell and a dream.

Bro, for sure do a legit novice program. I highly recommend greyskull

Just replace bench with floor press (which is arguably better for upper body activation) and squat with hip thrust. Feet further from body to target quads more. Closer for calves and hamstrings. Perpindicular is best for glutes.

Push through the heels for glutes, through the toes for quads and quads

Post body

So what's the lowdown on bodyweight training? What should I be eating? Anyone here exclusively calisthenics for the time being?

I do exclusively calisthenics because I enjoy it more than lifting.

Just eat the same things you would eat while lifting normally.

>tfw got my first bar muscle up this week, at 210lbs bw.

Seriously really hyped on it, been trying to get it for months now.

>Just eat the same things you would eat while lifting normally.
Interesting. I was afraid that the calorie burn would be significantly less, but I guess in that case I just wouldn't be doing enough.

How? I can chin up 45lb 3x5 @ 170 bw
Weighted pull up 25 3x8
I can bench a lot and do bar dips.

How do i go from sternum pull ups to bellybutton pull ups?
This is my only hang up. If i jump from the bottom, i can do it. Just not strict.


Different guy, but you need to get faster through the pullup as well as stronger. A lot of your momentum has to be developed from fairly early in the movement.

Jesus. I'll just lift some weights. If your gonna bother to do all that, you are probably in a jail cell or trying to prove something.

It is hilarious because the peogression model is pure garbage too

I have just been doing this for 1.5 months so please go easy on me.

nigga shut the fuck up what kind of lifting were you doing before this?


Be awere I am flexing my abs here and I just got back from a run so Im all sweaty, the lighting is good.

If you look at my shoulders and chest you can see im not even dyel yet.

What do you eat?

>If you look at my shoulders and chest you can see im not even dyel yet.
I am glad you are self aware.

Public awareness: 99% of calisthenicfags look like this.

Just know that before you take advice to heart.

Im vegan so mostly fruits untill dinner, then legumes, whole wheat pasta, rice and vegetables you know the drill.

I am not looking to get huge, I do a lot of cardio so I guess I am not you typical fit poster who wants to get huge.

I respect you, user.

Kipping is for crossfit, do it on strength alone or an hero

Not sure if sarcasm, but if not thanks :)

Also its quite a bit of technique, watch a few youtube vids of different people explaining it.

If you know the technique its just a matter of practice.

Its physically impossible to do a muscle-up without using momentum. You don't need to kip but if you don't go into the transition with a fair amount of speed behind you you're fucked.

Jesus christ. Who believes this shit?

What is unbelievable about it?

Me. I got ripped doing that shit. Definitely not for the weak.

Post body

Its progressions of basic body weight excercises you aspie, what are on about...


Depends if you're on a bar or on rings. Andreas Aguilar does a completely smooth muscle-up in his performance in 1991.

Good if you want to do things like parkour where you only need to lift your own body weight but apart from that I don't know why you wouldn't just lift weights. You are either too poor or in prison if you do body weight excersizes

I did calisthenics for about three years, before switching to 5/3/1 back in january. Pic related is the last progress pic before starting weights.

Closest gym to me is 30 mins drive and it's tiny and packed. I simply don't have the time drive back and forth and then spend even more time waiting for weights to free up. Besides I do it for health not to gain muscle as fast as possible.

Looking good.

I would like to see more calisthenics only lifters so I can see what body is attainable.

Yeah, right.

>butthurt lifter
Pretty 10/10 body. Then again, I'm not gay.

>implying lifting burns calories

Wat, even I can do slow ring muscle ups and I'm weak as fuck. Slow muscle ups on a bar are much more difficult though.

>implying this isnt the perfect body for attracting girls

if i wasnt hair and balding id do calisthenics but unfortunately i am and my only option is to get BIG GUY mode

what was your routine?

What is metabolic damage for 500

Uh yes and can i get increased protein synthesis for 800?

Lifting itself does jack shit for burning calories, maybe net calorie loss of 10 cal per 30 mins lifting. But for the next 24-48 hours your BMR will be really elevated, and 72 hours or more will still be slightly elevated.

Add all them excess calories burnt from the adaptive response to the stress induced from liftan, and it is nothing to shake a stick at

He looks underweight in clithes.

Pic related is ideal for grills.
Still look small in clothes, but with a pump and lighting look amazing.
Them half natty delts tho

Also like to know.

Generic gear addled gym bunny with a pump?

On mondays, I did weighted chinups, weighted dips, dragonflag progressions, hollow body holds and planks.

On tuesdays, I did handstand pushup progression, planche progression and pistol squat progression.

On thursdays, I did regular pushup progression, one-armed pullup progression and core(monday core exercises).

On friday, I did the tuesday workout again.

Thanks :)

Trying gymnast workouts when they weigh 175 to 180 tops and you're 210plus

Hello snap city