How the fuck do we stop this shit?

How the fuck do we stop this shit?

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What's the issue here?

By unsubscribing to /r/TheRedpill and leaving your house

Climb up on the ladder

Did this sexual revolution happen 60,000 years ago? Because this "80% of women go for 20% of women" has been happening for that long.

Why contain it? Let it spill over to the middle-east and south, let the cucks pile up in the streets. In the end it DOESN'T EVEN MATTER.

*20% of men

How come that the top women doesn't have any guy?

You don't
It's the law

All girls have something guys want (pussy) but not all guys have something girls want
And women have rights now so you can't really stop them from pursuing what they want
So suck it

Truly top women are pure

Women only date up

Try finding a single female CEO with a happy love-life

Im pretty sure girls in the 50s weren't whoring themselves out to the latest Chad on Tinder.

Delusions? Take your pills.

They weren't dating losers either
Given a choice they were always lining up for Chad

>BAWWWW women only date up
>BAWWWW women want gangster thugs
The cognitive dissonance of the manosphere is astounding.

If you're one of the males at the bottom, get with one of the bottom females.
If you're a male at the top, don't give in to the power to fuck all the cuties (easier said than done).
If you're a female, be loyal.

Now, how to INCENTIVIZE people to do that... it's just not going to happen.

>I'm entitled to gf, even as a loser

Where the fuck did the thugs thing even come from

If you're a male at the bottom you have zero chance of getting with a female at the bottom, they still all go for chad - you're literally invisible.

No, they were whoring themselves out to the neat-looking family man with a good job. Status has always been important, but status doesn't only come from being a Chad.

Guys it's pretty simple
Women are the soil in which all life is grown
You guys lay the seed
You don't really give a fuck where the seed lays, you just want a place to put it. Sure, some soils are better than others, but really tho? You don't care, it won't make that big of a difference

The soil, however, is a sentient being in this case, and the quality of the seed will ABSOLUTELY make a difference of what grows, so the soil wants the best seed available, period. And that choice actually matters.

So blame evolution darlings

It's called natural selection.

Why is your beta ass still alive then?

how can you stop something that isn't real?

It's not a perfect system

It's a common redpill meme. Look at those comics where the "Chad" is always some tattooed lower class guy, or the American fear of "black thugs taking yo wimmenz".

you can start by not posting this garbage outside of /r9k/, faggot


Go outside and look at couples.

I have the feeling when people talk about this issue, most consider males from 1-10 and females from 4-10 and then they talk about how the bottom females wouldn't date the bottom males. Sure if you are a 1/10 fat greasy neckbeard a 4/10 chubby won't date you, but a 1/10 greasy landwhale will.

No she won't
Take it from a girl
Women like to feel flattered
A guy you consider better looking than you giving you attention is the most flattering thing
If a fat greasy neckbeard is the one who wants you you won't feel flattered. You'll feel kind of worthless actually. And maybe you're right to feel worthless because you're an ugly girl and ugly girls are worthless and all that, but still, you won't like the feeling. You won't want to be with a 1/10 because it reminds you you're also a 1/10 and who would want to be with someone that reminds them that they're shit?
So ugly girls are more likely to be single than date men they find unattractive

i'm young and desu a lot of uggo young girls have fucked up standards and don't realise exactly how fucking ugly they are


i also filter out all ugly females
everyone does this, it only becomes a problem when people think they're entitled to a 9/10 when they're a 6/10

Yeah, fatties on tumblr and tinder. Protip: Only the scum of humanity uses online dating.

>looking at badly drawn comics is going outside
Alright, enough Veeky Forums for today.

You cant, its human nature.

Either adapt or perish.

Survival of the fittest.

Just because you wear dresses doesn't mean you're a chick.

Nice way of putting it.

No, my reproductive system means I'm a chick

The vast majority of men have been cucked for all eternity

A woman can in principle make 20 children in her life. A man can in principle make 20 in a day.
Mens reproductive ingredients are de facto worthless: If a man impregnates a woman, it was an 5 minute act for him, but the child bearing resource is blocked for 9 months and no other man can occupy it.

One man can block several women this way - in fact it is that way, and every now and then there were times when over dozens of women were able to spread their genes, for every man that did. This means most men in history are cucks, as they say around here.

What I want to say is this: No women is denied the primary biological imperative of living beings: reproduce herself. Her job is to make the best of what's in the dating pool (which in turn implements the Darwinian survival of only the fittest)

Since one man can "take" a large number of women, men need to compete. And many fail, thus the existential nightmares.

I somtimes consider getting drunk chicks preggers and stalking them over facebook so I can watch my children grow up

It's like that for 90% of animals as well
Deal with it

check your cisgendered privilege, cunt

So? Neither are guys lining up to fat pimply dorky girls.

I literally cannot comprehend this thread.


is that a human?

>tfw 7, and 5s and 6s treat me like a king. But I don't want my kids to have 5-6 genetics. :(

How do I become an 8? Will money and fitness bump me up a point?

Actually, you're forgetting something.
Men have a choice in who we fuck and most men would rather fuck their hand then some of the gross and oft good looking but cagey and unfuckable for a lot of reason women out there.

The "TRUE ALPHA FUCKS ALL WOMEN" thing is something loser bitches push to keep themselves in loser betas/manwhores with no sense.

And while a "cuck beta" man settles for a woman and decides to raise her bastard, he's more then likely got a few other women pregnant out there as well.

Men below 7 don't exist.
Women below 4 don't exist.

Remove Jews from power.

Im not a red piller but the thug thing is from girls in high school where dating up is actually dating low life 20 year olds who have a car and access to alcohol/drugs.

Newsflash: Those girls were also low lifes.

It was never any different you retards

Yeah obviously but those low life girls tend to be the ones growing tits and wearing thongs in middle school. This then triggers the classmate red piller to make a meme about how the "hot" girls only date thugs.

That's why men aren't considered sluts for going out and fucking heaps of women. A woman is seen as having low standards and thereby weaker evolutionarily while Chad is considered a god amoung men because he has impregnated heaps of women

I'm a 28 year old kissless virgin

You think it's bad now? My cousin tells me about how kids in middle school go behind the school and fuck everyday. If you're a virgin by high school you're an anomaly. Complete destruction of morals.

Donate sperm, hopefully you might impregnate an 8 lesbian and have some good looking kids. Meanwhile you should fuck as many 6s and 7s as you can before they realise they aren't good looking and settle for some beta with a good job

Create some sort of communal living arrangement where everyone is assigned a spouse based on social merits or nothing at all. You will achieve your ideal linear matchmaking but in reality, you'd get assigned to some 4/10 that's below your standards. You will the realize equality is a great big lie or even worse, a genie-in-a-bottle type of deal.

What you want is equality of outcomes, not equality of opportunities like you've repeated lied to yourself.

But I want to raise my kids.

Is playing the beta bucks game, to score an 8, then murdering her after she has the kid an option?

I want a relationship with a well behaved 6, but kids with an 8.

Settle for a 7 then. An 8 wound only be with you for the money and wouldn't be a good mother to your children. And it's not like your kids will be any worse off if you have kids with another 7. I'm not a father but I know women and women only marry down for materialistic reasons

Why are you asking Veeky Forums this question? Let be honest, the vast majority of posters here are completely clueless about how and why this came about. At best they are aware of it, and trying to climb the ladder to improve their own lot, but don't give a shit about society crumbling around them.

Seek out alt right forums, they have your answers. But I'll give you a hint, the only way we stop this shit is by restoring the natural hierarchy in our societies, by ballot or bullet.

Very appropriate dubs. :^)

>tfw i am guilty of causing this by going after ugly bitches just for a root


You really think the top girl becomes a nun?

OP, you're a fucking faggot.

>Did this sexual revolution happen 60,000 years ago? Because this "80% of women go for 20% of women" has been happening for that long.

No. Things haven't changed. Just fucking look around.

People date people in their leagues.

>Emily Grady
>the absolute URGE to draw attention towards herself

Women are such fucktards.

Did I say they were you dumbass?

Top 4 threads on fit are about girls.

Nice guys, well done.

the AVERAGE female has the same level of narcissism as the average male spree/serial killer

You can eat my cisgendered privilege bitch
Tear the cherry right out

That girl ain't average
Maybe internet average but not real average

i don't mean average looks wise

Men after break up will give attention to anything that moves its butt sexually for them. (search body language).

Men after a devastating X will give attention to anything that moves its butt sexually for them.

Men after another type of failure in their lives, like job career,competitive sporting, financial failure will give attention to anything that moves its butt sexually for them.

These average women will them create an idea of themselves that "Im good looking and worthy of a 9/10". The poor guy who was at their league and they were crying for him 2-3 nights ago will then be seen as a "meh average worthless dude" and thus they ve somehow gotten the feeling that they ve climed the ladder (by doing L I T E R A L L Y nothing).

Psychology of ugly women 4 u desu.

But wanna hear anoter funny fact from someone considered pretty , nice body, own car, science studying , happy childhood and sexually active guy?
When I see some fcking betas trying to mock me for things like
>"WOW user your cellphone 4s doesnt play Pokemon GO?"(its the most previous one thus im annoyed by it)
>"Wow user you only plat elo at lol?"
> "wow user you could only manage to get into chemiscry class ? im an engineer man"
> "wow user you re gonna break up with such a sweet girl? you are immature apparently, she doesnt deserve you , grow up pls"

and irrelevant shiet like that thats just supposed to be said to make me feel worse (or in fact to make them hide their jealousy)
I would date any fcking 5-7 chick to make sure some retards like them will only feel sex by payment (and with that hooker having a look on her face - MUH WHY DID IT HAD TO BE ON MY SHIFT)

Me either
People act really deranged on the internet

You don't, you try to become one of them, this is why you and most of us are on this board user.

keep telling yourself that, it was always like pic 2

>Muh at the beginning women went behind the strongest males with power.
>Muh now they women are only going behind fit (aka strong) men with money (power).

Top logic

The opposite is exactly as true. Every guy wants the top girls.
You only see OP's version on shitty PUA/redpill communities because they are full of the people rejected after the first ballot, ie after the top guys and girls get together and the others are left crying about how things are unfair for [insert gender].

If you talk to girls, you will hear all of them tell you exactly this. That every guy goes after the top x% girls and don't give a shit about the others.

tl;dr you're garbage, they're garbage, everyone complaining about how [insert any gender] has is tough/easy is garbage.

>Every guy wants the top girls.
No, look at Veeky Forums for example. Tons of guys fawn over the Sabina volleyball girl. She's far from top material.

How the fuck do we stop this shit?

>YOUNG women pick OLDER men
This is somehow ok.
>OLDER men pick YOUNGER women

more ppl need to do their vacuums

Go home robot

read it again dear, put your glasses on this time



We don't. There is no changing this. This would have the most positive affects on a population, as only the desirable and fit are mating, and the most desirable and fit are mating the most.

Become alpha or die without legacy.

Accept it to ensure the alpha next generation.

Too proud for hookers?
Not necessarily a bad thing , just askin'

too scared mainly

And suddenly you understand why prostitutes have always been a thing: so the beta males don't start uprising and kill everyone out if sexual frustration, they could get a release without disrupting the natural order of things

It's like the past people had it all figured out already

this is why you don't get laid

Dude it's just sex , get over it

Pretend to be mute

it's not just sexless betas, the most common users of prostitutes are married men whose wives are menopausal with dried up vafinas

>if you're a virgin by high school you're an anomaly.

That was always the case though.

i imagine it goes somehow like this and that internet addiction is to blame

everybodys so much at PC or smartphone that they are missin real life chances? i mean come on you´re probably smart and a nice fuck but where do girls actually get to hook up with you?