Wtf I hate France now!

>Cagots were shunned and hated. While restrictions varied by time and place, they were typically required to live in separate quarters in towns, called cagoteries, which were often on the far outskirts of the villages. Cagots were excluded from all political and social rights. They were not allowed to marry non-Cagots, enter taverns, hold cabarets, use public fountains, sell food or wine, touch food in the market, work with livestock, or enter the mill.[2] They were allowed to enter a church only by a special door, and during the service, a rail separated them from the other worshippers. Either they were altogether forbidden to partake of the sacrament, or the Eucharist was given to them on the end of a wooden spoon, while a holy water stoup was reserved for their exclusive use.hey were compelled to wear a distinctive dress, to which, in some places, was attached the foot of a goose or duck (whence they were sometimes called "Canards"). So pestilential was their touch considered that it was a crime for them to walk the common road barefooted or to drink from the same cup as non-Cagots. The Cagots were often restricted to the trades of carpenter, butcher, and rope-maker.

>The Cagots were not an ethnic group, nor a religious group. They spoke the same language as the people in an area and generally kept the same religion as well. Their only distinguishing feature was their descent from families identified as Cagots. Few consistent reasons were given as to why they should be hated; accusations varied from Cagots being cretins, lepers, heretics, cannibals, to simply being intrinsically evil. The Cagots did have a culture of their own, but very little of it was written down or preserved; as a result, almost everything that is known about them relates to their persecution.[5] Their cruel treatment lasted through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Industrial Revolution, with the prejudice fading only in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Other urls found in this thread:

could you not just claim not the be a Cagot? Problem solved.

See OP' s picture. Contrary to what the text says they did have distinguishing features.

That is actually interesting.
What exactly they were?

That's just a picture of midgets. Most other pics I find have them look pretty normal.

They were obviously inbred as fuck since they weren't allowed to marry non-Cagots.

I read that their women would gladly be fucked by strangers and foreigners so they will have some half breed kids.


>tfw you'll never have a ONS with a petite Cagot.
Why even live?

No one knows for sure but they are said to be descendants of Goths, French criminals, moorish conquerors or Cathars.


Maybe dwarfs or hobbits?


An unsourced quote provided by a Quora user allegedly from the 19th-century:

>Broad and boney face, strong bones, prominent cheekbones, strong bizygomatic breadth, big blue or clear green eyes, somewhat slanted. Brachycephalic skull, white, pale complexion and brown or blonde hair; not similar at all to the classic Basque. It is a central or northern European type. There are old men from Bozate [an old Cagot ghetto] that look like portraits from Durero, with a Germanic air. There are also others with a longer and darker face, who resemble Gypsies.

This goes against what the Independent and Daily Mail articles describe as a "swarthy and short-statured people"

OP is a Cagot

It's just another name for gypsies

Cagots were just French dudes whom the French hated. There's no known significant difference between the Cagots and their surrounding populations, aside from their "Cagot" social status.

>family name means "of wood"
>french origin
Was I a cagot?

Wait. They were Parisians?
That make sense they even look like one.

C'est l'urgence du Saint Voyage
Partez! Frappez! Niquez les tous!
A Paname faîtes un gros carnage
Cagots, lépreux, ליברגה... C'est la même!
Nous sommes les loups
Nous sommes les rapaces
Les homicides
Même si on passe, on casse!
Quoi qu'en pense
Sa Majesté divine.
D'la Saintonge au Périgord
On t'la met dans l'périnée
Nous rendons morts vos corps
D'la Garonne jusqu'aux Pyrénées.

R'garde ma France
C'qu'elle est devnue
L'est toute rance
Depuis qu't'es rvnu :
Un hosto-zoo
Une psychiatrie
C'est tout c'qu'il en reste
De ma patrie...
Ma patrie.

(translation by the author)

It’s the urgency of pilgrimage.
Go! Hit them! Fuck them all up!
In Paris create a huge carnage
Cagots, Lepers, ליברגה… same treatment for all!
We are the wolves
We are the birds of prey
The homicidal predators.
Wherever we tarry we harry
No matter what his
Divine majesty thinks!
From Saintonge to Perigord,
We’ll put it in your perineum,
Cause your body to breathe its last
From the Garonne to the Pyrenees.

Look at my France
At what it’s become
It’s all rancid
Since you came back:
An hospital zoo
A psychiatric ward
This is all that’s left
Of my country.

They were known to yell pickle Rick

They had records on who was cagot.
IIRC during the revolution, cagots tried to destroy the records so as to rid themselves of the stigma.

quads confirm
wtf i hate cagots now

Are they the FAS people?

I always thought the term water head was funny but didn't know why until now

so thats why nordics hate meds