Which body part is the sexiest on a woman ?

which body part is the sexiest on a woman ?
I'm going with hamstrings and abs

Yeah wow, so sexy.


Legs. I'm talking hams, quads and calves though. I have an extreme leg fetish though so I'm biased

which part of my dick reaches the end of ur asshole first u little faget

yeah I have a leg fetish also. don't really care about tits anymore

>i like body parts on women that are the exactly the same as mens

literal closet faggot

Face and legs

Fookin legs m8. Quads and Hammies and ill toss glutes in too i guess. But this chicks skin looks not healthy or something. i cant tell exactly, just somethin aint right

this kind of musculature would legitimately not show on a woman in nature, making it an exclusively masculine, gay attraction.

probably the tip unless you got a tricky dick m8

Exactly. She could be flat as a board or mega milk tier, I don't care. All I want is to see her legs from all angles.

For me it goes legs > face = ass > tits

Her kind soul and personality.
jk I like ass and thighs

That's fucking gross. Are you a faggot OP?

Face and tits

The elbows. Nothing gets me hornier than a girl's sexy elbows. When a girl has elbows that aren't too pointy, but not too rounded it's pure bliss to rub, lick, and suck upon. The elbow skin has to be properly moisturized of course, and I prefer my girls to be using coconut oil so that I don't get sick after licking their elbows. I've trained my last girlfriend to rub her elbow hard against my asshole so that I get aroused by the pressure there, but there is no penetration. It is truly exhilerating and I wish that all of you anons experience the bliss of elbows.


skin color

>not wanting to be in a deadlock when you fug a girl with Chun-Li legs

If it ain't white it ain't right

>tfw you really like the neck/collarbones/shoulders area



You right OP

Quads > Butt > Hammies
In that order but all are pretty top-tier. Butt + Upper legs

obviously a boy

her wallet, wait wut.

Ass>Face>General proportional soundness>Breasts>Feet>Abs>Legs>Arms

Personality>Mutual Interests>Intelligence

That's a man's ass
How do I know?
I fuck men.



Would enslave, impregnate and then dump offspring in new continent to the west.



Ass Legs, tits are fine as Long as they're not fucked up, actually I'd rather want C Cups because they fit perfect in my hånd.

Had a gf who had the perfect body for me, she left me a month ago, still think about her every day while I lift and run, I Hope I Will make it through brehs, this is slowly Killing me

nice calves you got there buddy where did you get them? a chicken?

>Ass Legs
What did he man by this?

A slender neck and petite shoulders get me every time.




why is this shit even a question. obviously face. no one wants to fuck a butterface

your father did

>skin color
>posts subhuman species


Tits > Hips/Ass > Legs > Face > Waist

Essentially pic related

I like darkness too.
Favorite is dark Asians (lower than black)
Fuck my mind but you don't choose your fetishes.

Not to be contrary or anything, but literally nothing can compete with the pussy. Captain Obvious rides again.

It's all kind've the same

Your very first joy in life is getting a titty in your mouth.
Years later and it's still all I think about.

Thats what pedos say you fucking disgusting fuck.


I find the boobies to be the most erotic part of a woman

>C Cups because they fit perfectly in my hand

Sorry to hear that bud

Face > ass > quads > abs

Tits are literally irrelevant as long as they exist.

Not really the sexiest maybe, but seeing women with developed delts/shoulders and minor abs is just hot as hell.

not sure if this is a troll thread but I hate it either way

well defined hamstrings and abs are the two least sexy things a woman could have maybe other than having pecs instead of tits

Those are fucking gross.

>Thick hips
>Big tits
>No gap

Thighs and obliques. Not too defined just enough to see some muscle when they breath deep hnnnng

she can always get implants. But good legs and ass are literal gold.

I'm going to have to go with my gut and dick. It's the nape. No lie, seeing a nice nape makes me diamonds.

her asshole

My balls on her forehead

How the fuck has no one said lats yet?

Because a meaty back is not sexy

Seeing lats extend when a girl lifts her arm is sexy as fuck

the pussy

de benis

would you consider this a meaty back? because I'd consider it delicious

Something about her makes me want to kick her in the pool

Is she natty?


abs are the sexiest part of a woman?

time to come out the closet.

Hips and ass and tits and legs and arms and feet and cheeks and nose and lips and teeth and eyes and neck and shoulders and hands and I just want a gf brehs

You know, I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.

the pussyhole

Who else wants a not-too-but-much but still skinny lean and mean gf?
I guess basically just skinny with the minimum amount of muscle and maybe a little fat to supple up the things ass and titties

I like to toss em around in bed

Her penis

can we have a male ass thread now pls


Have you ever touched c cups


Never fucking post in this thread again.

wtf i hate elbows now


her anus

Quick someone put a frog on this.

Zettai ryouiki

This x 1000


The speaking voice

>see adele
>fuark that's some good high test shit breh
>hear her sing
>fuark me, holy fucking grail
>hear her speak
>lose all 6 senses because the accent is such a thick trail of shit everything picks it up

I guess that's an example of the opposite, but jesus, fucking ruined I swear

thicc glutes and hams but not too low of body fat

Face>general body shape>tits>legs>ass>feet

I love ass though. General routine for assessing women for me is look at face and check if the body is underweight or overweight.

Cunt, i like looking at the cunt

He obviously never touched a woman, let alone any intimate part of her.

thicc tummy tbqh lads

thank god I thought I was the only one


Subhuman degenerate

Easy, the ass.

>you will never grope Emily Ratajkowski's ass

Flat stomach desu

Not talking serious ab definition, but flat

I'd rather fuck a butterface with a pic-related body than some scrawny cardio bunny with a cute face.