What would you guys estimate his weight at 6'1 and how long it took him to train to where he is now?

What would you guys estimate his weight at 6'1 and how long it took him to train to where he is now?

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year and a half maybe less depending on starting point no idea about weight. could of taken like 8 months if he started on athletic

by eating clen and trening hard

>8-18 months
>dat delusion
holy shit

honestly people who only just started lifting should not give out advice. you are not going to look like this in a year. you're probably not even going to look like this after 5. not natty that is

>year and a half maybe less
Not natty no, not in any fucking reality
On gear, yes sure

>year and a half maybe less depending on starting point

nah, probably not ay

so if he would have been juicing do you think it would have been possible in 8-18 months then?

I'd say somewhere between 195lbs and 200lbs since the guy looks very lean instead of a blob

considering he's a 10/10 >6'0 alpha chad with top genetics, a team of personal trainers and nutritionist and probably doesn't even lift unless he's preparing for a role, yeah. usually actors get in shape 3-6 months doing crossift before filming using test or tren or both and more

now the question you really need to ask: will you look like this after 8-18 months of juicing? probably not because you won't have any clue what you're doing and you will fuck up

he was already in great shape thanks to previous acting deals as well as WWE shit

stephen amell is GOAT

>usually actors get in shape 3-6 months doing crossift before filming using test or tren or both and more
sauce on this?

just look at christian bale and all the movies hes in

Yeah, Amell has said he eats super clean when training. He even totally cuts out dairy and gluten (for some reason).

the reason being that most dairy products have a lot of sugar in them and it's easy to find replacements

He said all he ate was coffee for months to cut weight.

He ate a can of tuna and an apple a day when dropping weight for "The Machinist".


compare pictures of actors 1 year, 6 months and 3 months before filming, then during filming and then again some months after filming
then listen to what they say about their training
i've never heard a filmstar saying "i've been training and living a healthy lifestyle for years", instead it's "i've been training really hard for the past 3 months, thanks to my trainers"

here's an interview of hugh jackman talking about how much he hates training, how all bodybuilders are idiots and how he eats 6000kcal a day and yet miraculously drops to single digit bf% anyway


it's the daily mail. an arseholes newspaper.

butler looks like he gained like 5 lbs of muscle and dropped his bf a lot. looks possible.

yeah pretty much

Amell looks pretty natty to be honest, but you deluded roiders turned in your natty card so quickly that you think any body is impossible natty

Weight: Maybe 185 lb, max.
Years training: 2.5, minimum