How are you feeling tonight, Veeky Forums?

here's what's going on in my life right now:

>be 19
>be community college student
>changed majors from computer science to architecture to follow my passion for drawing/art
>have to drive nearly twice the distance but it's worth it
>got a job paying $10/hr cutting meat/cheese/veggies in the back of a potbelly
>hey at least there's no customer service
>even though government grants are covering my college now, later on it wont be enough for a four year school
>dont know how i can pay for it aside from loans
>mom is threatening to abandon me and my underage brother to go back to her native country to cope with her "depression/anxiety"
>only living off of child support
>the only decent gym i can go to is this office gym i sneak into everyday because i cant afford a membership
>no qt gf but i dont have time for girls anyway

I am afraid, but I have hope for the future. One day things will get better for me and I'll look back at these years as dark times. I've prayed to God but life hasn't gotten to much better for me but I think I'm praying for the wrong thing. All I want is the strength to get out of this and be better.

Even if you don't believe it can someone please just tell me it'll get better?

>btw pic related it's one of my drawings

Other urls found in this thread:

OP here, sorry the drawing came out upside down, here's another one

Your posted work is kinda boring and mediocre, but you have potential. Regardless you have some fundamentals. Seek out local tattoo shop that need apprentices. Pay is not great until you get your own spot. But at least you're getting paid to draw, right?

Good shading

>here's what's going on in my life right now:

I work in cyber security and last week I was in another state for a training/business conference. I'm pretty much a workaholic and in a way ended up doing a few projects over the week even though I didn't have to at all. I'm the kind of guy who is completely dedicated to his job and with that comes many responsibilities. So everything is going great and I don't really have to work on too many things during the week however, on mid Wednesday stuff starts falling apart back in the office. Projects I lead and work on start getting fucked up, I jump on a conference on Thursday even though I didn't need to join cuz everyone knew I was away. Ended up working on some changes and prepared for a maintenance window which happened Thursday night. Ended up getting two other assignments around that time and finally on Friday I decided to actually go out and do something with some people from work at the conference. Long story short, a lot of unfinished work to be done and tomorrow is Monday. This is what I expect to be jumping into and reason is I'm pretty much the lead engineer. Also, I'm not on call and not obligated to answer a call when I'm off however, another tech sent me a text and called a little after that. I ended up fixing the issue, and once again helping them out even though I don't get paid to as I am salaried so the company doesn't care how much I work in overtime etc..I also will have to setup another maintenance window with another client sometime this week with their vendor for approved changes which can potentially cause network disruption/shutdown. It has happened before, so I called the meeting with their lead engineer and myself so we can work on this together.

>community college

Tomorrow, 4:30 am gym
7am work

At the moment, I'm sitting here listening to this music and relaxing for the night, might go to sleep soon as I have to hit up the legs again tomorrow. Will post shortly the vacation pic I took in the hike area

I dropped a 10/hr job to keep my wageslave job because I run into so many milfs as a cashier. I'm a community college student as well so I don't care about money right now. Did I make the right choice?

My life right now:

It's getting late. I went through everything I ate today counting calories. I somehow ended up with over a 900cal deficit and I'm not even hungry. I think I'll have one 'junk' snack before bed as some kind of treat/cheat.


Log hike trail in California Redwood national forrest near san jose

can't afford a four year school and am currently, debt free.

i already know kids my aged who have accumulated $10,000+ in student debt.

slow and steady man. the only thing i lose is the pride but fuck that i lost it a long time ago.

>I went too community college as well
>It's not a big deal at all
>Use that time to get to know other people and move on with your life

OP don't pay attention to him, he probably didn't even graduate high school. Nobody will really give a fuck where you went to school as long as you get a degree; that's pretty much the ticket to get into any decent job nowadays.

>year and a half left in school
>civil engineer
>don't like my major
>ruined my chances of having my first relationship with a wonderful girl because i wanted to fuck other bitches
>been "working out" for over a year, still fat and not that strong
>recently made a shitty financial decision because I feel bad leaving a friend behind
>pot head
>surrounded by people younger than me that are more successful at this point in life

at least my mom loves me

as a schmuck who's been in community college for too long

do your best to not get sucked in breh. it took me 4 years and seeing the rest of my friends actually transfer/graduate to finally get the fuck outta there.

community colleges are great just don't lose your way. try and get out asap. Take summer/winter classes if you can.

My life right now:

All do is draw, code, lift and climb rock walls. Pic related

Once I graduated I realized the two years I spent at community college were actually the best part of my college experience. It was pretty shitty all around (entirely my fault because I didn't care and forced myself through it.) After I finished community college I just commuted to the nearest university, which was 1.5 hour drive/train ride from my house. I hated it. Didn't make a single friend in college and the only people I hang out with now are people I've known since grade school and high school. Not that that's a bad thing but I know I could have had broader horizons if I actually moved away to school. But that ship has sailed so whatever.

Some of my friends have gotten jobs in the city now and are getting their own apartments and stuff. A few years ago I would have been incredibly envious of them and would have done anything to do the same, but now I really don't care. I'm content with my local job and I don't mind living with my parents. We get along and support each other and they're pretty much like roommates at this point. I don't want to sacrifice the easy, comfy setup I've got here for the slight increase in freedom that would come from moving out on my own. I can eat well, sleep well, and afford to work out regularly and have a really consistent and relaxed schedule. I'm going to ride it out as long as I can until I feel totally ready to move on.

>exclusively fuck hookers
>uncomfortable around people but I'm good enough at faking it that everyone figures I'm normal
>old friend group drifting apart
>have trouble relating to others
>trouble making new friends, though it's still kind of happening
>trouble finding gf. despite getting female attention, every woman I meet is annoying, dumb, trashy, and/or crazy
>tfw schizoid af
>tfw respond well to negative reinforcement so all this suffering has translated into a raise, a promotion w/ a raise, and an upcoming certification test I expect to ace

Ambivalent feels.

>Damn, We're almost exactly alike

I feel like I relate to that picture. Blurred lines vaguely forming a face; an incomplete identity with a human shape.

hey man its going to be all right. I use to go to community college but after a few twists and turns it turned out okay. Stay focused on grades. I know it will be okay man

>talk to this girl
>went no where
>put snap chat of me at a bar with other people up
>she texts me
>have autistic convo
>have coffee with her next day

Why the fuck is she telling me about her date?

Community college is actually great for getting rid of a semester worth of general ed (if you need to take it), saves a lot of money.

And it gives you more time to decide your career path, instead of rushing into college then switching majors then dropping out like I did and failing life and shitposting on Veeky Forums and contemplating suicide everyday.

>Why the fuck is she telling me about her date?
Shit like that drives me crazy. I don't have an answer for you but I hate it too.

Fuck mate that's practically min wage.

Yo this shit lights me up too and I just drop a bitch at this point when that red flag comes up.

No texts, just BOOM onto the next one boys WE AINT FUCKIN AROUND.

Alright I Suppose

>went out with qt blonde girl for a second time Wednesday night
>ended up going bowling with her sister and bestfriend who happens to be a guy
>Mfw he was mad she was all touching me and by me the whole night
>Mfw he tried to squeeze my hand hard when we first met and shook hand
>Mfw I squeezed his back and he pulled away
>during bowling her and I went around the corner to kiss and he comes and was like ohh I just wanted to see where you were
>Mfw at the end of the night her sister went inside and he was just waiting by the door for her to get out my truck
>Mfw she went inside then I texted her she forgot something and she came back outside and we made out
>she was telling me how "buff" I am
>Mfw texted her goodnight last night pretty late
>Mfw I texted her GoodMorning this morning
>Mfw she hasn't responded
It was fun while it lasted brehs

I-it's cause she works two
Jobs r-right Bros??

Ohh well time for the waiting game

yes except for the fact that you dropped a better job for pussy you will never get

>stopped going to school to care for dad
>facility my dad's has a jew staying at it
>his family comes by from time to time
>literally all lawyers/computer scientists/doctors and went to top 10 universities
>suddenly really motivated to do better in school

If these jews could do it, what's stopping me?

What's your story?

what happened to your dad? Mine fell off of our roof this week :( I hope yours is okay. Same age as you btw

You're motivated, they were disciplined.
good luck

Temporarily paralyzed in a car accident. Couldn't move at all back in October, now regaining a little movement in some areas.
He's actually coming back home in a few weeks. The house got modified for his needs.

It fucking sucks but it could be worse, that's what keeps me going.

you make it to castle rock? we haul ass through that road, hit triple digits through that section.

oh man will he ever be able to walk again? that's very noble of you to help him.

>tfw 21 yo rising senior at a top 20 uni
>mediocre GPA and literally no work experience
>majoring in Economics and minoring in Chemistry
>currently taking summer classes instead of getting a job
>i dont have any personal funds whatsoever but my parents aren't rich so I dont expect them to support me after undergrad
>want to move out because independence is based and my home life is pretty toxic
>school prestige, on-campus job, one semester of research, some clubs, and a mediocre GPA will not be enough to be able to get me a solid job coming out of uni (especially in my home city that i really like)

>along with textbook self-esteem issues, lack of motivation, and being a KV

His injury typically has a 2 year expected recovery cycle, where you make the bulk of your recovery within those two years. So fingers crossed.


I was good enough player in highschool that university wants me, thing is im really fuckin dumb and may not gt in for fall semester. What the fuck do I do?

graduating in april and finally going to be able to move in with my ldr bf who is also my best friend so win
mom basically disowned me but its ok, living with my dad is better anyway
majoring in something i like but am not necessarily passionate about
got a little bit of money saved up
dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression but i see the light at the end of the tunnel
havent been able to go to the gym in about 3 weeks because my dad had a heart attack (protip for Veeky Forums: iifym is a fucking meme. my dad was a type 2 diabetic but lifted and did cardio on a weekly basis, however his diet wasnt good, causing the heart attack. only reason he didnt die and still has a fully functioning heart is because of how much he worked out and how in shape he was. tl;dr watch your diet while youre still young.)

all in all though, just holding on and keeping my chin high

nahhhh yo

your dad had DMII which means he has a bad history of weight fluct.... even with a current regime of lifting and running the past damage caught up with him and/or genetics just screwed him in combination.

to debunk iifym is a bit of a stretch

hope your pop pop makes a good recovery

I graduated uni with a bio/psych degree. Ive found many lab tech positions but the pay is garbage. The best i found was 17$ per hour and it was supposed to be 20 hours of work per week, yet i was in the lab for 60-80 hours not getting paid for that time. I got denied to a phd program i really wanted to be a part of but thats my fault for putting all my eggs in one basket.

For work i sell juices and waffles for this farmers market event my local church runs fridays and sundays. They let me setup for free since I went to grade school there. My best weekend doing this bullshit would cover almost 20 weeks of working at that lab which is really killing my motivation to continue school.

> Me and the girl I've been with for 5 years has been talking about taking a "break"
> I brought it up in like January, we talked things out
> now it's coming back to haunt me
> lowkey would love being able to smash randoms again, much easier to get attention when Veeky Forums
> actually love her though and the thought of her getting fucked by someone else isn't cool
> she is super jealous and the relationship wouldn't be the same if we got back together after banging other people
Don't normally post in feel threads but been lifting some heavy ass feels
> mom passed 2 years ago, have been kept awake every other night thinking about it
> never really let go
On the other hand
> go out all the time and get drunk
> pick up lots of chicks
> lead them on the whole night because I don't wear a ring or anything
> act passive/shy but drop little "fuck yous" like calling them other girls names
> they love it
> think it's becoming toxic, last night I saw a chick self-destruct and drank her ass off when I told her I had a girlfriend
> went home with her anyways
> became babysitter for now incoherent drunk chick
> get her in her bed, ask where I'm supposed to crash (and looking back I did it in a super cringy way)
> "the couch"
Have been replaying minor cringy moments in my head all day
> like when I was dancing with the chick
> could not fucking get hard
> in the club, make a post on fit asking what's wrong with me
> why tho?
> when I was younger (12-13) got mad boners when grinding with chicks
> ten years later my cock doesn't wake up for anything less than a blowjob
> no porn, only fap a couple times a month
> wish I could have gotten hard and let this chick grind my cock
> fuck
Somehow none of this affects my lifts
At least the weights will always be there for me

good luck man