Creatine is a meme supplement?

Creatine is a meme supplement?

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No, it's a real thing that you can actually buy.

Tried creatine and it wasn't for me.

>look into it online
>decide "what the heck, it's cheap, I'll take the plunge"
>begin my first cycle
>load on 20g per day for 5 days
>all goes well
>3rd week in, gains are really showing up and energy levels are at an all time high during workouts
>at the usual time I'd get fatiguedduring my workout, I'd be able to keep going
>feels pretty great
>5th week
>get up normally, excited to make gains that day
>start making my morning oatmeal breakfast
>open fridge to get milk
>accidentally rip the door off the fridge and throw it across the kitchen
>"hinges must have been loose"
>pick up gallon of milk
>accidentally throw it into the roof and it explodes all over the kitchen
>"I really need to work on my grip strength, maybe that's why my diddlys are stuck"
>get in car to go to work
>press on gas and foot goes straight through the bottom of the car
>"damn dealer service fucked my car"
>decide to walk to work
>tired after 15 steps
>"really need to do more cardio"
>see my neighbor walk by with her dog and pet it like I usually do
>accidentally crush it's heads into a mess of smashed bones and blood
>"your dog must have been getting old"
>continue about day with random shitty occurrences happening

Anyways after a while I went on webmd and realized it was the creatine making me fuck everything up and it wasn't just unluckyness. I just stick to chicken and broccoli now.

>20g per day for 5 days
Do you even Google?

fukin memed

No. It has been proven to work over and over. It's also one of the safest supplements.

>accidentally crush it's heads into a mess of smashed bones and blood
>"your dog must have been getting old"


All I imagine is some retardedly swole, bumfuck stupid user going about his day thinking something is just slightly off

Isn't creatine also good for memory?

Yeah it has cognitive benefits, nothing noticeable tho. Just in theory, because the brain uses creatine.

OP, creatine is a worthwhile supplement if you aren't poor.

It may only add 0.5% to every workout, but over time that adds up to something worthwhile. Not noticeable in the short term, but makes a difference over the long term.

Sorry, forgot to note the "0.5%" figure isn't something proven, it was just an arbitrary number to help illustrate my point.

it was implied, I got it
anyone who thinks youre being literal or demands citation needs more experience communicating


I have just started taking creatine after realizing it's so cheap it's stupid not to try
it's been over a week and I'm not sure if I'm stronger because of it but I'm weighing at least 3lbs more and look fuller

Helped me a lot to power through dat last set.
Did nothing for my brother. So, try it, and see.

Lol, thanks brah.
Last time I posted that analogy some faggot did actually cry for source on the number I quoted.

autismo detected

Does it really make your hair fall out

Did absolutely nothing for me, didn't gain any weight, lifts didn't get any bigger, was drinking a shit ton of water and everything, some people are non-responders, others make hueg gains with it, just try it for a month or some shit.

Very nice user

lol no wtf

Is it worth taking if all you are doing lately is cardio?

Creatine is never worth taking.

It ruined my relationship with my family

can i get a real answer?

recovery isn't as painful while you're on the sauce

also some evidence that it lowers your VO2

its a meme if you plan to use it for a short duration, since the gains are so minimal its only worth if you're going to use it long term

ok elliot rogders

Helped me a bunch with volume and recovery, not with intensity however

My friend said I was remembering shit more when we were studying for a midterm, so maybe that's the reason? Though I doubt it has a significant impact, I imagine regular exercise is just helpful overall

So I'm scared of the accelerated hairloss claims since that one study that concluded that it increased DHT over a 3 week span

But as we all know 1 study means jackshit but what do you guys think? Experts say that that study was poorly done

Creatine caused me to lose hair all over my entire body and it hasn't grown back in 3 years

Seriously contemplating suicide

Pls respond

Did you not see my comment you illiterate fuck

Creatine is really the only "supplement" I use. To me protein powder doesn't really count. To me I get a noticeable energy boost during my workouts and tend to has slightly better endurance and get a better pump. Only negitive I had seen with it is water retention if you are trying to cut.

I'll trade you. I have hair all over my entire body and I wish it wouldn't grow at all. I haven't taken my shirt off around people or gone to the beach since highschool [spoiler] and that was 8 years ago[/spoiler]
You should look on the bright side faggot, most girls hate overly hairy dudes.

No, you just forgot to lift and eat faggot

My lifts were going up while I was on it, but they were going up due to my diet and not the creatine, some people are non responders.

I lost all my hair from creatine. It sucks ass.

Anyone know if creatine affects cardio and running ability? I like to run in addition to lifting and I take the regular 5g a day but I haven't really noticed much in that area.

I will never get tired of images portraying creatine as a hardcore drug

>not responding to a chemical fuel source that occurs naturally within your body

goddammit you fucking kids need to pay attention in school


won't hinder it, probably won't help it

Usually happens with people who have a creatine rich diet, Example: Me.

Maybe try lifting next time

so the hair loss thing, would i be fine for just 5g on workout days so 3x a week?


If you have a genetic predisposition, yes, it accelerates hair loss.

no. i love that shit. it works great.