Fastest way to drop fat?

What has worked for you guys?

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Knock out a fatty

your room is filthy, clean it up you degenerate

jesus, dust every once and a while you fucking cunt

If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. The human body literally CAN'T work any other way.

The problem you are having is that you don't know one (or both) of those numbers. You are either wrong/lying about how much you are eating, or you don't actually know how much you burn.

Yeah pretty sure this is the problem. Any tips on how to figure out your actual BMR? Online calculators don't seem to work.

they work pretty well. how much are you eating, fatty?

Use several TDEE calculators and get a rough figure, use common sense. Avg woman 2k, avg man 2.5k. Fat doesn't increase BMR, muscle does, but fat can increase TDEE as you're carrying more weight around.

Anyway, take your figure, weigh yourself first thing in a morning before eating/drinking anything,after using the toilet, eat at a deficit, track kcals eaten as accurately as possible (weigh all your food, double check you're reading the nutritional label correctly) and then after a couple weeks, you can see how much weight you're losing on that deficit, that'll give you a more accurate TDEE. Ignore the first week, maybe two, as that'll include water weight lost too, you don't take that into account.

You have to kinda work backwards. Use the calculator as a starting point, but really what you need to do is track your calories and observe what happens to your weight over time. From THAT, you can solve for TDEE and adjust accordingly.

>Once and a while


>dropping fat
I wouldn't recommend it, cleaning up oil sucks

Sounds like a good plan, never thought to neglect the first week or so's figures. Will try it out, thanks.



new fag here but im trying to lose weight so i cut out soda, eating less junkfood, and going to the gym for weights and cardio like 3 days a week whats a general idea of how much ill lose?

Read the sticky faggot

DNP, if no drugs then keto

They are mostly accurate, but might be up to a couple hundred calories off now and then.

I'm just guessing here, but are you are probably counting your calories wrong. There's been research done on this, obese people are incredibly, laughably bad at estimating how many calories they're eating. They'll guess at how much they've been eating without really measuring, vastly underestimate their actual caloric intake, and then be all "B-but I only at 1500 calories and didn't lose an ounce! Why don't diets work? ;_;" And it turns out that they actually ate like 3000 or some shit.

You have to know and be mindful of the fact that you are going to be absolutely horrible at calculating your caloric intake unless you measure and look up the nutrition facts on EVERYTHING. Always look at the nutrition label or google the calories of all your foods. Use measuring cups to calculate EXACTLY how much you're eating. Never eyeball it. Always pay attention to how many serving sizes are in a container, it's often more than one. Count all drinks and condiments. You also have to be honest with yourself and never start underestimating and doing mental gymnastics about the calories just because you want to eat more.

I can practically guarantee that the calorie calculator isn't being inaccurate, you are.

Video the prove my point:

This worked pretty well.

Workout your calorie intake for weightloss (I eat roughly 1100 calories a day with a BMR of 1970)

Then consolidate your meals into the evening meal. Its shit to start with as you have hunger pangs during the day. Keep it at bay with some coffee until your meal. You get used to it after a while and start using the thought of the evening meal as a motivational tool. Ive gone from 100.8kg to 87.4kg in 3 months and feeling a lot bettter.

>not noticing the open container of butter with a spoon in it
Inb4 that's normal for keto diet

I've never used illegal supplements but I imagine clen+yohimbe would be really effective and of course DNP gives you mad shredz

For me the most effective cuts I've had were doing IF (nothing too intense just morning fasting) combined with high protein and fiber intake and an ECY stack.

I would do the Y in the morning with a light caffeine dose followed by light cardio, then split the remaining E and C for the day into 2 doses, one with my first meal and then another a bit before my evening workout.

Carb cycling
Eating at a deficit

Easiest ist intermittent fasting.
It got me from a fatty to this.
I don't care too much about size because I'm more into fashion.

dnp + psmf, fatty

>more into fashion
>those shorts
>that bracelet

How many cals u cut on?

How did you workout?

Your attitude stinks. Typical lazy fatty who wants instant gratification with minimum effort.

Fat you drop fast with gimmicky methods will go back on even faster.


I'm at home you faggot and it's hot lmao what do you expect me to do, dress up for you?

Didn't count calories, just ate 1 big meal later in the day

Full body 3x a week

Can I use your picture for future body goal threads?

caloric deficit

the only way

Sure m8 it's all yours

B-b-but I love spoon butter


How many years did it take?

>all this faggots falling for the pic not knowing it's a photo from 2009
i swear you cucks never lurk

Keto worked for me.

It taught me to track my macros, count my calories, break my junk food and sugar addiction, give up soda (even diet soda) for water.

I'm 5'11", went from 190lbs to 147lbs in 4 months.

It felt like I was quitting smoking for the first two weeks but it passed.

>being on Veeky Forums for already seven years
Did you achieve anything in your life?

8 months of "cutting" got me from fat to chubby.
The other 4 months of IF got me lean.

1 year total

no, i lurk Veeky Forums since 7 years and i know a shitton about everything from nutrition to exercises, but i still don't lift because i don't have the courage to go to the gym... how fucking pathetic is that?

I'm the same way man I do bodyweight at home and that's it

Does it do anything for you?

BASED! thanks user i'm going to try this

Isn't consuming less calories that your BMR dangerous or is that a meme?

Lern 2 engrish, Pavel.

No just not very healthy to go from fat fuck to Somalian kid in one day.

Started fapping with left hand, works wonders.

repost from a long time ago

Not the other guy, but I also hAve my own weights at home. I have two benches, dumbell set (10lbs-40), treadmill, light bar, and a curling bar. Due to my work I sometime don't have time to go to a full gym so I got all this and working out at home is a good start, I used it to build up my strength. I would workout in my home 4 times and for heavy weight I'd go to the gym. It's a good secure area if your not comfortable with going to a gym but the gym also has more options.


This is lanklet privilege

~2000 TDEE
Reporting in

Have fun

Holy fuck, what? Begin tomorrow. Make it your mission like the people in movies have. Leave your house with the intention of getting into a gym for a proper workout.

Seriously wtf? WHAT THE FUCK?!

can i get a bit of an explanation on this? is this simply going to cause me to loose fat? is it safe for my liver to be taking this much shit?

I had the benefit of having my SSG in Afghanistan introduce me to lifting at the gym. Just go with a clear idea of what you want to work on that day, and start working. Start light - nobody will judge you.

no, it helps you get a hold of your caloric intake

which you can do without it

>I'm at home you faggot and it's hot lmao what do you expect me to do, dress up for you?
talk shit post fit.