/plg/ - Powerlifting General

Welcome to /PLG/ Powerlifting General. Primarily for the purpose of being a better athlete on the platform - whether that's in four months or four days.


Post PR's, routines, form checks, meet results, schmexy lifts, etc.
Please check your shitposting at the door, thank you very much.

>Vital Statistics Unit - /plg/ Census 2014

>The official pastebin

>The new dropbox - Veeky Forums information repository
>now partially rebuilt

>dropbox mirror

>How to deadlift by Mark Rippetoe

>How to setup for the deadlift by JL Holdsworth

>How to sumo deadlift by Ben Rice

>How to lowbar squat by Alastair MacNicol

>How to setup and walk out a squat properly

>How to set WRs by Connor Lutz

>How to build a big bench by Connor Lutz

>How to bench press by Izzy

>Trips PRs Pastebin

>/plg/ atlas
zeemaps.com/map?group=1252009&location=United States&add=

Other urls found in this thread:


First for friendship!

What is the lowest amount of money I could give you to never post again?

3rd for i like cock

No clue. You'd burn a pretty big hole in your pocket. I am a Jew, after all.

tree fiddy

4th for stop trannieposting.


>tfw i first posted the op pic
have some more old timey stuff



So the secret to sick gains is massive penetrating trauma?


Supposedly that's 1005 on the bar.

Didn't slow him down much, apparently.

I count 6pl8 plus 400.

Post trappy rares

getting spooped by stranger things on netflix lads

(but also annoyed by poor muzzle discipline + tactical obliviousness, whatcha gonna do)

Trappy, if you're reading this, come back.

Gonna go catch some pokemans with friends.

....so what actually happened again?

>tfw she will never release her enema all over your face and call you a worthless drunk faggot while slapping you in your face

hello fellow loliposters i am designating plg/lg merger as of now and i'm the only one who can post loli on owg thanks

also i did 175x2 squat, 180x2 by the end of the week maybe

when i squat 200 i mite do a pl comp

Did Trappy finally an hero?

would lick her hair

What i meant is that I dont know if I have to take creatine everyday or only on training days. Will the 15-20g/week difference in creatine matter?

Sounds pretty nice lad, I've been meaning to start that too since one of my buddies has been saying that it is pretty damn good.

I've started watching Bojack recently and am really enjoying it. Hopefully I don't stay up to late watching it since I gotta wageslave tomorrow.

You gonna get loved tenderly faggot.

Just do a teaspoon of creatine everyday.

No reason to make it any more difficult than that really, and the load-up phase is a meme.

pls stop posting my gf

Do you bench ever?

Nah you're definitely supposed to take it daily. Not the end of the world if you miss a day but definitely don't just take it training days.

Ah, I thought there might have been multiple hundreds but that makes sense, I've heard of some of those old West Coast boys having 200s.

It's not bad family, def worth a shot if you like that sort of thing.

no and i dont pull either :^^^^^)

>I might do a PL comp

o b still my beating hart

Kinda considering dicking around with WL lads but really it would just be an excuse to never get strong.

Since I didn't get to post in /plg/ CBT edition earlier I thought I would now.

>finally starting to feel big

this was the best OP to be h

>an excuse to never get strong

pretty much

its fun about 5-10% of the time though, so might be worth it

You look way better than the last picture you posted. Wewwwww

hope u didnt make that graph my lad


holy shit guys everything today was like 4 RPE units harder than it should have been

on a good note though, my back didn't really hurt much, I just felt weak as hell

Iktfb, hips hate me, bracing doesn't work right, and nothing feels like it's correct.

yeah for real

flexibility was non-existent, mid-back didn't even show up, quads had no strength at all. had to wear a belt for a 315 squat set because 275 nearly folded me in half lel

I cut all of my squat and deadlift sets short and just said fuckit before I pissed myself off too much. thursday I won't make the same mistake and everything will be RPE negative 7 again :)

Who is this fag?

clarence or norse


>4 RPE units harder than it should have been
you're doing it wrong


watch some of his videos

stupidly strong dude

yeah I know

i wish we had more babe pics in /plg/

that said, who else gets horny af after a workout?

there was this cardio bunny... wow

>i wish we had more babe pics in /plg/
be the change you want to see in the world user

>not being horny all the time

Why the sadness curve? I know little of Clarence.

Trappy lets play hammerwatch

>there are people lurking right here, RIGHT NOW who would NOT smash pic related
why is this aloud again?

>tfw 8L of water down and I still feel dehydrated

here we go again...

gonna add some CHICKEN to this STORE BRAND rising crust PIZZA.

Glad you're enjoying it! Season 2 hits hard as fuck but try to pace yourself because its really really easy to binge watch


>store brand pizza

cmon man at least go to a local joint or something

Yeah I watched first 3 episodes and am playing some dota with my buds now. I'll watch more later/tommorow

>cmon man at least go to a local joint or something

my area only has trendy yuppiefuck pizza joints that cost big $$$$

why did she delete this post?

bojack horseman has shitty writing

it's cringeworthy and hyper-normie

fuck you I like it (so far)

This is our official /plg/ babe

Trappy is unironically so fucking cute her not being my girlfriend makes me want to shoot myself

Considering he is a Jew, no lump sum of money will satisfy his greed. You instead have to go to Fat Retard's place of residency and give him some good succ to satisfy his bisexual urges.


Lads how to filter trap posters?

Google it.

>thinkin of Captain Poutine


nn everyone
I hope your tuesday was great
I hope your wednesday is even greater

nn lad

Post some comfy music to help get drowsy


Training beltless but only a little bit ironically lads.

lads rippetoe is too fucking funny

LADS lads lads I just saw a living meme at the gym today. It was an asian twink doing power cleans with lmao1pl8 with STRAPS and KNEE WRAPS. In between sets he would rollout with his RUMBLE ROLLER. I feel so honored, memes do exist in real life.

>ya know he didn't have very far to move the bar

god damn rip is the master of situational comedy

lad there is this guy at my gym who I saw doing 115lb deadlifts and would literally SCREAM 'GET SOME' in between every rep, that shit was hilarious.

fucking kek

i had captain crunch for breakfast and i just ate a butter tart. Who else /nevergonnamakeit/

Gotta be up at 6:30 senpaitachi, somebody sing me a lullaby to sleep por favor

>Put phone down
>Lower body temperature (cold.glass.of water, change into a new shirt, etc)
>Step outside for two minutes, just exist no stimulus
>Come back into a dark room
>Lay down
>Body scan or follow your breathing until you lose yourself

>i wish we had more babe pics in /plg/
That's what you get for making the qt leave

Well actually we have more babe pics since she left

so pretty

>when you and your buddys' beer gets hooked up at the local brewery
Delicious desu

I woke up at 3:30PM today so I think I'm gonna be awake with my eyes closed until work in the morning

I'll give it a shot though user thanks


Just found out a mystery lad from my mom and pop commercial gym has ALSO ebtered the meet in my weightclass (as a jr tho) so now the pressure is on, can't let my crown get taken.

>wasting your liver on alcohol instead of saving it for orals

Those gross roid delts

Is that line on your stomach a scar? Its on your other pics too

how many nakey pics of roidshorts do u have

;) who wants to know


Only ate 2000 calories today. I'll be joining you guys on your way to twinkdom.

0. I only have pics of trappy

>not eating big to get big


>sub-4pl8 squat
>not a twink

ree don't remind me

gotta order my MUTANT MASS™ and KILL IT™ tommorow

I'm a twinkshit in terms of strength, I don't wanna be a twinkshit in terms of bodyweight too fgt

remind me to filter you when i wake up

If you're sub-308 you're a twink regardless. Have you considered a future in mineral acquisition?

I've thought of it in the past but I'm gonna try my hand for another few months before I switch hobbies.


>implying anything but 400+ is nontwink

up them standards boyo