Fuck all of you faggots

fuck all of you faggots.

i made the mistake of going on a walk, and after an hour (at least 20 minutes of which was sitting down) my legs were aching, my shins were throbbing with pain, my chest hurt, and i couldn't stop pouring sweat.

exercise is the fucking worst

thats what its like at first but every time you go it gets easier and less painful bitch ass pussy boi

push yourself a little but not too much

That feels great though.
Did you not get that sweet exhaustion high and nap afterwards?
Anyway, you sound like a fat fuck so you should probably drop the pounds by dieting first so you don't need to expend so much effort walking.

I went for a walk at 5pm in the evening, took the train in to central London which took roughly half an hour, then I just walked until 22.40 when I took the train back, then walked back home from the station which added about half an hour.
Walking really isn't that bad, and it's not even like I do it often. Maybe you have flat feet?

you're mistake wasn't the walk desu, roughly all other decisions in life prior to the walk are what seem to be the issue

*A mysterious voice*: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

>as if im ever going to do that bullshit again

wow, i cant even believe how problematic you are being, my 340 frame is sexy,

read the sticky

that isn't always true nigger get out of here with that cliché rhetoric

I hate fucking weak faggots like you
I spend 8 hours a day running around with heavy shit on my back
I almost wish I had the privilege of getting to be a fat lazy fuck, but then I'd be a mentally weak bitch who can't stand a little owie after getting off his ass for less than an hour.

you might be fit, but i bet you aren't a fucking god at dead by daylight like me, are you pleb?


maybe I was a little hard but you shouldn't give up that easily
it's going to hurt but that's how you know you're making progress

so, i want to explain how im 340 pounds and its not my fault:

im addicted to fast food because the fast food companies made me that way, i literally have times where i cant stop thinking about eating something specific until i get it, just like any other addiction.

also, there is always room for ice cream or cake and shit, plus its too fucking expensive to buy organic shit.

not to mention is so much more of a hassle to spend so much time making food that yeild tiny shit portions that are 'healthy' than getting good big filling portions instantly for 1/5 the price.

not everyone is some LA rich kid who gets everything handed to them

no fuck you, i have no intention of working out at all until i can at least figure out how to eat better, but it doesn't seem practical

Hey, you.
You're gonna make it.

>baiting this hard


>thinking its bait

Lazy, weak, pathetic. Stop playing muh vidya, watching anime and jerking off and sort your life out and try to be a man for once or you will be doomed to a miserable existence

but i dont want to stop playing vidya, watching anime, and jerking off to horses.

Also, here is how to stop eating like shit.
Step 1 - Stop eating fast food, who gives a shit if youre craving a double bacon cheeseburger or whatever, have some fucking willpower you bitch.
Step 2 - Start cooking your own meals with fresh ingredients, they dont have to be organic.
Step 3 - Count calories and eat at 500 calories below maintenance.
Step 4 - Do some exercise you bitch

This shit seriously isnt rocket science

Well then enjoy your miserable existence. You are the reason the white race is doomed.

>have some willpower
>just stop smoking, have some willpower
>just buy fresh ingredient thats you can't afford
>and make all your meals that you don't have time to prepare
okay senpai.

Its funny to read bait threads like this because sometimes I get really upset because its rest day and nothing hurts. I don't think I can live without having that muscle soreness going every day, the pain means I'm moving forward, improving and giving my best. Living without it would be pretty disappointing.

>I quit smoking 2 years ago on willpower alone, its doable.
>if you can afford a big mac you can afford some chicken and pasta.
Pro tip: buy chicken breasts in bulk, freeze them and thaw them out individually as you need them through the week. Also buy pasta, pesto, olive oil. There you go, lunch or dinner sorted for a week for about £7
>You would have time to prepare the food yourself if you werent such a degenerate and stopped playing videogames all the time.
At the end of the day when youre finished work/school whatever it is you do, youve worked out, eaten etc. and you have some free time in the evening THEN you can play vidya if its important to you.
I dont know if this is bait or not but there you go, sort yourself out user.

Eating better is so easy.
1. Learn how to cook, you can make tasty meals easily.
2. No more fast food, soda, or excessive alcohol 3. No more bread, pasta, rice or sugar till way later.
4. Eat 4 cups of raw spinach a day, any way you can.
5. Use my fitness pal to track macros and calories
6.learn to love hunger, your belly growling means it's working.
7. Don't excessively chum when you bait. 2/10

>only eating one chicken breast

that all sounds fucking terrible, and i refuse to do any of it

I give up, if you want to make excuses for yourself and be a fat miserable slob all your life then so be it

Well theres only one other way
A true secret trick to dieting

1.Put a gun in your mouth
2. Pull the trigger
So simple an emo kid could do it.

yeah no, everything said in this thread sounds fucking terrible. i think id rather be fat than live like that.

Why are you guys wasting your time answering this bait thread? Even if this guy is for real there is literally nothing you can do for him, losers like that will never do anything other than make excuses for being a disgusting human being. You bros need to stop thinking you can save other people from themselves, just accept that some people are like that and move on.