One month into begginer routine

>one month into begginer routine
>finally struggled and couldn't complete the 3x5 set with bench

Does this mean my strength gains are going to end soon? It was the last rep that fucked me over.

Might have just been a bad day, it happens.

are you getting enough fuel?


Probably, but can emotions really affect your lifts negatively? I honestly wasn't feeling like going to the gym because of oneitis issues, but I made myself go.

>Probably, but can emotions really affect your lifts negatively?

100% yes

Doesn't have to be emotions, sometime you just don't lift as well for no discernible reason.

Nah, nigga. It could mean you had a bad night of sleep, or you missed your diet goals a bit, or your bad form is catching up with you, or you just had a shitty mindset that day. A missed last rep is almost nothing.

Straight up go back the next day and see if you can up the weight. I can't tell you how many times I've missed the last rep on a movement and came back the next lift day and increased the weight like nothing happened

well good luck next time and remember: you are a machine so fill the tank

'Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around

Well just to be safe, I'm not going to increase weight until I complete it. But its good to know that its not an uncommon problem.

Will do boss.

what you can do is try it for a week and if you can't do it, deload

so let's say you do this weight, but the next you can't do for 3 workouts

instead of trying the same weight over and over again, you should deload to 60% and take it easy for a week, then slowly build the weight back up

if you keep trying to lift more and more, you will stack fatigue until your lifts go down, further discouraging you

but if slowing progress just means you reset for a little bit and break through that weight eventually, you won't be worried long-term

What are your lifts?
If they arent close to 1/2/3/4 then 100% no.

The only people who only do linear progression for 2 months are really stronk to start with

>doing a deload only one month in
I...dont think that is best. Deloads are towards the end of LP, usually.

If anything a greyskull style deload maybe but still... Diet or sleep are a more likely suspect

You vastly overestimate how many people actually make it to 1/2/3/4 on straight linear progression. Zach, rips own protégé who could afford to gain a ton of weight in the process didn't manage that on all lifts (and only barely got to a 315 squat before moving on to weekly progression).

>tfw almost 1/1/1
Squat 70kg
DL 65kg
BP 50kg

OHP a shit though. Been stuck on 35 for 2 weeks. Only dropped one rep last time so I should get it today.

Greyskull style deload?

That is why i said "close to"

Read the book.
Basically you drop yhe weight and do an AMRAP set as the third workset>...Anonymous
>07/26/16(Tue)22:10:18 No.38070535
> #
>That is why i said "close to"

>tfw had knee surgery so I'm not going to be bummed out if I can't reach 3 plates

So is 1/2/3/4 a meme? That is still my goal, but I'm worried about not being able to reach it in 6 months. If I had my first stall in progression, then that means I can only afford a few more.

if he stalls 3 times on the same weight, he's hit his limit

it doesn't matter how much time it takes, everyone has a limit

The idea that absolutely everyone should hit it on linear progression is kind of a meme.

But its still a pretty good marker on becoming normie-strong (and at least 'not weak' in the eyes of strength-focused lifters), if you're a male of more-or-less average size. Just not one that everyone will hit at the same rate. Some guys linear progression their way up to insane numbers, others hit their limit on that approach at fairly low rates for a bunch of different reasons.

So I guess its fine if I don't make it to 1/2/3/4 in 6 months?

yes absolutely. Especially if you start fat and are cutting

Probably. Most people don't make it quite that fast but there's a lot of factors involved. Some people blow right by it with no fucks given.

It's also kind of misguided to aim at numbers for the sake of numbers. There's a lot of factors that can influence your 1RMs beyond just how overall strong you are. Progress over time matters a lot more than obsessing over where your numbers will be in a week or a month or even six months.

I could never reach it, even after 2 years of lifting at 200lbs

How much weight are you trying to add? Bench reaches a point quite quickly where 5lbs is simply too big a jump.

>also, as captcha say, select all the food

You don't need fucking emotions bro, the only thing that matters in life is gainz, if you let pussy get in the way then you will never become a bro

I've been adding 2.5 lbs.

why do we fall, bruce?

where did you get 1.25lbs plates? My gym doesn't have any

I guess my gym just does. I only advance 5 lbs for squats and deadlifts

buy your own. they're like $15 off amazon and fit in your gym bag

It's not that simple, I hit 4 plate deadlift after about 8 months on a brosplit workout.

Couldn't bench more than 90kg and squat more than 130kg.

There's so many variables that you can't accurately expect any specific results.

>can emotions really affect your lifts negatively?
You lift it up and put it down. There's no emotion in it at all.

>he hasn't seen Spider-man 2

here is a list of things that can affect your lifts on any given day, sometimes drastically, although it is never obvious at the time:

>you weren't hydrated
>it is the day after (or the day after the day after) drinking heavily
>you had to drag yourself to the gym
>you are especially tight in some area of the body (eg tight shoulders from odd sleeping position fucking with OHP etc)
>your form is degenerating due to bad habits
>some area of the body has not recovered (lat DOMS affects my bench and OHP fo example)
>something in your diet changed
>you slept poorly

and hundreds of other factors. the best you can do, is to do your best, and try to keep the damage to a minimum, to the extent that you can still enjoy life to the minimum degree you are prepared to, to allow for good gain. if you ar especially into it, then track every calorie, water intake, keep a sleep diary and say goodbye to you friends and family. for most of us its about finding some kind of balance.