Questions that don't deserve their own thread here.

So I just found out that I have asthma and 50% lung capacity.

My doctor prescribed me an inhaler and told me to take this dose daily: 1280 mcg Pulmicort and 36 mcg Formoterol.

Will this give me super powers?

Other urls found in this thread:


To what degree can chest mass help cover up minor gyno? So far I've lost enough weight to expose the gyno from muscle, but not so much that all the fat behind the gyno is gone. Will working my chest help in that aspect?

It basically doesn't.

But it sounds like you don't actually have gyno anyway.

I can feel a more firm disk behind my nipples, but I have to admit, it feels smaller now than it did 26 lbs ago, so I'm just sort of waiting it out until I reach my goal weight to see.

Is biceps femoris tendonitis (outside back of knee) normal after a very heavy deadlift day? I get it every time I do singles and doubles near my max.

I have mild asthma which is getting worse because I dont do cardio, because I have asthma. It is a neverending cycle and i really need to start doing some low intensity stuff to get out of this.

Anyway, if I'm going hard and getting sweaty at the gym weightlifting and take a few puffs of my inhaler I feel stimulated and ready for more sets. Might be because of the increase in oxygen in my blood, or maybe just placebo? Who cares, it feels good.

Hey Veeky Forums
I'm doing ss with chins and facepull
Is this enough to correct my shitty posture? (rounded shoulders, forward head, hollow back etc)

I'm fat as fatass and have fat man titties like this. Will they go away with weight loss or us this some gyno?

How to incorporate cardio (swimming) into strength gaining routine? I do AxBxAxxBxAxBxx. Can I swim 2 times a week and still have enough time for recovery?

Why can I bench 60kg 5x5 but 62,5kg I fail the last rep on third set cmon this is so embarrasing

Cardio usually doesn't interfere with strength recovery so long as you don't go nuts the day before your lift days.

u gonna have ur tendonitis for quite sone time brah. Keep stretching

foam rolling upper spine (hug yourself to get the shoulders out of the way) helps a bit too

you may be fucked, but lose weight first, then come back

Rest longer between sets.

How about doing cardio and strength training on the same day? Cardio before training or the other way around? Or is it better to do them separately?

Rear delt flyes helped my posture more than rows and face pulls.

Bench more often, increase volume as often as you can. Do AMRAP sets of 60kg.

It's better to do them separately. If you do them on the same day do whichever you value more first.

Damn, can't wait to feel the effect.

One effect of some asthma drugs is a drop in blood pressure. I know I have a slight drop when I use a salbutamol inhaler.

There is no foam roller in my gym what is alternative movement for this one?
Chest supported or free is better for my situation?

I don't bother supporting my chest, use a light weight and make sure you can feel them squeezing at the top to start with. When you are confident you are isolating them increase weight very slowly.

I don't think this one does, since it tells you to consult your doctor if have high blood pressure before taking the medicine.

I always think that's odd when stuff says that, surely if it's prescribed by a doctor they'd know you have high blood pressure.

Perhaps it is to prevent getting sued by stupid Americans/Doctors. Just like Pizza Boxes/Coffee Cups say that the content may be hot.

Question in regard to TM.

I understand Friday is 'heavy day' and aiming for 5RMs, but at the same point in time, only doing 1x5 of a heavy weight for each lift seems like not enough volume.

What, apart from extended recovery time, would be down side of doing 4x5 of a lower weight after hitting the new 5RM for that week?

I'm coming of a ABxABxx routine so I don't feel like lack of recovery will be a major issue for me.


buy one, faggot

Xp8 = 45lb + (90lb * X)

Are you really intermediate? Check on symmetricstrength.com if you are not sure. If you are, TM will burn the shit out of you

you can add a couple back off sets - though 4 is a bit much.

if its not a bit much, you're better off going back to novice programming.

btw don't believe the kg fags that say 140kg = 3p8
45lb is not exactly 20kg so it's more like
3pl8 = 145kg

symmetric strength is bullshit mate.

An intermediate is a lifter who is no longer making beginner linear progression gains and requires some level of periodisation.

Did SS, had to take a break of 2 months due to unrelated things
Stats were
Squat: 110kg
DL: 130kg
OHP: 55kg

Should I hop on SS again or are my newb gains gone and I should do a different routine?

This is what I get, so maybe a touch under because my squat sucks due to old injuries.

ok there is no strict line between novice and intermediate but s.o. might think just because he is stronger than everyone else woth his 100kg deadlift in his normie gym his is not a beginner anymore

If i'm loosing weight is 80g of protein enough or should i really really go for the 160g that I should get like the sticky says, i don't really want to get on powder protein since its expensive

How much do you weigh,, whats your height what's your bf%, are you strength training?

try canditos routines, I really wanna know if they are good

In addition, calculated 1RMs are

Back Squat: 117 kg[Novice]
Deadlift: 175 kg[Intermediate]
Bench Press: 111 kg[Intermediate]
Overhead Press: 58 kg[Novice]

INB4 your squat sucks, I know, I couldn't walk at the start of last year.

I get dizzy as fuck doing squats, even on light weight. My form is good. Am I breathing wrong? Thoughts?

I weight 80kg and my height is 180m, I do almost exclusively muscle training but i'm only on 1800cal per day to lose 1kg per week

google valsalva maneuver

And your bodyfat %?

I just got an iPhone and I was thinking about trying some app to track my workout and log my weights and reps instead of using a spreadsheet. Any good app I should know about?


I'd aim for 1.6g protein per kg of lean body mass. Supplement with HMB as well

Losing weight at that rate you will be losing lean mass but it will help minimise it.

First day ever at a gym tomorrow. How do I not be an autist?

When in doubt, ask a nearby fit guy to help you. They love that shit.

Finasteride? Worth trying or nah? Just got a haircut and my hairline around the temples is pushed back now and I'm losing my shit. I'm 20, I can't pull off bald, my dad was actually worse at my age so I've been somewhat resilient but I can't deal with this if I can fight it.

Minoxidil is too expensive too.

You know how sometimes when you listen to music you very rarely get goosebumps and it feels really nice.
That happened to me mid set and I felt so much stronger. I repeated the song and it happened again at the same part and it just felt amazing.
How do I get it to happen again? Why do I feel so good and stronger when it happens?
I can't be the only one who has experienced this.

Thats "the zone" user. You get super pumped and the adrenaline hits. Find more music and then throw them into a playlist. Dont use the same one over and over it will lose its effect eventually. What do you listen to?

A lot of inhalants for asthma are mild cns stimulants


What are kcals as compared to just calories as listed?

How do I safely dehydrate myself for photoshoots?

It's actually 142.881597 kg, but whatever.

No. An intermediate lifter is someone who did everything well (rest, diet, technique, proper discipline in going to the gym) AND he can't make any more linear progress. Sites like symmetricstrength provide a useful resource to at least ballpark whether or not someone is stupid/lying to us/lying to himself.

I listen to mostly rap. I like to torrent random albums I think will be good and I wont listen to them until I lift so its all new and fresh to me.
This is the song that did it, it either happened around the 30 second mark or the 2 minute mark. I remember it was right as the beat changed at bit.

What's the best app to track what I eat? I'm currently using my fitness pal

Any of you doing Nuckols beginner? How do I add in accessories? Just whenever?

Best triceps workouts?

bench, overhead press, close-grip bench

hey Veeky Forums, so for the past few weeks or so i've been catching different women staring at my butt when deadlifting or doing squats, makes me feel uncomfortable as shit. I wear joggers, not even anything tight, just loose-ish joggers so it's not like i'm being provocative or anything, any advice? the fucking annoying thing is, when I catch them staring, they don't look away, they just keep staring at my butt, then casually look away when they want to, not all of them but this has happened at least twice in the past month, the rest just look away when I catch them staring, why the fuck are women allowed to get away with this shit, should I do something about it or let them mire? oh and I never knew girls liked big butts on guys.

>No. An intermediate lifter is someone who did everything well (rest, diet, technique, proper discipline in going to the gym) AND he can't make any more linear progress
No. An intermediate lifter is a relative term and is more referring to the type of training that is appropriate.

Some people don't have the option of 'optimal recovery'
>inb4 hurr durr my iron life tho you can make time
so after novice progression stops working within the confines of their individual recovery, they should move onto intermediate programming. calling them a novice because of technicalities and hypotheticals isn't useful.

>Sites like symmetricstrength provide a useful resource to at least ballpark whether or not someone is stupid/lying to us/lying to himself.
No, because the average of a given population doesn't dictate what kind of training is suitable for you.

Do it until it stops working (whilst keeping recovery up to the best of your abilities) and then move on to the next thing.

If it's still working, sites like symmetricstrength have no bearing on what to do next - you can use it to stroke your dick or motivate you to keep going. That's it.

Get used to it, buddy. Women love butts. Every woman I've dated, befriended or fucked in the past year has been obsessed with my ass and I only deadlift 5pl8 and squat 3. Sometimes I get groped just walking down the street.

My fiancé has her hand on it pretty much all the time, even in public

I generally listen to metal or hardstyle/dubstep. That kind of rap is a bit too slow for my tastes, like something I would listen to while doing cardio.

Something with some a huge drop or a heavy af bridge gets me in the zone. Check out this song. Drop @ 1:20

Can you guys recommend some cooking sites/youtubers? My parents didn't teach me much, I'm trying to learn as much as I can


Are stomach vacuums legit or are the a meme exercise?


can i lose weight only by eating less sugar and flour and running 5,5 km a day?
or I need to completely go on chicken+rice shit again.

That song is a little too happy and upbeat for me, I'd imagine that you would listen to THAT song while doing cardio.
Dubstep isn't for me but I can definitely understand the appeal.

Are fat-burner pills a meme? Why or why not?

In nutrition they're used interchangably, though kcal = kilocalorie is the technically correct term.


Calories in calories out. Eat under your TDEE and you can eat whatever the fuck you want (might not be healthy though), and you will lose weight.

Redpill me on pasta

Most of them reduce your appetite, which results in you eating less, so no, they are not a meme.

They have plenty of side effects though, so it is not a healthy way to go.

what's the best warmup? bike, running or elyptical?
Currently on a cut. also should I cardio after training?


What accessories to do while doing Stronglifts?

I'm currently doing 3x8 barbell curls and farmers walk 2xF.

Mostly because I enjoy them. I'm also not consistent so if I'm in a hurry I'll do just main lifts and leave the gym.

Is consistency for accessories important?

I was at my doctor this week and he told me to stop lifting heavy weights from a vertical position (standing or sitting) like overhead press, squats, deadlifts and so on, because of possible damages to the intervertebral discs, which would occur due to contraction.

He also told me I head a 'rounded back' (not sure if this correct english term) which means the angles on which the discs are pressured are sharper and thus the damages more likely.

What I took away from this is to strengthen back musculature by using machines.

He also told me to be wary of supplements, because some contain anabolics and pre-hormons.

Is his analysis correct?

Yes, always after. You'd rather have your lifting fuck with your cardio than the other way around.

The best warmup is foam rolling + performing the lifts with lighter weight.

Never listen to doctors. We at this Polynesian quilt weaving forum know best

why were you at the doctor? did he do an xray or something?

HIV medicine

No just general checkup, after not being to a doctor for ~5 years.
They took some of my blood to a lab to check if I needed vaccinations and stuff.

I'm a generally healthy feeling 20 year old uni student, not drinking too much, not smoking, rarely do drugs, some nootropics, try to eat healthy, etc.

I see where you're coming from, but seriously, by this logic, I could go from novice to intermediate just by getting a different job. I believe you're right in a way, but I would describe someone you're talking about as a novice who can't recover properly. The reason for this is that a "proper" intermediate trainee has worked hard for several months and has probably learned all the lifts at least kinda well.
Someone who's been working out for a month or less, but can't progress because of outside circumstances has not.

Also, the reason I think that the existence of sites like symmetricstrength is justified is this:
When I was coming to the end of my linear progression, I was upping my squat weight by 2kg a pop, and suddenly, from one workout to the next, I went from 5/5/5, to 0/0/0. I never even stalled once before. I thought something was wrong with me, cut out all cardio, looked up Rip's opinion, which was that you should be coming to a soft stop to the end. 5/5/3, 5/4/3, things like that. I still couldn't do more than a rep from my next weight, so I started eating more and taking more vitamins, and moving around even less. Needless to say, I got quite fat.

After this whole ordeal, I just looked up strstd (at the time), saw that I was supposedly an intermediate, so I changed routines, and my numbers skyrocketed. At that time, that was quite useful to me, as it stopped an already shitty situation from getting even worse.

Sounds like a general doctor with a general advice. Maybe he is misinformed about weightlifting, but maybe your spine is really fucked up and he can see that without xray. However if it's that bad he should prescribe you some therapy to fix your posture.

If I were you I would self evaluate my posture and if there is a reason for concern I would go and visit a specialist. In my country that would be free if I would go to my doctor and tell him to send me to a specialist because I'm afraid of what he said about my back.

how can you tell if your hair is thinning? I shampoo and some hair comes out but thats normal how much is not normal? PANIC????

Reg parks is prolly better than SS for your purposes as it includes Rows. Deadlifts, Rows, Ohp and facepulls helped fix most of my posture/shoulder issues.

Do you use alot of products? You usually lose hair during the day (ive read up to one hundred?) but if you use hair products it tends to all come off at once.

I go to the gym several days a week but I wanted to start going swimming again as it's been a long time and it's really good for your stomach/core which is what I want to focus on.

I just want to know if it's better to go swim then gym or gym then swim and what stuff do you recommend doing whilst swimming?

>I would describe someone you're talking about as a novice who can't recover properly
but that's the point - it doesn't matter.

the more useful distinction is describing the trainee by the training required to progress - i.e. anyone who needs intermediate programming is an intermediate; no exceptions. I believe Rip even calls these people "situational intermediates" to give a more technical distinction.

and your situation of going from all reps to no reps is very specific - I've personally never seen it.

but regardless, it still fits within the
>do it till it stops working, then move on to the next thing

and had your lifts fallen short of the 'intermediate' bracket, then by your logic it would be appropriate to keep hammering novice progression - or conversely you could have fallen into the average 'advanced' bracket, which would then suggest you should use something with monthly progression for example.

the point is theres so many factors that effect strength gains and limitations, so comparing it to averages shouldn't be used to base any training decisions - only for general comparison for shits and giggles.

Is it okay to purge if I have a really bad eating moment?

Hypothetically speaking let's say I made and consumed an 8x8 pan of brownies and that was all I was attempting to get out of me.

.... okay, I ate a 8x8 pan of brownies. It was delicious first came the binge, then came the purge. I rarely purge unless my body is telling me I need to throw up (ex: drank 3 liters of water in quick succession)

I am cardio hound ex-fat fuck who still gets the binging cravings and falls victim to them occasionally, but now I feel guilt for having these weak moments and usually can resist (fucking Veeky Forums and their 2 bite brownie recipe. It was too fucking good to resist.)

Sorry for the blog post, but the question stands: if what you consume is basically poison, is it acceptable to force it out?

Can I get a form check, Veeky Forums?


film from the side can't really tell much from this angle

Looks good to me

Why are you using mixed grip at such a low weight?

Do you actually lose strength on a cut or do you get weaker because you have less fuel?

Don't eat in the morning, cut water the night before, have a couple short blacks in the morning before. Apart from that I wouldn't do much more.

A lot is up to the photographer to know how to use lighting to their advantage. I know a couple "good" photographers who couldn't shoot a "fitness" model to save their live.

Couple short blacks in the morning before the shoot**

On week 2 of StrongLifts and i'm wondering if I should increase the weight every workout, or every week(?)

Are there equivalents for deadlifts and squats that don't involve standing up?

How long does it take of not working out for my lifts to start decreasing? Two weeks?