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Why are manlets always trying to compensate?
Pic related, rich 5'7 kid

when will they learn?

there are advantages to being a manlet

no there aren't


Keep telling yourself that manlet

You tell em lil fella!

Objectively there are some retarded advantages.
>weighing down your car less gives you better 0-60 and better handling
>most race car drivers are well below 6' because you need the driver to be as light as and small as possible to optimize a race car's characteristics
>being smaller makes it easier to hide in general which is a huge advantage for survival in a war situation
>more legroom on planes

he could either be a manlet in a shit car or a manlet in a good car

ITT: jelly lanklets

> rich kid

well to be fair my distant familiar member

hes rich. He can buy pussy, while you make tfw no gf threads

you can't be serious
there is a 6'2 man behind that screen that was holding his laugh while writing this
I want to believe

Women think you are a joke and stay away from you.

This is an advantage if you dislike women.

sure, he can buy pussy
but he's way too stupid for his own good
he's fucking up himself on media

>easier to hide in general
has to be a joke

Now now, don't make fun of the vertically challenged, it'd be as silly as them criticizing you for being horizontally challenged by virtue of not fitting through doors due to being too jacked.

Okay, unironic question from a 180 cm long Euromemer. I converted it to Ameriunits and it says I'm 5,9 ft or 5 ft 10 55/64 in. Does that mean I'm 5'9 or 5'10?

> not being the first target when a mass shooting happens

That's a big one for Americans at least

it means you're like 2mm away from 5'11"so if i were you i'd claim 6 foot

I'm 6'1 and I'm being completely serious. These are some objective advantages to being shorter. Like I said, all of it is pretty retarded and situational but objective advantages regardless.

>seeing this thread

suicide watch when?

yep, if you lock yourself out of the house you can get in through the cat flap.

there are

Example; strength sports. manlets always excell at that
>inb4 strongman

>sports car

Surely you jest.

The ones compensating are the "rednecks" who drive lifted utility trucks that have never seen the off-road.

Ever wonder why "rednecks" that fit this bill finding their white wives cheating with a negro? Well now you know. True compensation.

>he's trying to start a Black on White thread

Nope. True rednecks are straight bosses and would never marry a woman who would cheat let alone Cuck or want to fuck a NIGGER.

It's not just manlets. Literally all people into bodybuilding are overcompensating tryhards. See: this board, misc

he's compensating dude, you can tell from that pic alone
>expensive sports car
>twink haircut underneath flat cap
>posing like a douchebag

>he's short so he is not allowed to have nicer stuff than me.

manlet tripfag: the post

Is this a manlet advantage thread?

>needs less food to survive
>can blend into a crowd and become invisible
>in a fight, you can sneak attack people beneath their vision, gaining a bonus on your critical attack roll
>smaller surface area means you deal with heat better

>generic sports car
>nicer stuff
>than me

I'm nothing less than CEO, kid

and tall

So if it was a tall dude doing the exact same shit, would you suck his cock or call him a poser too?

>easier showable gains
>no special beds needid
>fit into all cars
>can go on a a roadtrip and visit homes without having to duck for everything

>tall feels

you're 5'11

>go to any hotel around the world
>take a shower very comfortably without having to hunch over or bend down to have your head wet


Eeehhh I can agree with this actually.

Tbqh, if they have to show off on social media, probably compensating.

>hiding during war
holy shit manlets are cowards too!

see? I'm right
but no kidding, guy on OP pic related is douchebaggery incarnated
he's somewhat famous and goes around saying he picks 300 girls a week

>not hiding to stay alive
holy shit lankets are stupid too

>be a manlet
>out drinking with mates
>literally the shortest guy of my friends
>group of girls come chat with us
>one says "haha user you'e so short I need to dig a hole to suck you off"
>wI respond "yeah well grab a shovel and start digging bitch"
>m8s laugh real hard
>they walk away

Am I alpha Veeky Forums?

sure little buddy

if you were above 6'4" you'd know the pain. you're lucky that you're just another manlet.

if you've got it, flaunt it. you are obviously

1. jealous
2. poor
3 ugly

I think even 6 foot 1 is manlet, 6'2 is getting to the tall side

I actually like that kid, being really fucking honest
but no, you can't fucking deny the compensation, you just can't
>2. poor
>3 ugly
projecting a little, eh?

8'0 is the perfect height

not a manlet but these threads that are obviously authored by someone who has little more to offer the world except his height are just as pathetic and compensating

I'm 5'8 and I want to die.

I'm 6'1" and I've got a boxster S too.
>tfw the roll bar doesn't cover the top of my head

Compensating for what? if you don't feel nothing but admiration and inspiration for op's picture then you are deeply insecure. It's always the poor/ugly/fat men who drag other males successful males down

Only in Trench Wars.

6'2 here. I always say I'm 5'10 though.

>Op's picture
I'll let you know that kid got charged with harassment for telling a female interviewer he would "tear her apart" and that she was "hottie"
Who the fuck am I fooling? that kid is alpha as fuck
I just like the compensation meme


I actually laughed out loud.

6'2'' so happy my son is on the path to being ENORMOUS. My wife is tall for a woman and her parents and grandparents are all extremely tall for their backgrounds.

>>tfw your son is literally twice the size of older kids he meets

>mfw 184cm

>So insecure that you need to make a post critizicing someone you dont know based on a picture.

>So insecure that you need to make a post criticizing someone you dont know based on a post

For europeans now, too.

What insecure about that? If i see bs, i call it out, nothing to do with my confidence

>"yeah well grab a shovel and start digging bitch"

that's fucking hilarious

lol u sound jelly m8

damn cashlets

wtf who is this

its me Danny

My brothers friend is a jockey. They barely graduated and the friend was making 2000+ a week in highschool. He was rocking fresh ass clothes, driving a corvette, taking all his friends out to eat, partying, I presume he was getting laid at least every once in a while, and basically balling out off control. It would have not been possible if he weren't a manlet.


>haha user you'e so short I need to dig a hole to suck you off
>Murican women say this shit aloud to guys they barely know

Jesus christ get your shit together anglos

>See a much succesfull man

Hahahah compensating loser. Look at me i am so fucking secure and confident that i don't need stuff in my life like money, looks and succes.

Poor loser? Jokes on you bro because im not compensating.

>People in this thread who are hating on OP pic

Sure it's easy to poke on him for being a manlet, but you are the same guys who when a guy has no visible flaw will proceed to call him gay.

>Cristiano Ronaldo
>Literally ubermensch
>"Yeah he is gay, like look he takes care of his face"

Another example, see a bunch of rich kids on a yacht with model tier girls

>They don't know what's life bro

Know a lot of guys like that, they never amount to anything in life, being a hater holds them back.

If you can't admit to yourself when you see a guy who is better than you that he has it better than you in almost every way, you will never improve.

Pls be real

As a talk person, you will never catch fast manlet on a sprint.

Also, tall people take injuries to knees and legs much more harder than mankets.

Marlets are more dextrous and agile than tall people.

Markets have low maintenance calories, higher metabolism, and you don't need to eat like a pig to feel full.

There's nothing more attractive than a charming, witty, manlet. Tall people only have height and if they're not ripped, they're as useless as a fat guy.

Only if you don't take ROM into consideration

he literally is showing of, he will fuck a couple girls because of that picture, i'd do that if i had a sport car and didn't drive my moms prius

How to ruin any manlets day:

>meet a group of m8s
>ask "who's the little guy"

>t. 6.2 alpha male

Making midgets mad is one of the best things in life

I know that
>he will fuck a couple girls because of that picture
he is famous here in my country dude, he fucks more than a couple
he has some youtube vids with 8 digits views
still, manlet

>he thinks youtube views translate into fucking girls

Lel that might work in highschool, but in the real world no one gives a fuck.

>Wow look Peter just made it as a test pilot
>Yeah and Michael has become a neurosurgeon



Grills will be all over u mate

Is that your fantasy you played out in your head little guy?

That just makes you really insecure tbqh...

>drives a woman's car

true alpha is in seeing the best in people.
/fit is literally the opposite

too afraid to evaluate their lives objectively so they have to find flaws in everybody else to feel secure

are you this oblivious or just pretending?

he is tv mainstream here dude
constantly appears in talk shows

lol fuck off manlet

What do you mean? Only women drive in Porsche Boxters.

I hope he bought that for his girlfriend.

You don't take ROM into consideration in strength sports though
>I can bench 100kg 60 cms for reps!!

only if you're gay

All this guy did was make me jelly of that car can't wait to finish uni and start making real money being a poorfag sucks

Jockey is a shit life though. They end up with eating disorders to keep the weight low, just like wrestlers and boxers jumping weight classes. And it ends quickly, so I hope he has a back-up plan.

A proper manlet can fit inside a dryer.


>in a fight, you can sneak attack people beneath their vision, gaining a bonus on your critical attack roll


Base models with auto transmissions, maybe.

Wonder what kind of job he has to afford such a car..

I'm sorry, but men drive 911s. That's just the rule of Porsches.

Porsche doesn't have rules. You're a rich cunt if you drive one, even if you got it used and cheap, and it will get battered and keyed appropriately by the hard working middle class man and woman.

Models don't matter, it's just varying levels of richness only other guys can notice.

You can pick up a 987 for around 30k. It's cheaper than a toyota 86/frs.

