How you holding up, Veeky Forums? What do you need to get off your chest?

How you holding up, Veeky Forums? What do you need to get off your chest?

>normal people
Moving on
Spending time with friends
Meeting new people
Enjoying life
Online stalking
Delusional fantasies of getting back together
Compulsion to call her every day immediately after waking up, going to bed and just about every spare moment

im almost not fat anymore but i have loose skin and stretch marks and ill never have sex with a beautiful girl so im not holding up too well
pic related

The girl I like is dating a DYEL fuckboy. I want to smash his teeth in, even though he doesn't deserve it

Turn to the iron, bro.

How long has it been since you split?

How much do I have to total before I can move on bro

How many kilograms does my love for her weigh



One year and I love her just as much if not more

Am I just broken?

I have been sober and eating clean for two months after a breakup, last night she called and I got blackout and ate an entire large meatlovers pizza :/

I am unenployed for almost a year... This is running my confidence and the lack of money is making me stuck to my house

Its a sign. Move on. She broke up with m,e 1 monthy ago and ive been eating clean, showing up to work everyday and working out 6-5 times a week. Feeling much better already.

Failed my squats and deadlifts today. >Had to take a 3 month break from lifting because of school and stress.
>Can't even get back to what I was lifting before

And fucked up greentext

Man just keep lifting and try to talk to new people... I promise it gets better.

>only front squatting 160lbs
>lost my virginity at a massage parlor last weekend

kill me

Mine was 3 years ago, and I still dream of her.

I'm physically stronger than I have ever been. I've slept with 3 girls since then. I've gotten my shit together with school. I still miss her.

I was just out drinking with the lads, didn't talk to any girls because I don't want them, I'm also pretty sure I give off a general depressed vibe, a real buzzkill.

Every time I come home late at night like this, I'm hoping she'll be standing down the stairs, it doesn't make any fucking sense at all to do so, but I still do it and it crushes me every time she's not.

Is this normal?


My ex and I have been spending a lot of time together. It's been great. She never got over me. I never really got over her, which is unusual because usually when I dump girls I don't care. She wants to get back together. But we used to fight all the time when we dated, and it was exhausting. I know it's a bad idea, but it's so tempting. She told me to take my time making my decision.

Well there's a reason you guys split right? So if you think it's worth another shot then go for it. Otherwise, you're just gonna end up getting hurt again.

I think I fucked up my lower back while squatting and trying to avoid hip pain
Fuck this shit

Please dear God let it end

It's going pretty good actually. I have a steady job that pay a decent amount and been slowly getting gains. I don't have any romantic interests atm but I had sloppy drunk sex with this sloot I met through a friend.

I'm not saying I'm an alcoholic but I really like drinking haha. It's probably just because I'm bored more than anything else l.

Chin up anons, it gets better. You just have to put the effort in.

Yeah I broke up with her after we got into a fight after going two weeks without one, which was probably the terrible fight-free record in our relationship.

Yet she's the only girl I've ever felt comfortable saying "I love you" to. Weird shit, man. She seems a bit less insecure now, but who knows? I need time to figure this out.

Girlfriend dumped me almost a month ago. Went on vacation, ate unhealthy food and didn't work out.

Also my libido is more intense than ever but 0 hoes

I wanna die

Benching today and pulled something in my shoulder. Was mad cause I was halfway through and the pain was hell.

I have gyno

I'm 5'10 at 150 lbs and I want to learn how to cut so I can have visible abs and just for force of will. Alas, I have a massive sweet tooth.

I also might have slight gyno at 19. It sucks.

Also, my arms are fucking weak but my chest is good. I just hate doing curls so fucking much, literally least fun exercise (compared to squats/bench)

[spoiler]feels better man[/spoiler]

Save up for surgery. Improved my quality of life by a ton. Insurance covered it too.

broke up with my live-in gf last saturday

I can list off a million reasons why, (she literally only lives to smoke weed, is fat, can't hold a job, can't cook) but honestly it's because I'm voting trump and she's a lib, and she's largely figured it out

now I'm afraid she'll use it to estrange all our mutual friends. I figured this was going to happen when I dumped her, but was still hoping that wasn't how it would go down

oh well, time to lose all my friends. might as well move to a battleground state, so my vote will matter for something in november

oh also none of my lifts have budged a fucking pound in the last... six months? I'm bulking, and gaining weight, but now I'm afraid I'm throwing my abs away right at the moment I should be posting shirtless pics on tinder

Threw out my back on Wednesday, then got what I think is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease last Friday.

At least I can sprint again, but I want to lift!

I miss my ex so bad, I'm seeing her tomorrow, I dunno what I'm gonna say, I really ask her on a walk and I just wanna speak my heart

spoiler doesn't work on this board

do rows and chinups instead of curls, girls love back muscles

I'm the strongest I've ever been, get grills, have great friends, and go to a pretigious university, but I feel even more empty and depressed than when I started lifting

I really want to break up with my girlfriend but we've been together for a year and a half. My longest. I'm moving soon and I don't want to deal with long-distance again. I also get along with her really well. But long-distance sucks so much.

I really don't want to hold either of us back.

It isn't. You need to get over yourself nigger. I don't know how you two broke up but I'm sure she's long over you by now and taking a dicking from Chad. I got cucked out of the only relationship I've ever had with the only girl i felt strong feelings for. It fucking sucked for a few weeks but you can't let it drag you down for a fucking year man. Shits not healthy. You have to assume that no one gives a shit about you so you need to be there for yourself. Lift hard, focus on work or school, force yourself to go out and meet new people even if you don't want to and you will start to feel better when people start miring.

If god wanted it to end, he would've intervened by now

Do it user, and make sure she sees you do it. Use your gains to further your goals of smashing that pussy.


>long distance relationship
>gf is getting more and more difficult to get hold of
>says she's always busy
>says she might visit then cancels at the last minute
>can't visit her because I'm taking 5 summer courses while working
>finally getting a chance to visit early August
>ask what she's doing on the 8th
>says she's working
>she had told me a week before that she would be free

Oh well, I had a feeling it would come to this. She says she might be coming next week but I can already guess she'll make some lame excuse not to.

Does God intend for me to be with her? Sometimes I think this or I would have let go, like I have in the past.
It isn't working man, it's all so hollow.

My contact lens do this too when my eyes are kinda dry and I rub them. Just pull up/down your eyelids (and the underneath of your eyes) then look around in a circle. Apply contact lens drops to help get the bastard out.

The contact lens will almost never travel anywhere dangerous, you just have to use your eyeball movement to move it out of your eye socket

Break up. She's not making you a priority.

never do long distance

never do long distance

Shes getting dicked from multiple angles breh

I can see this ending like pic related.

just end it, bruh. you're clearly not a priority in her life

Would you say you've lost contact with your contact lens?

My LDR gf doesn't seem to give a shit anymore. She says she loves me and can't wait until we're back in school and can be together all the time, but she never seems to give a shit about me. I told her I felt this way today and she said she didn't want to lose me and would be better about it, but she still hardly talks to me throughout the day and when she called me tonight, we barely talked about anything; she didn't even ask how my day was. I feel like she's just keeping me around because she doesn't want to be alone. I'll text her during the day and not hear back, then see her post something on Snapchat or like something on Facebook. She's my oneitis which makes it even worse because after all the time I've spent chasing her, it's not panning out at all like I always thought it would. I have no idea what I want to do. It's slowly causing more stress and sadness than it seems is worth it.

pussy is pussy

got conditionally hired for a paid internship at the biggest company in my country for software development position
currently going through background checks and kind of worried because of a spotty employment history
I know I shouldn't worry about it and my worrying wont change anything but I can't stop. this could make or break my future prospects.

on the bright side, just broke a bench PR

I don't want to be with my girlfriend anymore. We've been together 4 years and I just want to be single, and the idea of spending the rest of my life with her terrifies me.

She's under the impression that we're going to get married, and I keep making shitty excuses. I even bought a ring. I guess I thought if I went through the motions then my heart would follow along.

I know I have to end it, but it's literally going to break her. I'm her first serious boyfriend, and I really don't know if she'll be able to love anyone again.

I'm trying my best right now to find some cowardly way to take the sting off for her.

I'm such a shitty person.

I'm doing well.

I have a powerlifting meet on Sunday.

Meeting up with some fellow /plg/'ers the day before.

I'm super excited.

I have a qt gf.

We're moving into a new apartment together on the 5th.

I put a $750 deposit in on a custom made ring for her. It'll be a halo with a cushion cut green tourmaline to match her eyes. I'm super excited, but I'll probably end up making it her Christmas present.

Im on a cut and got my first "have you been working out user?" comment today and I cheated about an hour ago and ate a shit ton of pizza hut

should I try to puke it up or should I do a water fast tomorrow?

A lot of LDR people in this thread.

>I'll text her during the day and not hear back, then see her post something on Snapchat or like something on Facebook

Fuck this bullshit, my gf does it to me too and I'm getting real tired of it. This is like a no-win scenario though because you can't complain about it without looking needy.

She's getting dicked as I hit post.
That's your blank check to do whatever the hell you want with whatever strange you can find.

Have fun.

You're making yourself sound like a bitch. You even acknowledged that you have oneitis so deal with the problem like a man and move on.

Cheat on her and set it up so she catches you in the act. That way she'll just think you're a piece of shit.

just get more and more distant until she sees it coming and then you can let her down easy

Exactly my fucking problem. I don't want to seem like a little bitch, but it's infuriating. It's gotten to the point where I wake up, think about texting her good morning and say "Fuck you, if you want to talk to me, you can text me" in my head. Such fucking bullshit.

You can't be a coward. I was in your situation. Even if you cheat like suggests, she will try to make it work.

You have to just dump her. And cut her off. She will try to see you to "talk" and then guilt you into taking her back. If you're going to use another woman, actually leave her for a relationship with that woman.

You can't half-ass your way out of this one, or you would've been able to half-ass your way out of it years ago.

I keep hanging out with a co-worker and I can't tell if she likes me or if she's just using me as entertainment for her shift. I should never talk to women.

>she didn't even ask how my day was

Hahahahahahahah you fucking little bitch. You're going to lose her if you keep acting like such a fucking gaping vagina. Stop contacting her. That's how you come back from shit like this. Fill your time with activities and don't text her first
Then when she texts you you have something to talk about.

NEVER text for the sake of texting. Only text if you have a reason to talk.

You sound like a clingy beta bitch boy. Stop being yourself and be someone better

No faggot there's no such this as the ONE or bullshit like that. Love isn't fuckin some magic spell or some shit where you only have one true love or bullshit like that. It might take months, or years, but you'll meet someone who'll make you feel just like your ex did, if not better. For fucks sake dude but if you keep moping and being depressed nobody is gonna wanna be around you. Focus on improving yourself and loving yourself and someone will come around.

I thought about this, or just treating her like absolute shit until she ended it. There's a small chance she stick with me if I cheated, and I think she would hold out for a while if I acted like an ass.

I've been doing that just because it's coming naturally. I think her solution to that is to try and rationalize why I'm doing it.

>been over a year since you broke up
>still having these fucking beta thoughts
You're being a fucking sad cunt right now mate. What part of she doesn't give a shit about you and is getting dicked in all directions do you not understand? Did you even read the Man in the mirror? Get a grip faggot

Strongly considering it. It just sucks because after 3 years you have to wonder how the fuck someone can abandon you so readily.

thanks Mr. Skellington

Post your text conversation with her


This guy, while maybe a little rude, is right. When one partner does more in a relationship, the other one does less. When one gives more affection/attention the other gives less. Think of a relationship like a pie chart, there's only so much that can go around. The way to get her back is to pull back your own affection to her and she'll give you more.

mine was 4 years ago breh, haven't even come close to getting a whiff of pussy. faggot reporting in

Wish I could you a hug m8, no homo

No man should have to go through this.

Just stick to the cut like normal. Pretend the binge didn't happen, but obviously try not to do it again

I'm 25 and I still live at home. I work at a liquor store near my hometown and see people I went to high school with who sound like they have their life set with a career. I was ringing up a bunch of booze for a 21 year old who was having a housewarming party for her new house. I haven't found a career yet because my passion is in something that would never make you any money. Going to school to be an EMT next month. No idea where that's gonna take me. My life is pretty worthless at this point. I eat, work, lift, and sleep in my mom's house. Lost a good paying job 3 years ago because of a medical issue that put me in medical debt.

Yeah, I've stopped texting her first. I work a shit ton, lift and do a lot of shit other than her, it's just nice to hear from her, you know?
Alright, please hold.

I feel like I'm gonna be stuck in my poverty wage school job for years to come.

Have a master's degree and making less than 25k.

I work out in hopes that it'll make me look physically good in the interview. I honestly feel like that's the deciding factor.

I'm sorry about Saturday night. I want you but I can't have you, so I do my best to protect you in the little moments we do seldomly share together. I was drunk and over stepped my bounds. I understand why you won't talk to me, but I'm too afraid to say sorry.

I set a 335lb 5rm squat PR this week fueled off pure self-hate and loneliness.

You may be able to delude yourself into thinking they're all interchangable, but it's not working for me, I don't believe that that is true.
She got a new boyfriend right after, I know she's getting dicked. But it doesn't change anything, I can't stop no matter how hard I've tried. I've never even posted about this before because I've been trying to keep it out of my head.

She texted me recently too, I didn't reply because I'm too angry and proud, but I really wanted to.


>tfw BSc in civil engineering
>interviews came down to me and a masters degree applicant
>I got the job


Go to a part where she's being aloof

burns when i piss
sluts don't make me forget you
please come back breanne

My two friends who I moved back home to be with are moving away and one is my gym buddy.

I've only been going to the gym for a little over two years and I don't know if it'll be worth it to keep going since my luck with others hasn't increased since I've moved back and I started going to the gym since I wanted to look more appealing to others (I am happy with my progress, just not with my social progress)

I'm very unlikable because I am a piece of shit who can't let anything go and I always have to pick a fight when someone says something even slightly off of what I think is right.

There are some people who try to hang out with me but I as-politely-as-possible avoid them because they are fat shits who are lazy or stupid.

One of my friends want me to go with them, but my career is here and I want this job (which isn't available elsewhere), so this is all kinda fucking with my head right now.

if you havent skyped with her including seeing her vagina live, shes a guy btw

m8, you're clearly not a priority in her life


that im gay

My LDR did the exact same thing after she first cheated on me. She's cheating and is distancing herself because of guilt or whatever. Save yourself while you can bro.

Well m8 id personally never say that but that's alright

Just stop putting energy into your relationship. If she cares she will put energy in. If she doesn't, fuck her

Sample of text with my long distance gf. Only for 3 months though. So barely counts as long distance. More like a nice break

>be me, 19, just graduated in May
>been talking to this girl since 2nd semester
>just recently smashed
>feltgoodman.jpg worth the wait (dat ass)
>been kinda getting feelings recently
>about to go to move to college real soon
>kinda sad have to leave this girl
>kinda happy get to start college and make future gains and new pussy to challenge
>oh well

Breh i was in your exact same position a couple of months ago. My gf went overseas and i was needy af for AGES. But then i started seeing friends and doing stuff and spending less time sitting at home feeling depressed. I remember one night i wanted to skype with her, and she said we could, so i made sure i didn't have any other plans (even though a mate wanted to catch up). I message her later

>'hey babe we still skyping soon?'
>'oh my god.. i totally forgot, i'm out at dinner with friends i'm so sorry sweety'

I was fucking furious, absolutely fucking pissed. After that i started doing more of my own thing and she was chasing me more. The guy talking about the pie charts is right. Before she left to go overseas she was all needy and putting in way more effort, so i was putting in less. Be strong friend.

Gah, I keep hearing that and I know it. LDR is garbage. I have to do it for 2 more years for this relationship.
We're together right now and content. I don't know how I'd even try to break up.

sauce on pic?

I got one year before I graduate uni. I'm scared as fuck because I have no idea what I want to do. I picked a major I thought I was interested in, but I really don't see myself being in a related job for the rest of my life. I'm ass-deep in debt and any career I seriously see myself doing requires education.

Tfw just graduated from bachelors of eng civil and still can't find a job. Should probably kms

start learning about buying and selling shit online through ebay. if you're a nerd, get into the secondary market for card games. It's all hard to tax so it's income that you keep all of while you have some random 40 hr/wk job. It helps.

Yeah, I've been putting less and less effort into it. I've definitely been a pussy about it lately and put off things just because I wanted to talk to her. Honestly, I think it's just because we started fucking and getting close right before last semester ended and all that contact just abruptly stopped and I went back to basically living like I'm single and doing my own thing. It's just a weird situation for me, personally and my first long distance thing. Just a learning experience.

33 years old. girlfriend of 8 years left me rather than try and get into shape. all my friends were her friends, and they were her friends first.

so now im by myself.

contemplating selling everything i own and moving somewhere across the country.

i just...dont know anymore.

I'm getting gynecomastia surgery in a couple weeks and I haven't told anyone, I'm terrified that people at the office will notice the immediate difference over a weekend. I also plan to take no painkillers so I have no reason to tell the gossipy HR as there is no reason it would interfere with my work. The week I get back I have to do a presentation in front of executives. Just fuck my life

Breh I graduated in June and got a job 2 weeks later

Lucky as fuuuuck