W-we could have beat your ass!

>w-we could have beat your ass!
>we retreated only because the war was becoming unpopular!!

Other urls found in this thread:


I mean that's technically true.

That is literally what happened
The population got riled up by KGB plants and hippies so the government had to stop

Don't even try to argue with Americans. They'll force you to stoop down to their staggeringly low level of discourse.

You were only there because of some Australian shitposting anyway, it's hardly something to be proud of

>go full on indiscriminate war mode on the populace
>get even more infamy and unrest,much more bodies,strife at the homefront,possible intervention by China and Russia
>Keep the war at 1968 level
>Still high casualty,same level of unpopularity,Get fucked even harder by the looming oil crisis
>Use a better grand strategy and approach to accomadate both conventional and guerilla warfare ala Rhodesia or Malaya
>South Nam is saved for a decade or more but collapses due to its own terrible corruption,less casualty and a bit ot face saved,will probably like What we saw in Afghanistan today
>Stay out of frogs business and accept Ho Chi Minh appeal and accept the votes by rejecting the domino effect and hedging fund on Thailand to hold
>Friendly relation with Vietnam,no casualty or money sunk in,a loss of confidence amongst allies due to basically conceding a democratic nation to commies,Frogs are left sulking alone

The best move is to


You literally didnt read my post did you

>40 years later be friends with the nation that you used dangerous chemicals against just because trade agreements force you to
>nation accepts, becomes richer
>wonder what was even the point

>tfw australia literally caused the vietnam war because we were afraid of indonesia

>CIA/FBI objectively destroyed or neutered every leftist organization and group in the country by 1970
>we only lost the war because of leftist pot-stirring!

Do what you must, gook, we've already won.

Back to /int/ with you

Both of these things are true. And we DID beat their ass

boomer's arrogance knows no bounds

>Viets get into economic ties with western nations following China's example.

Doesn't sound like it considering the "TKING OUR JERBS" argument from your fatass laborers.


The left had taken over academia and the media, who cares that a bunch of fringe radical groups are infilitrated by the CIA?

>implying the CIA/FBI weren't being infiltrated by leftists themselves at that point

>ala Rhodesia or Malaya
Completely different in scale, tactics, and how the guerrillas operated.
How were we forced to open trade with Vietnam again? They wanted us to trade with them more than we did.

Yes, that is correct.

Reminer that Nixon is one of our greatest presidents..


>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""the left"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Did he actually say that? Clearly he never actually read marx

>That is literally what happened
>Nixon negotiates peace between North and South Vietnam
>Watergate happens
>Viet Cong seize opportunity while US is distracted
>Dem Congress won't back South Vietnam
>Country unified

They say not to mud-wrestle with a pig since the pig likes to be dirty

*revisionism intensifies*

*tips tinfoil hat*

But isn't wrong in the slightest, the CIA infiltrated pretty much any counter-culture. The Beatles' manager was connected with the CIA

>negociating peace deal with insurgents

Tbh we had no place there, I suppose LBJ thought it'd just be another Korea