Why did Iranians not want this?

Why did Iranians protest against him? They were the richest and most industrial Nation in the middle east at that time! They had the fifth most powerful army on the planet. Had the fastest growing GDP in all of modern history. What was their problem?

The Shah had something of a PR problem. He had a hard time selling his ideas to the Iranian people, who were largely illiterate by the time the Shah came to power; the country reached 50% literacy by the time of the revolution. Compare his elegant demeanor he fashioned in Switzerland as a child, with his fancy suits and crown, his flawless French and English skills, and his taste for airplanes and luxurious car, to the fiery charisma of the ayatollah who lived much like the average poor Iranian.

The Shah refused to crack down on the protesters. He had a certain weakness to him that impaired his ability to make harsh yet decisive decisions in times of need. The opposition capitalized on this; far from claiming the Shah was weak, they painted a picture of a madman gunning down women and children by the thousands in the streets. This was, of course, bullshit, as the Islamic Republic's own analysts quickly discovered in the 80s. Nor were Iran's prisons full of political prisoners like human rights agencies had claimed. Yet again, the Shah was incapable of communicating this to his people and the ayatollah capitalized on it.

So, moral of the story is kill your opposition because, even if you were soft on them, when they win they are going to lie and turn you into a monster! I always thought the Shah of Iran was a tyrant. He ruled Iran for nearly 40 years and only killed 200 political prisoners, and most of them were communist terrorists!

With someone like Khomeini, the only answer is death. I'm not saying this as a fedora tipping m'lady saying redditor, but when you realize the zealotry of men like Khomeini and his followers, you come to see how dialogue won't work.

You can also blame Jimmy Carter for helping paint the Shah as a tyrant.

I heard in an interview of one of the ex-revolutionary guard is that the mullahs would say some Arabic words, and the female prisoners would become halal. And the guards would gangbang the females that did not accept the ayatollah rule until death! That's worse then ISIS

I've come to distrust any hearsay from Iranian.

Fuck off cunt! I have seen some crazy shit in Iran myself. Every Iranian ex-revolutionary are writing books about the craziness of that time. Read Rafasjanis memoir. He says this guy used to get off on seeing people hanged!

Yeah Khalkhali was a known sadistic murderer, he even bragged about it. That's no secretive knowledge.

>The Shah refused to crack down on the protesters. He had a certain weakness to him that impaired his ability to make harsh yet decisive decisions in times of need. The opposition capitalized on this; far from claiming the Shah was weak, they painted a picture of a madman gunning down women and children by the thousands in the streets.

This is the exact opposite of what happened.

That's a crackdown? Large segments of the army refused to fire at the protesters. When his generals begged the Shah to act sternly, he said something along the lines of "I refuse to kill my people". With what the army was capable of doing, Jaleh Square wasn't exceedingly bloody, certainly not as bloody as what the Islamists hoped it to be. The Shah was no Assad.

Its better to be feared then loved.

Only correct answer is : because at the end of the day you'de rather have a job , heating, and bread at home than having a pretentious larper spending all your tax revenue on ostentatious ceremonies in the desert so that he could play as" muh Light of the Aryans"

Really m80? The Shah in his reign didn't see to it that the living standard of Iranians increased leaps and bounds to what it was in 1953? The modern Iranian state was practically built by the Shah and his father.

Because he was a brutally oppressive and unpopular puppet. America fucked up, hard. Simple as that.
T. American

whatever the case, the average middle-class / educated man didn't feel that the governments investments into the country were benefitting them.: hence why they were the bulk driving the revolution.
I think i've heard the theory that the Shah invested into education without having an economy capable of absorbing the newly educated masses- if you want a more sympathetic explanation

Actually the same.problem Saudi Arabia is facing soon. Large educated but unemployed young adults because there isn't enough economic growth to Match the population. Hence them pouring billions into industry creation to stave off an Iran style rebellion

pretty much this. living standards raised cause you had a massive population of dirt-poor peasants be introduced to basic necessities.
the people benefiting the most from your country's success were a garish emperor, his close circle, and his foreign business partners

>.imblying the average Saudi citizen isn't buttered up with government hand outs
>imblying the saudis have any need of any "workforce" other than the south asian slaves they already have

Yeh because the ayatollahs are really caring about the people! 20 percent of the population lives in poverty. for an oil-rich nation that is a shame!

>>imblying the saudis have any need of any "workforce" other than the south asian slaves they already have
That's actually part of the problem.

And the oil money is starting to run out

Once people stop using the oil they will be fucked. In the next 30 years there will be a revolution in Saudi Arabia, and basically, people like ISIS will rule over the godforsaken land!

desu if anything the conservative Islamic govern meant are quite antisocially inclined. with what they have, the government focuses a lot in distrubuting wealth and investing in more rural areas.
Most likely it would be foreign born Arabs of Iraqi and Egyptian origin given how lazy and ineffectual the average saudi is

Without developing the industry it means nothing! The oil runs out they will eat each other!

>liking the virgin over the Chad

Okay! Stop writing these posts like you're texting someone! Nobody on Veeky Forums writes like this!!!!!!!!!! ! ! !!

People who don't speak English as a first language sometimes do! When they are trying to be very emphatic!
I'm crossposting from /pol/ and even I know this you grease soaked bumpkin fuck!

holy shit i think we've found the origin of the meme

I come to Veeky Forums to relax. Not fucken writing an essay Dickhead! Do you even work? I am tired!

>Why did Iranians protest against him?
Because (f)arsians are a nation of cucks, they love Arab cock and have no sense of heritage so they copy everything from Islam. There is a reason why only Iranics in central Asia and China are still white.

He didn’t do any of that, the guy before him did. He ruined the country

Gosh why would a secular pro western leader not be popular with a deeply religious society

>hey had the fifth most powerful army on the planet. Had the fastest growing GDP in all of modern history.

Going to need a source for these.

If you hate Iran you some sort of vermin either American, Jew, Arab, Turk, Kurd, Afghan, Paki, Indian shot we got a lot of enemies