ITT: We match Roman Emperors with the Veeky Forums boards they would have browsed

ITT: We match Roman Emperors with the Veeky Forums boards they would have browsed

No Roman Emperor would ever browse this shithole. That's an offense to them.

Caesar: /h/
Nero: /a/
Caligula: /hc/
Tiberius: /bant/

>implying Elagabalus wouldn't have browsed /d/ everyday

Claudius would've have definitely browsed Veeky Forums and whatever is closest to a /law/.
Hadrianus would have spent countless hours on /hm/.
Vitellius would obviously be on Veeky Forums.

Which one? There were about a thousand of them.
And don't say Julius. He was never an emperor.

Commodus: /sp/
Vespasian: Veeky Forums
Dominitian: /r9k/
Nero: /tv/
Auugustus: /diy/

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
>Valentinian III

Septimius Severus: /int/
Marcus Aurelius: Veeky Forums
Caligula: /hc/
Nero: /mu/

Antoninus Pius: /wsg/

Caligula: /mlp/

Galba: Veeky Forums
Hadrian: /trv/
Lucius Verus: /v/

Hadrian: /trv/ (he liked traveling)
Marcus Aurelius: Veeky Forums ("people don't understand Stoicism")
Commodus: /sp/ (mostly MMA)
Augustus: /pol/ (complaining about degeneracy)
Claudius: Veeky Forums

Maximinus Thrax : /tv/

I think Hadrian was more /pol/ desu

>tried to wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth
>built a giant wall
>deified a trap

>Elagabalus: /b/
>Hadrian: /lgbt/
>Titus: /pol/

>tried to wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth
>built a giant wall
There wasn't anything politically incorrect about it. Keeping stupid barbarians in their place was like the most pc a roman could do.
>deified a trap
Antinous wasn't a trap.

Justinian would be Veeky Forums, because he was very Christian and an autistic kcmod who vacillated on his convictions and liked to imagine he was an intellectual.

Come on, nero is full /b/tard

A Big guy?

Constantine: /x/ to talk about his viewings of the Chi-Rho and God telling him in this sign he'll conquer.

Nero is the light

would Caracalla be /k/ or /sp/?


Caesar: /hm/

Otho: /r9k/

I think Claudius would be /r9k/ because he was such a beta that he was bullied his entire life and his wife cucked him with half the senate and their slaves

Or maybe Alexander Severus might be /r9k/ because he was a mommy boy with the most GBP in history

Caracalla /a/
Geta /jp/

>Nero: /mu/

claudius would also browse Veeky Forums since he wrote histories

For you

Who would go to Veeky Forums or /d/?

Tiberius would be /r9k/

I really want some spaghettiboi to find a complete collection of Claudius' history of the ethruscan people in his basement.

>Veeky Forums
Valentinian III

>any specific board

He'd own Commoduschan, rename all boards and browse whatever he feels more commodus depending on the commodus of the week.

Diocletian - Veeky Forums



Check out my mixtape.

It's literally on fire

So you're saying he'd need to be aCommodated?

>Nero: /tv/
I will crash this city with no survivors
the fire arises

Caligula would be old /b/ for sure.

I bet he would be more /asp/

Hadrian would clearly prefer /cm/.

Principate Emperors

Augustus - /pol/
>sickly, vindictive wimp good at picking friends who waged history's first nationalist uprising and spent his days obsessing over the decline of public morality
Tiberius - /r/
>hated the trappings of power and only wanted to wallow in his opulent rape palace
Caligula - /b/
>sadistic manchild who did it all for the lulz
Claudius - Veeky Forums
>stuttering social autist who was the butt of everyone's jokes until power fell into his lap and he proved to be a capable ruler and surprisingly talented orator
Nero - /mu/
>only wanted to dance, sing, and play his lyre, forcing random administrators and entire audiences to sit and listen to his set

Vespasian - /out/
>gregarious countryboy who caused a minor scandal when it was revealed that he was so down-to-Earth that he took off and put on his own boots
Titus - /sp/
>short reign defined by the completion of the Coliseum
Domitian - /x/
>thought that everyone was out to get him

Nerva - /s4s/
>wasn't a particularly great ruler, but knew what one looked like
Trajan - /k/
>actually went out and conquered stuff
Hadrian - /cm/
>loved that sweet, sweet boipucci
Antoninus Pius - /news/
>conventional successor to the eccentric, senate-infuriating Hadrian
Marcus Aurelius - Veeky Forums
>Spent most of his reign sitting in a military camp writing philosophy
Lucius Verus - Veeky Forums
>was sporting a fashionable beard and full, thick poof of curly hair
Commodus - /tv/
>Spent most of his time obsessing over the glamour of mass spectacle

Didius Julianus - Veeky Forums
>thought that he could purchase his way to power

Septimius Severus - /diy/
>Said "fuck that" when the praetorians auctioned off the empire to the wealthiest bidder
Geta - /vip/
>should have gotten the memo about his brother
Caracalla - /r9k/
>Even his own mother thought he was an irrepressible cunt
Elagabulus - /d/
>One of history's most infamous degenerates
Severus Alexander - /mlp/
>little bitch who lived and died under his mother's thumb