Veeky Forums Anime

What anime does Veeky Forums watch?

Pretty much everything.
Favorites would be Gochiusa, Prisma Illya, New Game!, Re:zero

Baki, Garouden, Tough. Only Baki is anime. Rest is manga.

Slice of life anime.
There is nothing more hetero or test indulcing than watching cute girls doing cute things.

Legend of the Galactic Homosexuals. Yuru Yuri.

That's what I'm saying

I should add Baki comes in manga too, anme is only short saga.

JoJo, rest manga.


DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, and Berserk. What else should I watch?

>watching Anime

Read the Manga.

That being said
>All rounder meguru
>Sun Ken Rock
>Boku No Hero Academia

Enjoy yourselves, buddies

>reads everything but jojo

One Punch man. The only anime worth watching.

Rem is best girl

Berserk for strugglan (also read the manga)

OPM and previously Gurren Lagann for hype

My nugas

>All rounder meguru
Wow, so I'm not the only one that reads that.

thats some casual post if ive ever seen one

Prisma Ilya and Yuru Yuri.

>Implying opm isnt S-tier

its a comedy show who turned into a meme, shit was ok tho

Umaru was much better though and was the only contender to NNB s2 for AOTY


>watching japanese cartoons for autistic children
>being an adult
Pick one and only one.

Yeah but it's a comedy which makes fun of every shounen cliche out there. Tbf I havent watched that much anime the past couple of years but I love opm cause it makes fun of every thing I hate about shounen anime with 100+ episodes. Maybe I should watch some new shows but I find a lot of anime really slow/childish. Any suggestions?

Ippo-really went downhill
Baki-The Musashi masturbation has really gotten old.
Ghost in the Shell SAC
Slayers Next

Anitore EX. Become the fit little girl.

Berserk, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball Z (forget the Boo saga though).

Pokemon :^)

OPM was shit. Like really bad. This is coming from someone who is open to various genre's of anime and can find something enjoyable about an anime

How is it shit? It's hilarious, well animated, well paced. Butthurt cause it makes fun of naruto?

>mfw Veeky Forums doesn't dive

OPM couldn't carry Naruto's jockstrap. OPM will be forgotten as soon as it ends. Naruto will endure.

yeah ur right, as a comedy it was very good.
i'm not sure about your tastes but you should watch the classics if you haven't
Love Live
Ano Hana
Fate/Stay Night and Zero
if youre into shounen
Hajime no Ippo

there is so much good shit available i dont even know, look for some /a/ charts
Pokemon might be good again, they say Ash is finally bringing one for da land

>Making fun of WSJ is an achievement
It was really well animated, but I don't care enough about battle shounen to find a parody interesting.

Sports animu is best genre.
Also watching Free is okay if you say no homo after each episode.

>tfw you'll never be Takamura mode

you can't be serious
Naruto has been shit since Shippuden began, Kishimoto either lost sight or was forced to meme it up to keep producing content for jump.
The manga went to complete shit and stopped making sense, the anime with its infinite fillers i can only assume is even worse.

not gonna argue that OPM is a meme but naruto isn't better at all

Butt hurt confirmed.
Fair enough. I used to watch alot of that shit when I was a kid so I love the jokes.

Kentaro is a sick cunt, drawing scenes like those


Lmao, fucking weeb, what shit


It wasn't funny. I didn't pay enough attention to the animation to give it judgement. It was not well paced. It wasn't paced at all. It was a fucking episodic anime you retard. Your opinions are completely shit if you thought this was well paced. Did it make fun of naruto? I wasn't aware.


Of all the anime you decide to call him out on for being a weeb, you chose Fate/Stay?
The fate series should be considered "normie tier" now because it's on netflix. FSN and Zero.

Just started watching JoJo, and I like how they are literally screaming the whole time. There is like maybe one quiet minute during a whole episode. They scream at everything, it's kinda funny

>Talks about pacing

>Naruto fankiddo


I don't even watch naruto though. Is this the damage control for OPM faggots?

>You will never KO a bear in 1v1 hand to hand combat

why even live

Take away the fillers and its pretty damn good. I hope they do that one day. A "Naruto Kai" if you will.

If you took away all the fillers, flashbacks, and useless flashes to every single characters reation to every single event, the entire show could be reduced to about 45mins worth of TV.

That's a good list.

>Ctrl F Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple

For fucking shame Veeky Forums this little faggot goes from skinny dweeb to aesthetic martial arts master surrounded by hot big titty bimbos

I don't watch self insert garbage.
See: SAO, MiraI Nikki, Kenichi.

Manga rather than anime but oyaji is so manly reading it will put hair on your chest and make your dick grow three inches.

my man, baki is god teir

I miss the crazy dubstep from the first two seasons.

never gets laid, in spite of massive skill gains remains a total pussy & we never get to see him become a master anyway.
Kind of a letdown.

Tiddies though.

He does get laid, pic related, although you never see him become a master, and they ended it with the shitty 'I'll save that story for another time'

>Implying there will ever be another time

If forget pills were a thing I'd take the fuck out of them so I could watch Haikyuu for the first time again.

>He does get laid, pic related
That's a flashforward from THE LAST CHAPTER.
Doesn't even count.

who's the cutie on the wedding dress?
who's the even more cute loli?

>forget pills
Why is the majority Veeky Forums people so fucking dumb?

pic related fav char
>inb4 naruto hate meme

I'm very well aware that it's not gonna happen, you fucking sperg.

Wedding dress is most likely miu, as I'm betting that the loli is his daughter, as miu always wears the purple one piece, which is in the pic, and the other hand has the same wrist wraps as Kenichis in the pic.

>naruto is shit

I love hinata!

Hajime no Ippo and JoJo

The whole point of OPM is that it makes fun of the genera.

Shounen battle manga tends to reach a point where the characters get so powerful that no clever moves can be made. once powerful threats become things that the characters can just kill with a flick. the clever fight scenes of grit and outsmarting opponents become null.

take naruto for example, early on it was about a boy who overcomes his problems and even some disabilities with grit, determination and cunning slowly catching up with and surpassing in some of his naturally talented foil, then it becomes bloodline powers vs bloodline powers.

OPM takes that to the logical conclusion of battle manga early on and makes fun of that and rolls with it. Problem is that reddit took over the fan base and they ruin every joke they touch.

it doesn't make fun of the genre. It's basically just some guy who never fucking loses, thus talking about the suspense and thrill of the show. The comedy was also mediocre at best so that couldn't even salvage this dead show.

Yeah That's the joke right. In the typical battle shonen there's always that quest for power. gotta get stronger. training episodes yada yada. OPM is already the strongest guy and I think they did a neat job of keeping that interesting. And fuck what reddit thinks.

>It's basically just some guy who never fucking loses
So the same as 90% of shonen?

Holy shit you have shit taste.
>keeping that interesting
Can you explain how? Because it was NOT interesting when it was predictable AS FUCK that he would win every fight no matter what. There was no sense of danger anywhere because you already fucking knew this guy would just come in and save the day

The classic

Not really. FMA and Naruto, at least there were some deaths and you never knew who would win at some times. At least their fights dragged on for episodes and gave a little suspense and thriller. OPM you just fucking knew he was going to win. You just fucking know.

I don't watch cartoons and neither should you, fat fuck

The other scrub heros are there for the suspense. I just like how almost none of saitamas fights are from his perspective, they are all from the point of view of the guy he fights.


imho it could do much more with the genre deconstrutction

its just a bunch of cool few frames, because action scenes last 30 seconds tops because welp, its one punch man

the humour is nothing special
I also expected more drama related to the problem of being a superhero and being too powerfull for everyone, while that thing is basically not explored, while whole show is about one big nothing/punch


>watching autistic cartoons
>having sex with women
Pick one and only one

None, anime is for fucking nerds


The fights that dont directly involve saitama are a long enough and even some of the ones that do arent that short.


>whole fucking arc where pain kills everyone
>end of arc. pain revives everyone only pain dies.

Making the whole arc pretty much filler.

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica is quite literally the greatest work of art ever made.
Shit is literally perfect.

Autistic cartoon of course
[spoiler] with waifus


mfw I picked both but you're so DYEL you can only pick one

>come to a cantonese sand sculpture image board
>make fun of people for looking at cantonese sand sculptures
What are you even doing?

Not really. Pain was the most bad ass villain

If you think opm is literally only about saitaman and not the character development and relationships he deals with while trying to become a hero you missed the point of the show completely :
Also the animation is godlike

>having sex with women
for what purpose


Last episode of zero had so much

I think you're reading a little bit too much into the show.
By a little bit, I mean a lot. There was very little character development.
>relationships he deals with while trying to become a hero
Are you fucking dumb? This is what OPM faggots actually believe?

highly recommend samurai champloo


>no Initial D
You all faggots are fucking wrong. SEB is op tier workout music. Plus dat dere inertia douriftu.

Hellsing ultimate. First episode is a bit slow but it's pretty awesome.