Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

Too many carbs, not enough protonz

I want to put on some weight(currently Auschwitz mode)

you made it

why are you eating breaded, fried chicken?

if you went with un-breaded and baked/grilled chicken, you could probably double the beans and keep your calories around the same


Bad idea man, max out on protein still. You're just making more work for yourself by trying to go to skinny fat mode.

As long as you are lifting, that is.

no fork you animal

if he's fucking bulking why the fuck does it matter


There's your flaw user. Carbs are literally satan; all they do is hide your gains by covering you in a layer of blubber.

You should try to get your carb intake to as close to 0 as humanly possible.

Because he's going to bulk and put on too much fat, and then cut back into nothing

>fat makes you fat

nah, anything over like 250g of carbs is probably overkill unless you're 200lbs lean and bulking

No, the flaw is not enough food. I bet you're one of those idiots that eats like 300g of protein per day. RIP your kidneys.

Enjoy doing IIFYM and looking like absolute shit

NO user.

0g carbs is the perfect number of carbs, because you can't go negative carbs.

Carbs are pure evil. They have NO useful application in bodybuilding or weightlifting. They just make you feel hungry and look like shit.

Is this bait?
It seems like your bulking because that's dense food
But it's not enough food...
It's fried...
Those beans are loaded with sugar...
Not enough protein if that's a meal

Yep bait

Eating "clean" has a fractional percentage on how you actually look.

Thinking anything over 1g/lb weight in protein destroys your kidneys

Unless you're on drugs, everything matters. You can eat mc donalds and take steroids and still look better than most natties.

I never said that. When I'm eating 4000 calories per day it's actually very hard for me to not eat 210g+ of protein in a day, but when you weigh 160 lbs you shouldn't eat 2g/lb of protein.

I'll hit no more than 250 when bulking. It's not going to destroy your kidneys unless you have a shit diet on top of that, eat too much sodium, etc.

all you muh not enough proton or too many carbs fags are literal cancer. only the fagget trip is the only reasonable one

Calories are calories.

Fat is fat
Protein is protein
Carbohydrates are carbohydrates

As long as you get enough of them, your micronutrients, and your essential fats and animo acids, you will literally look the same as if you ate entirely clean.

I'm not saying go ahead and eat nothing but fast food, but clean eating is a meme.

If anything you need less than 1g/lb of protein when bulking.

enjoy your diarrhea colored diarrhea

I don't follow Jason Bloho
Eating excess protein is only bad for you if you already have kidney disease