Qt femboy

What's the best diet and exercises you can do to become a slim qt femboy? pls help

just google one of those meme pictures with an anime girl telling you to do X over a month and eat cum or something equally retarded good luck and don't forget to remove yourself from the genepool

thank you user, if it makes you feel better i will never have a child to spread my degeneracy to

>was fat
>always wanted to be slim qt femboy
>lost all the weight, started exercising
>sagging stomach means will never have flat stomach, dreams ded
r i p

This. Just drink your own cum and do couch to 5k until you're 50. You should see some progress by then.

seriously? i have a little fat myself but i thought i could still get slim and sexy

Does no-one think it's disturbing how many people have this image saved?

this is Veeky Forums
what did you expect?

Why would it be?

I mean, even I have it saved.


Have you seen any results from it? I started doing the exercises recently but I haven't tried the jogging yet

No I don't do it, I just have it saved because I like the image.

I do standard stronglifts 5x5. I might take up couch to 5k tho so I can helo get my visible abs (already eating less)

What the fuck is this memery?

"No strength training"? Clearly haven't read the part in the Veeky Forums sticky that says strength training doesn't make you look like The Hulk; it just keeps your muscles from atrophying until your frame is inferior to your fucking grandfather's.

Cardio is fine, that couch to 5k thing is a good way to go. I never really stuck to it but I run around plenty.

>drink from BPA containers for estrogen
Yeah, and carcinogenic properties as well. Skip that step for god's sake.

Feel free to supplement additional bodyweight butt workouts if you please, but don't make them the main staple of your god damned workout.

Idk about consuming estrogen/additional soy to fuck with your hormones. A lot of your manliness is in your brain, not so much in your body. You really want to start having woman-like mannerisms? Have you forgotten how women are? Be a qt femboy without the girly retardation and you'll be ace. Estrogen is shit.

How to get into fem fit mode? Im a guy who wants to look like a female Olympic weightlifter

>strength training doesn't make you look like The Hulk

He's a man though, he has enough testosterone in his body that if he keeps lifting heavy he'll get a more masculine frame

Thanks user, should I follow the diet except for the whole soy thing on that guide?

Eat 2 jars of nutella a day along with your regular diet.


Isn't that just pretty much sugar?

You're actually taking my post to heart? Why the fuck would you do that? I'm a wirey DYEL who probably lifts no more than you lmao.

Dude the only part of that diet I personally bother with is eating fruits and green veggies. That's like 70% of my day's volume of food with the rest being chicken, rice, and beans I got from Costco. That's a good way to go; keeps you full and your calories low.

That is the whole idea; just eat fewer calories and weight train normally. That's all being a twink is: having low bodyfat (muscle is up to you; just train less and eat less if you get too big like says).

I consider myself a qt femboy kinda sorta. Not really girly but I'm in that area. Will post pics to prove I'm not full of shit.

>tfw trappy isn't here to help us. that motherfucker helped me a lot :(

Won't the carbs in fruits make losing the final pounds hard? I'm at the point where the only fat remaining is in my stomach, wouldn't it be best to just go full keto for the final few pounds or no?

i'm genuinely looking for advice so every little bit helps, so that's why i'm taking it seriously..

Lmao give up now if you don't have the genetics for it. Just focus on lower body and do shit load of accessories for the hips.

When I was younger I used to drink soy milk religiously. Compared to my siblings my lips are bigger features softer and i was skinny as a rake. Fighting the feminisation with all my powers now

I want a flat stomach, and I do have decent genetics. Not giving up because some weeb tells me too!

That's the spirit user

Sounds lewd. Can I put my dick in you at least once?

Shit mang idk :(

Carbs are great from what I know, but I never struggled like you are struggling. Experiment to your heart's content; I just have fruits and berries because I can.


not bad, that's the physique i'm aiming for i guess, so thank you for the advice

Yes it is, friend.

I consider myself straight but recently after working out I've had the desire to fuck a cute trap/femboy with a big butt.I feel funny now cuz its only after I work out.
Pics would be appreciated tho to calm my urges

do you mean pics of OP or femboys in general?
regardless i have a boyfriend, user. go to /gif/ or something you'll find big fat femboy butt there

To be honest, I think maybe you should avoid desserts like fruits and berries. It's easier to get to your goal on a steep deficit. I've actually only been doing this life for 2 weeks and I did *not* look this good before then. The change is quick for me, luckily.

But you gotta have your nutrients mang. Fats, protiens, and carbs are essential. I take a hefty 400 cal shot of olive oil every day just to get the fats in because I'm a lazy fuck and won't cook.

Fibrous carbs come from veggies and fruits. They're a big deal. Don't want fruits? Just eat more veggies. I eat so many veggies I had to start blending them so I didn't spend the entire day eating. Veggies WILL make your skin look better. It's not just about physique; you gotta get that *glow* of a femboy, the kind that fucking teenagers have.

Idk wtf a complex carb is or what it's for. Glucose energy or some shit. I just eat rice and black beans from Costco.

G'luck user.

again, thank you, your advice is much appreciated. i'll go about seeing what i can do

If you want to be for srsbsns about this, here's my no-no list:

Saturated fats: fats, butter, chicken skin, etc. I'm pretty sure restaurants are retarded about this in their steaks, so be wary.

Trans fats: Pastries and syrupy bread. Just avoid that shit because it's poison.

Simple carbs: Sodas and shit. Complex carbs are good, whatever they are. Oatmeal is good I think. Raw veggies are always good carbs.

This is redundant, but just avoid processed sugar. Candy bars, sodas, cinnamon rolls, all these sweets that end up making you feel like shit afterwards are as good as poison. They'll mess with your complexion and in my case, break my skin up. Make the sacrifice and you'll be younger.

Meant femboys but the advice is appreciated. My family was very religious so I've never jerked off to stuff like that cuz I'd feel guilty afterwards. Just thought about it.

and you still look like shit because you don't atg squat

what a waste

How much do you lift and what's your weight/height?

Fortunately for me I hate most of that stuff anyway, it's very hard for me to put down a drink of soda but i've put tons of water in my room to help me resist the urge. Thanks

What about getting jacked with soy protein for the after workout shake?

It's cute how tiny your ass is.

It's more disturbing to think that some people will follow this list and drink their own cum

When you cum, you let out a little bit of test in your cum. You can't lose your gains, user.



I-I'm working on it baka! I said already my lifts suck and I only achieved a decent proportion but not much else. No need to rek me 3:
I do Startbodyweight.com and have shit lifts because I started getting srs recently. 6'2", 173 lbs.

I usually cum on my hands and lick my fingers. Been doing it for years now.

>their own

hang by your neck from ceiling fanxf