Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...

are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life? I decided it in the beginning of 2015 and not a single drop of hot water touched my skin since then.

Don't you just wanna feel the urge to headbutt Mike Tyson after a real fucking nape-killer icy shower?

Don't you just wanna feel being the only real guy in a crowded room you just had entered, knowing others would cry for hot water while you would step cold-bloodedly under the tap?

Don't you see the equation that in a situation where all other conditions are equal, guy who takes cold showers would beat the shit out of the hot-showering pussy?

Other benefits:

>increased sex drive
>harder erections with significant precum
>more amount of whiter, thicker cum
>better sperm quality and count
>fat-burning mode all day along after it
>reduced stress levels
>increased alertness
>better skin
>much more aggressive after taking it
>being able to hear your blood flow through your veins
>not becoming sick any more, even when you do, you just have runny nose, not a headache or anything

It will be a new step to manhood, trust me.



Good morning

mirin numbers

Why limit yourself to one or the other? I reap benefits from both. I relax my muscles after a workout with warm water and once that's done I switch to icy cold water to finish off.

What the fuck is this new age hippy bullshit talking about stimulating hormones and freeing up your mind.

Get the fuck out of here with your chi and crystals faggot

This is probably the only accurate one I've seen. Both have their own benefits.

Hot water really relieves you of anxiety and depression when you're having a bad day, and it's better for cleaning.

I just start of warm/lukewarm while washing, then rinse of with cold.

it's normie bro science

Funny isn't it?

ive had experience with cold showers but i havent had hot water for 3 weeks and have only taken 2 (cold) showers in that time. i agree that they stimulate the body and mind like none other but not showering has also been dope. i just use babywipes all over once a week

>I just use baby wipes all over once a week
That's is literally the most autistic thing I've ever heard of.
Spaceprogram plz.

This fucking meme lol

fucking disgusting.

this is why i hate public spaces/transportation. everyone smells like shit and is dirty as shit

Why do people still sperg out over le cold shower meme? Summer not over yet?

Also a lot easier to safe money with cold showers; turns out when the water is freezing you don't want to take +10min showers

I take cold showers at summer and warm showers at winter. Basically what feels comfortable.
This is just cringey desu.

>[Citation Needed]

Double trips speak truth

I made the shift to cold showers 2 years ago, haven't had 1 hot shower since. Hot tubs I'll go in upon occasion for soreness though.

It's not even the multitude of health benefits, it just promotes mental toughness. Also it was funny when I went to a 3rd world country, everyone was flipping a shit over the non-heated water when it was normal to me.

Sucks I live in the south, water is lukewarm most of the time even on max cold setting.

Oh also, my gym has a steam room. 10/10

Forgot to mention, I stopped taking hot showers partially because I have heat rash. Pretty much whenever I move at all or get slightly hot, pic related is my entire body... Shit sucks man.

>Prevents cold

How fucking how. The only time I showered consistently with cold water (my heater had died) was for a week and got sick the third day. I also spend the whole fucking day shivering and feeling cold.


The science actually says to take a cold shower or bath at night for a better night's sleep. As your body temperature lowers it signals the brain that you are at rest and it starts producing serotonin and melatonin for a restful sleep.

Do you not dry yourself off? After a cold shower I'm always warmer once I dry off since the water was colder than the air.