CBT /Progress Edition/

Last CBT thread is dying. Post your current body, and if possible pic of yourself when you started lifting.

Been lifting for a little over a month. Increased my weight from 155lbs > 160lbs.

Weighed less than 120 lbs up until I was 16. Now I'm sitting at around 190. You can do it, skellys. You just gotta EAT BIG TO GET BIG, C'MON.


2013 -> now
368lbs/167kg -> 220lbs/100kg

Solid weight loss. Keep it up, you're getting close.


6 months
145lbs. To 172lbs.
Lifts 1RM:

Ran SL 5x5 then a PPL. Any ideas for what program to run to catch my bench and OHP up to the rest? Preferably hypertrophy and strength building.

What does that jug of water with 50% mean?
Run PPL with two lifts focusing on shoulders, and run OHP as your first heavy lift. If I OHP after benching I lose a 5lbs or more on my OHP

About a years progress. Sorry for the different angles, but I think you can see the difference

Bf estimate niggas please im sick of cuttin.
6'3 202 lbs

Just one month op?

Holy shit


Looking good af, my man. Keep going.

Wow you cut 10lbs of fat in a year

You look good but youre almost the same in your before pic

this thread.

but we're all gonna meke ut giyuzzz, remember what zyzz told usss

11 months so far and i went from 120 to 140. 5'8
Bench: 170
Squat: 235
Incline dumbbell: 55 each
Deadlift: 175 (only been a month or so)


dream body

argiato. 2 months lifting seriously (off and on before now)

>left without pump
>right with pump

Nope, flexing in both pics.

January 2015 ---> August 2015 ----> August 2016

Not as cut as I'd like to be, but I'm happy with the progress. Wasn't able to work out much this summer, so I've got some ground to regain as well.

Went from 180 to 145, sitting at 150 right now.

That's some of the worst progress I've ever seen

fuck you bud

Did you try lifting at all?

no bully

google 'natural rich piano' to get enlighted

Refrigerator mode






I liked you better when you were high test

Looked your best in the second pic. Go backwards

you've done well


>Tfw no progress pics, only swole pics

Try having better genetics and develop curves.

S 150
D 180
B 125

How long do you guys normanly bulk for?

Do u bulk until you weigh the desired weight or do you bulk for a period of time?

Also tips on getting better ohp stats

I hope those stats are in kg, senpai

Posted in the last one, can't seem to grow out my chest. Gonna take a couple of weeks to focus on chest hypertrophy.

And typing that out is literally the most you have talked to someone in a week, Finlander.

this is motivating my nigga

That's really fucking nice of you. Thanks m8.

My routine is PPLPPLR, 150-200g protein a day, and more or less GOMAD since I love milk.

I have a protein stand in the building where I work and get a grilled chicken patty from mcdonalds everyday for $1.40.

I don't have my before pictures on my phone anymore. But I started out at 315 may of last year I'm now 248 and as of today I finally got to 20% bodyfat.

Sorry I don't have an initial pic but I was 50lbs heavier a year ago, preparing for bulk #1. Bf%? I wager 14 but a guy in the other cbt thought 17? Need more opinions.

> can't seem to grow out my chest
That's because it takes longer then 3 months without gear.

Yeah, I'm doing a similar split but I'm cutting right now. My numbers are pretty similar to your starting pic, squat and OHP anyway. My bench is kinda weak though, only like 145 :( I've been adding more volume to hitting my chest though to try and catch it up with my squat and diddlylift. same on the diet though except for the milk, shit gives me acne.

Damnit. You mean I have to keep being consistent?

... Fuck.

I added OHP a little late into my workouts, but it has made my bench a LOT stronger.

I forgot to add that I have 3 exercises per body part and hit 8-12 reps for three sets.

You're higher then 20%, but good job.

20% can look different on a lot of people. On the other hand, the way he measures it could be innaccurate.

>205lbs squat first week @ 165
You either have prior training or you did the worlds most atrocious squat with more weight then you could handle. Also gonna take a stab and guess that was an lolestimate max.

5 years between pictures
6'2 190, was bigger at one point around 2 years ago but then cut and maintained

B320 D480 S420

I'm a retired college swimmer who was sedentary for 6 months or so. I was previously doing lmao2pl8 then, so 205 was a bit of a downgrade. That said, I had the means and experience to build it up again.

You gotta mention that shit nigga. Was about to call e-stats and take a shit all over you.

just awful

Don't let me stop you, I'm actually curious what e-stats are.

This is why you don't try to lose weight without building muscle mass. You go from fat to awkwardly skinny fat.

posted this in the last thread, not realizing it was rip.
left = january 240
right = today 182
5'11 manletti

Inflating your stats on Veeky Forums.

Start a thread about 1/2/3/4 and you'll see lots of e-stats
>Yeah guys 155lbs here just started lifting last week and hit 1/2/3/4 for reps as a novice lifter, completely natty, and not lying, I promise.

It's even more hilarious when you become aware that a recent poll showed the majority of people here haven't even hit 1/2/3/4 yet.

I'm genuinely confused here. How is this not considered good progress? Slow for sure, but bad? I don't see a muscle group that I haven't improved on.

What's your reasoning? If there's shit I'm missing I want to know.

I'm still shit, but I feel I can make it. Hopefully out of skelly mode in a couple months

It's fine man, you're making noticeable progress. Some people here have stupidly high standards for "progress" and try to push them on others.

The important thing is that you're feeling stronger, and by the looks of it you are.

on week 11 of SL, progress as of yesterday (5x5, DL 1x5):
squat: 75 -> 230
DL: 135 -> 245
OHP: 45 -> 95
BP: 45 -> 120

almost to lmao1pl8 bench, mad excited

I think you have dysmorphia man



5'11 Manlet what kind of fucking drugs are you smoking

Anything over 5'10 is taller than the world's average height by a huge margin

Inb4 ur a manlet: no I'm a girl

220 lbs

God Im fat right now. Im flexing in this pic so you can't see my ginormous gut.

thought that chin fuzz was your mouth for a second my man

Were you on TRT?

I tried clomid and arimidex for a bit, but stopped didnt get any benefit. Still havnt taken the shots cuz i dont like the idea of being on something the rest of my life, so I keep saying no. But will see someday maybe.

You look great, you're missing a decent tan and maybe a slight amount of bulk but you're well past skelly

according to this board though...anything under 6'2 is a manlet

very nice bro, keep it up

your body will be a mess in a couple of years

Work more on your legs and lose 3-6 pounds of fat

I feel like a shit


It's been getting hard to achieve new PBs as of late

I think you look good. Please shave your back and shoulder, but leave that glorious chest/body hair.

Before I lifted

1 month lifting

3 months lifting.

I have a very high metabolism and I don't know if Im gaining as much as I should be, anything visibly wrong? Also I'm 6'2'.

Thanks user.
Thankfully i don't have back hair but shoulders are a bit much.
I do like my body hair even tho I used to hate it before

I bought the insanity workout and here are my results. I can do a ton of aerobic things I couldn't do when I started.


I've been the exact same body shape, size, and weight for years regardless of how I eat or if I change my activity level.

I'm skinny-fat, always have been. But I've picked up some whey protein and started an ab routine, but if I'm counting my caloric intake correctly, I'm barely hitting 1500 calories a day but I'm not hungry enough to eat any more than that. Is that one of the reasons I've maintained the exact same size and shape for all these years?


There are 3 cbt threads up right now. None of them are close to hitting the bump limit.
Why the fuck do you need to make another thread to show off your nonexistent gains

7 months progress started at 200 pounds now down to 172

You remind me of Julius from Tales of Xillia 2.
If you get buffer, you'll look just like him and attract tons of women.

Do you actually have low t? How did you get such a great body with low t?

I use one of the electronic bf% analyzer I check it every day and it's consistent. Of course it could be off but it still shows loss.

>getting this mad on Cantonese jelking board

It took you 7 months to lose 28 lbs?

This was me in February right after Valentine's Day when I started lifting and eating right
Was 232lbs

This is me now
191lbs now, would like to get around 175-180 and enjoy being skinny for the first time in my life before the bulk begins

Goddamn this phone, rotating my pictures and shit

take them horizontally.

Still in the middle of my cut, but
212 in June
205 today

what's your height?

You got lucky with the hips at least.


>cuck glasses

Please work on your chest