Shaving thread

Do you guys shave? If so, what and why?

>be me
>fat fuck
>extremely hairy but only have a 4 incher
>thanks puberty

>sweating excessively at work, pits noticeable in summer
>decide to shave arm pits for first time to reduce sweat
>just finished, wasn't as bad as I thought

I have a very hairy back, considering shaving this too. Not sure what girls expect (wizard) but I might do it anyway for myself.

What are your practices and methods Veeky Forums? Do you find body hair acceptable and/or aesthetic?

you notice the sweat more when you shave

i shaved my arse crack once and my bumhole was constantly soaking with fart smelling sweat

Try cleaning you asshole

Oh god someone post that one story

I shave my ass, my asshole and my pubes
I only trim my armpits

Well fuck, but I kind of had to shave to use pic related

Giving it 24 hours for my shaving rash to go and then I'm going to try it out

i shower every day and maintain good hygiene. it's unavoidable if you have sweat seeping in and out of your smoothly shaved bumhole though

Why dont you focus on losing weight first? Shaving yourself will make you both fat AND creepy.

>implying you will get naked with a girl anyways

I keep my ass shaven all the time and I never have this problem, you're probably just obese

I shave:
>face bc shit facial hair
>pits bc it grosses me out not to also bigger looking lats
>pubes bc bigger looking dick
>gonna start shaving body when I cut
also OP if you're wondering with girls its a 50/50 split almost some like a shaved man some don't

I have been losing, down thirty kg since May

83kg currently, got nine kg to go to be at a healthy weight

And I know I won't get with a girl anytime soon which is why I said I may shave my back for myself. Can't really do much for others at this stage.

I have to shave for work because they consider beards to be unprofessional

im a total auschwitz skelly desu and rarely sweat, i dunno what it was about this one time i shaved my bumhole but i've never dared do it since

I shave my face daily and my pubes maybe once a month. Everything else is all natural.

That's disgusting.
If you consider that good hygiene, I don't want to know what you consider dirty.

1/week and the night before any event I give a shit about
Whenever I feel like it

I don't shave chest/legs/arms -yet-.

Why? I have a lot of body hair and don't want to look a caveman.

Some women used to make fun of me for shaving when they realized my hair was mysteriously getting shorter every few weeks, but I just told them they'd like me better with short hair. They didn't realize it at first but admitted later on. Truth is OP, everyone wants to be hairless. Don't see many Greek statues of bodybuilding niggas with any body hair, do you?

I shave everything (except legs) and just trim the line between my abs, my chest, forearms, and my face.

This post reeks of virginity

shaved arm pits since I was 16 or so. it's really disgusting to have hair since the sweat just reeks

trim or shave down there once a month

my girlfriend shaved my back hair with a hair clipper for the first time two months ago. I'm 25 years old and was quite nervous doing it before. just said fuck it though and couldn't be happier

considering trimming my front hair for the first time with a clipper once I start my semester abroad

since when was being a virgin a bad thing? you're also posting on a cambodian door painting forum

The stink is due to either poor diet or worse hygiene. I sweat like a bastard all the time and no odor. Odor is due to bacteria feeding

Shave beard/mustash for work. Use barber clippers with the smallest plastic attachment o shave armpits, pubes and butt. Cool as fuck.

what is going on here?

I generally just shave my pits and trim my pubes

I'm blonde so my body hair is pretty non-noticable. For w/e reason my beard is coal black and it makes people think I dye my hair when it gets bleached out in the sun.

I shave my face only
I trim my pubes

I got a hairy ass that I should probably take care of but idc

Frank yang cigarette sprint challenge on YouTube

>I sweat like a bastard all the time and no odor.
you can't smell your own brand lad

born pretty much hairless, slight arm hair and leg hair just falling off like it has MPB, so i just get rid of mostly everything

4 incher flaccid.. right?

Please tell me you're not 4 inches hard....

>Do you guys shave? If so, what
yeah, my face and only my face
>and why?
because I haven't grown out my beard in over 2 years so it's always scratchy as hell if I leave it alone for several days. I don't shave anything else because I'm not a professional swimmer or an insecure faggot.

who the fuck measures while flaccid?

I am but I used my samsung galaxy as measurement tool so it might be slightly inaccurate

So once a week you're shaving basically all your body hair? Are you hopping in a sling on saturday nights?

Not that guy, but I'm pretty satisfied with my erect length (well above average), but I'm very self conscious about my flaccid size. I measured my flaccid length to see where I stack up (turns out I'm almost exactly average soft).

Everyone has reasons.


Why the hell would you care about flaccid size?

I shave my face, head, and trim pubes. If you shave anything else you are a fucking faggot.

Used to shave my pits until I realised it made the skin darker in that area. Looked weird as fuck when wearing singlets.

I don't shave anything other than parts of my face. I'm a sweaty motherfucker, though, so I trim my armpit hair and pubes, otherwise the hair kind of holds onto the smell.

I use an electric razor on my face and Nair on my pubes and ass.
I would recommend nair to anyone who doesn't like pubes

I shave my face, chest, armpits, peepee, and my ass.
My gf however likes hair so I will just be trimming my peepee. But no way I will have hairy ass.
>that smooth butt after shavig while showering
>them smooth balls and peepee afterwards

anytime i shave my chest i get razor bump between my pecs and if i do anything around the pube area i get it there too. i always just trim pube and when i am in a position where i have any chance with a girl i will prob shave balls too which will prob be in september when school starts. shave face with razor and baby oil... pretty much have to do it everyday if i dont want facial hair
so i shave face, and all of torso
trim armpits and pube
not particularly hairy at all but i hate body hair

Shave face (have to)
Shave armpits (less body ordor)
shave by butthole so wiping is easier
trim pubes

anything else and you are a woman

I shave my ass because I don't want hairs being caught between the dildo and my hole while I'm anally masturbating.

How the fuck do you shave your ass.

Do you just bend over and send the razor on a journey?

I don't shave because I'm not a faggot with a boyfriend, the only thing i do is use picture related on my balls and ass crack. Has a masculine smell, and keeps my ass and balls smelling fresh the entire day regardless of how hot it is or humid.

Ive always wondered this as well

Imo no self respecting man shaves his ass

Trim armpits and dick area. Done

>thanks puberty
or thank your fat. It produces estrogen afaik, so it might have stunned your ddevelopment

speaking of which, aluminum salts aren't known for rising your testosterone either

It would be hypocritical to shave since I ask my gf not to shave. Its beautiful.

since media are trying to make it a bad thing. Honestly, there are some brainwashed guys that say they wouldn't want a virgin gf, but in reality most guys secretly do want untouched wife.

Either bend over in front of the mirror or, as I discovered last time doing it, place a mirror on the ground and squat over it.
Unless you are a fat fuck or a retard Who finds his own body disgusting and can't come to terms with having an asshole, you are a pussy.
Once you shave your butt, you wont go back.
Insecure fag

armpit ok... i'm french so it'skinda sexy
but legs???
come the fuck on m8

I'm one of the lucky few.

>Not that hairy

My legs are the only hairy as fuck thing on my body, can grow beard easily, yet no chest/back hair. Cant complain, girls have loved rubbing their hands all over my chest and shoulders.

I think no hair is aesthetic as fuck.

I want to be the qt trap

I love to feel her soft unshaved legs around my hip.
if you not like it ask your gf to shave or allow her to do what ever she wants to. We enjoy natural, but this hate makes it difficult sometimes.
hello from germany




I live in Canada by the way i'm only ethnically french.

You call me a fag yet you're the one bending over looking at your own anus in the mirror trying to smooth it for no apparant reason


fuck you guys, very tolerant

same here.
never care what a woman likes.

experiment: would using this on your pits, inner elbows, behind knees, on feet, etc cause you to pee more? or would you sweat more than usual in other places like your head and face?

so if this is used in your ass crack, would it cause you to need to pee a bit more? or would you sweat more from other pores?

did it once, didn't do it again. felt good especially wearing boxers and shorts. felt more sweaty than usual. same with my legs. felt nice but missed the hair that was always there. maybe this is because i was more like "meh we'll see what happens" rather than "i really don't want hair here"

Muh nigga

>ask your gf to
>allow her to
>hello from germany



I think im about to vomit

get the fuck out of my country Achmet

No because I'm not a faggot

i bikini waxed the hair off my balls and dick. after 24 hours i can finally touch the skin. it's really sensitive in comparison to when there was hair. probably never going to wax again.

me and my gf
My grandgrandpas died in russia for germany. Fuck off

>Imo no self respecting man shaves his ass

user, do you actually worry about guys shaving their asses this much?

need a machete to get through that bush. it's thicker than the forest behind the bitch no joke.

no worries, let a real man take it on, there are enough shaved for you out there

it actually puts your body at a disadvantage in survival. the sole reason for shaving one's ass is because it is erotic.

if she had heavy dark peach fuzz above her upper lip and didn't shave that, would you still?

yes, but I am not into it. I hate saggy tits more.

>i bikini waxed the hair off my balls

I occasionally shave balls and trim pubes once they become overgrown. I also shave armpits once every month or so because I (and my gf) have noticed that I smell considerably less if I do. So there you go. You did everyone a favor by shaving your armpit btw, but you don't have to do it everyday or every week. Just every once in a while imo.

hey at least you can say it. i have some respect for you now.

it hurt, but i knew what to expect because i've plucked the hair out before. lol.
waxing the hair on my shaft was the most painful.


lmao that gif. there are better versions though.
shaft hair is so thick. it's like ripping off a moustache.

I just not wanted to imagine the struggle and pain

Do I shave?


>trim beard
>trim armpits
>trim pubes

I want to shave my balls and ass but I'm scared as fuck of the rash afterwards, wat do Veeky Forums

That difference is so small. Almost no difference shaved or unshaved butt when I fuck my gf in her ass or she fist my ass.

does shaving armpits even help with sweat? I sweat a lot from my armpits so im considering it

I'm French too and seriously... Besides weird feminist womyn, I've never seen any attractive woman grow her armpit hairs on purpose. I though it was more of a German/Austrian thing ?

what does dry faster? what holds more heath?

a hairy area or a not-hairy area?

this is a question that somebody with average intelligence should be able to answer.

huh, the hairy one?

>Be me
>26yo can not grow facial hair, or any hair expect on hair and pubis for that matter
>Wish I could at least grow a stubble to make them pussies wet
You guys have the choice of shaving or not at least

pics or it didn't happen

Wax or razor?

You forgot no homo bro, I can't grant your request

Are you American?