Exercise equipment

>Exercise equipment
>Protein powder
>Blenders to mix various powders
>Exercise equipment
>Exercise clothing
>Expensive jogging sneakers
>Gym membership
>Gym bags
>Water bottles
>Disposable shoes for shower
>Muscle milk
>Organic vegetables
>Have to constantly eat expensive cuts of lean protein meats
>Time spent exercising that could be spent earning money from some kinda work
>Have to buy new wardrobe because none of old clothes fit after getting "swole"
>Potential hospital bills because all the assholes want to knock you out in front of their friends/girlfriend to prove their a "tough guy" by taking down someone bigger than them
>Dentist bill if assholes damage your teeth
>Beach towels, umbrellas, and sunblock because you have an uncontrollable urge to show off swoleness down on the beach.
>Expensive sunglasses to protect eyes while at the beach.
>Tons of girls who wouldn't even look at you before want to date you now, which means you have to spend money to take all these girls out.
>Money spent on therapist and anti-anxiety medication because you're scared of losing your muscles and your gf leaving you because it was said muscles that attracted her to you in first place.
>Jack LaLanne's Power Juicerâ„¢ for fruit/veg smoothies

Sounds to me like lifting and exercising is a rich man's game, DESU senpai.

>exercise equipment/gym membership

You forget to mention nigger dick flavoured pudding

>implying I read all that shit
Probably bait anyway


You sound like a princess.

>You sound like a princess.

No, but that "princess" from the beach you started dating is going to murder your wallet when she asks you to help her get in shape and you end up paying for all of her exercise stuff.

>Implying I'd date some hoe off the beach
>Implying I'd pay for her self improvement
>Implying it's my job to take care of some bitch like she's a child

Sure champ.

I think someones making excuses again.
When will they learn, desu?

shut up nigga all you need is a gym membership, food, and old clothes to work out in.

Was going to say this, everybody thinks they have to buy plenty of stuff when it's dead easy.

Post more webms OP.

Eat a nigger dick

Here, I took the liberty of translating your post;
>I'm a jealous fatty
>Here are my excuses
>I've never actually worked out
>but here's what I what I think would happen if I did
>well, ok, not really, I mean, this is obviously bullshit, but I have to justify my laziness sonehow
>oh god, I'm so lonely, why can't women just love me for my sharp wit and fedora collection
>I also own a fine set of Katanas whose history and significance these baka gaijin women are too shallow to appreciate
>sigh... it's ok, my hug pillow wiafu still loves me
>fucking Veeky Forums assholes

Man, if you think lifting is an expensive hobby, here's hoping you never here about guns. Or skiing. Or photography. Or cycling. Or metalworking or woodworking. Or video/computer games. Or golf. Or BJJ. Even cooking is expensive if you decide to make it expensive. Knitting's pretty cheap, I guess.

i run barefoot, eat normal food, no supplements and exercise outdoor for free

>is mentor
Also, pretty sure desu should be after senpai.

Also, you're nitpicking and including unnecessary things, you also listed equipment twice.
sage possible on Veeky Forums?

I'm not jealous. I'm just pointing out how it's hella expensive to do all this Veeky Forums stuff.

The alternative (not exercising) seems way better.

My grandad was a fat Scottish guy who drank like a fish and ate whatever he wanted and never had any health problems. He almost lived to 98.

Meanwhile, that Aziz guy, he spent all that time in the gym and died in his 20s? Seems like he spent a lot of money on the things I mentioned above and it was wasted because he died young. He could of spent that money on video games and tasty candy and things like that instead.

>i run barefoot

Well, I live in real place, New York City, and not in some backwoods flyover state where people drive pickup trucks with confederate flag bumper stickers. If I tried running barefoot here, I'd get hepatitis or some shit.

>video/computer games.

Not true. I own a 3DS XL and I play mostly DS games on it which I buy for mad cheap.

STEAM makes PC games super cheap, as well as GOG.

Meanwhile, if you want to keep your muscles "swole" you have to constantly feed them by spending money.

nobody cares about your b8 just keep posting these webums

Saying my grandpa never exercised and lived to 98 and therefore exercise isn't good you can easily make the argument that my grandpa smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 80 years and was healthy therefore smoking isn't bad

Exactly. Some people survived trench warfare, doesn't make it a safe and healthy activity.

You sound like a fatty making excuses and alot of the shit you said is contradictory. I think you need to sit down and reevaluate your own life decisions before you start pointing out others.

>I live in New York you hick
>b-b-but getting fit is expensive
Flyover states exist for people like you. I swear fucking poorfags are absolute retards. Don't live in my fucking city if you're just going to shit it up with with your idiocy.

Barefoot running is fine here if you don't go flailing around a ghetto, but I guess you never fucking leave them, huh?


post more creep shots my dude

hnnnnggg those legs tho

I think the lady in the green and white striped shirt noticed you.

>>Exercise equipment
>>Protein powder
>>Blenders to mix various powders
>>Exercise equipment
>>Exercise clothing
>>Expensive jogging sneakers
>>Gym membership
>>Gym bags
>>Water bottles
>>Disposable shoes for shower
>>Muscle milk
>>Organic vegetables

Sounds like 90% of the people at my job. Yet, those people look like DYEL. I have no clue what they are doing, LOL.

They are constantly talking about working out and going to the gym, but look like crap. I just stay quiet as opposed to saying anything hurtful.

>>Exercise equipment
I have everything I need at home for $1000
>>Protein powder
Water retention meme
>>Blenders to mix various powders
Blender to mix memes
>>Exercise equipment
See above
>>Exercise clothing
Cheap tracksuits work fine
>>Expensive jogging sneakers
$10 dollars at the supermarket. Overpronation and supination shoes are a scam.
>>Gym membership
Nope. Got everything covered at home.
>>Gym bags
See above.
>>Water bottles
Tap water you fuck.
>>Disposable shoes for shower
That you should get from food.
>>Muscle milk
You mean regular milk?
>>Organic vegetables
They obviously have more protein since you eat more bugs.
>>Have to constantly eat expensive cuts of lean protein meats
Buy in bulk and freeze it. Also, some cuts are very lean and cheap as fuck.
>>Time spent exercising that could be spent earning money from some kinda work
I only work on mornings and I earn enough to support myself.
>>Have to buy new wardrobe because none of old clothes fit after getting "swole"
Kek. Sure thing DYEL.
>>Potential hospital bills because all the assholes want to knock you out in front of their friends/girlfriend to prove their a "tough guy" by taking down someone bigger than them
I don't live in the third world. Free healthcare.
>>Dentist bill if assholes damage your teeth
Cheap dentists.
>>Beach towels, umbrellas, and sunblock because you have an uncontrollable urge to show off swoleness down on the beach.
Umbrellas. You gay.
>>Expensive sunglasses to protect eyes while at the beach.
Get the cheap ones.
>>Tons of girls who wouldn't even look at you before want to date you now, which means you have to spend money to take all these girls out.
Go for the 6/10's
>>Money spent on therapist and anti-anxiety medication because you're scared of losing your muscles and your gf leaving you because it was said muscles that attracted her to you in first place.
>>Jack LaLanne's Power Juicerâ„¢ for fruit/veg smoothies

>jack lalanne power juicer

man that shit was the bomb