>Help me with my routine
>Gibe DOMS remedies
>How 2 lose w8

Since there are way too many threads for questions that don't deserve them, here's a thread for questions that don't deserve their own threads.

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone have any high protein low cal recipes?

I sleep awfully, does fapping 2-3 times a day for 15 years could prevent me from sleeping well ? Should I nofap ?

If not, what should I do to sleep better ?

5'8, 140£, but I have ~15% bf. Should I bulk or cut?

Am I heading to snap city if I buttwink at the bottom of my squat but I feel no discomfort or pain?

whoever the fuck told you masturbation affects sleep negatively is an idiot

try sleeping with more/less clothes, change pillows, buy a sleeping mask, or go to a doctor for medication

cut for 3-5% more bodyfat and you're golden

Today while doing close grid lat pulldowns i felt my left forearm twitching, this is the first time that it happened to me with any muscle groups
im also on kind of a heavy load (220lbs)
normal or im fucked?

Maybe try to avoid jerkin it an hour or two before bed

hey guys, when doing pullovers, i often rest a 70 lbs dumbbell on my chest.
is that fucking me up long term? like is it gonna ruin the cartilage?
i can still breath fairly well, might be a little uncomfortable. im just too lazy to sit up so i just plop it on there.

What are some good exercises I can do to equalize the strength between my arms? Currently doing dumbbell curls, starting with my weaker arm and then matching the reps with my stronger arm.

I've been cutting for 4 months now and it's really wearing on me. I'm trying to get back to my old waistline of 30 inches and I'm sitting at 31 right now, worse yet my gains have stopped completely. I think I'm going to try cutting for 1 more month before I stop to do some lean bulking, does this seem like a good idea?

I'm 130 at 5'7, with exactly as much mass as you think I have.

Ty boys, I think I'll go to a doctor, I've tried everything except medical advice. Thought it'd solve itself but it's been lasting for years and I have as much energy as a snail.

Gl on the Path to nattyness

I'm trying to get Veeky Forums and doing a 2000cal daily meal plan
This is what I came up with so far:
-1 cup oatmeal (156g) --- 111 cal
-1 banana (118g) --- 105 cal
-1 glass whole milk (260g) --- 150 cal
(366 cal total)
>1 apple (242g) --- 100 cal
>1 banana (118g) --- 105 cal

>Chicken breast (212g) --- 359 cal
>1 cup pasta (100g) --- 340 cal

>Pollock (200g) --- 236 cal
>1 cup white rice (205g) --- 261 cal

>1 cup cottage cheese (227g) --- 185 cal

Total: 1952 cal

I have little idea what I'm doing so please call me a faggot if you need to and please make suggestions
I'm pretty poor and this plan suits my budget fairly well

I feel like I may have a shin splint. How long should I not run for?


add nuts, they're calorie dense and fairly cheap. Also whey for brotein and veggies.

needs more brotein. You don't need both an Apple and Banana for brunch, you just had breakfast. Swap or half your pasta for a bunch of broccoli(and other veggies).

I can do seated shoulder press with 65lb dumbbells for 5 reps, am I ready to try a 1pl8 OHP?

Would carrots and potatoes be ok?

as long as they fit your macros, they should be fine. Leafy green veggies often contain vitamins that are good for you.

ended up getting hand foot and mouse disease. I feel like shit and look even worse. thought it was herpes at first.

Don't feel well enough to lift either, but it is easy to spread and I don't want to be a dick.

I'm only using whey if I don't hit my protein intake for the day, I'd rather not rely on it.

Why aren't you already doing OHP?

Can I get a form check on my squat 1rm? 152.5kg (336lbs).

So I was doing over head squats and now I have a slight numb feeling at the tip of my thumb and weakness in my bicep. What is wrong with me plz help.

What is "programming" in fitness routines and why is it important?

Will raised heel squats work on my calves or its just a meme?

Any reason for me to not be on ZMA while I'm not lifting, and are there risks of overconsumption if taking ZMA for a long time?

Will only getting 7 and a half hours sleep affect me going for a new bench PR, or should I do something else today

Could someone help me understand pic related, to keep it Veeky Forums related is it ok to deadlift 3x a week if you have no squat rack for the new gym?

How much do you usually sleep? Doesn't sound like it'd make a diff unless you usually sleep 9+.

probably, i kept sleeping for 6-7 hours a day and it took me longer to progress on bench, oncei got 9 hours of sleep 2 days in a row i busted out 8 reps instead of 5, long sleep really does wonders.

Usually get 8 hours in, but I've been sleeping 9 hours a lot lately, but I also didn't get much sleep the previous night either, probably around 7

Keep the (-) on the outside. You can also write g as sqrt(g^2). Bring that into the other sqrt and simplify.


I am 6'5'' and I started @165kg ~363lbs and i decided to eat vegan this month. Only plant based (brocolli, tomatos, bananas, sometimes rice)

Today I was 152.2kg ~335lbs. In the beginning of the month i started stronglifts.

I am barelly eating protein ~500g brocolli a day, cause i hate beans, soja, tofu etc..


I started at 20kg 2x10kg bench now I am at 60kg 3x10kg.

>How is this possible with that low protein intake?
>Can I lift more with the muscle staying the same size?
>It's subjective: but it feels like i didn't lose muscle (visibly). Is that possible with low protein intake?
>When I ate like an animal, during lifting my heart beat like crazy but now it's not even noticable. Is that because of the low blood sugar? Is that good/bad?

Doing Ice Cream Fitness 5x5. How do I follow linear progression if the gym that I go to has only fixed size dumbbells/barbells that are appropriate to use for bent over rows, ohp, shoulder shrugs.
Can't afford other gyms that would solve this problem.

Is this correct, did i do the algebra correctly?
So should i just drop the deadlifts to 2x a week for safety or what?

Is intermittent fasting actually effective or will I just fuck my metabolism up?

Alright Veeky Forums I fucked up. Long story short, I just ate what's basically 1400 cals of mainly carbs, I haven't overeaten but that shit can't be good and I don't wanna ruin my entire week. So, will cardio and fasting save me from my mistake?

>sleep really does wonders


Is the whole second part under the square root? If it is, then it doesn't simplify to sqrt (-2hg).

Otherwise, -g * [ sqrt (-2h) ] / g just lets you cancel out both g.

Why can't you linearly increase with fixed size weights? If the jump is too big, then do more reps (ie, go from 5 to 8 to 12 reps, then jump to 5 reps of next heavier weight).

how do i power through the aches the days after working out?

are there any suppliments/ roids i should be taking if i'm mostly focused on dieting?

Underweight, started eating more to gain some weight before starting exercises. But now that I have some more weight(127lb/58KG) I want to start at home before moving on to a gym due to circumstances.

Are there any workout routines that rely on dumbbells(or body weight) only? Never done this before so I don't trust my judgement in making up a schedule.

It's at this part youtu.be/umSK9E540hc?t=3540, idk if its just because i'm sleepy that i stumbled at this point or what, i'm pretty sure i did the algebra correctly though.

Ibuprofen, sleep atleast 9 hours.
For dieting take caffeine pills because caffein suppresses.

I have 2

>Morning routine doesnt give me as much or any DOMS as night time did

>What would be better for weight loss
>40 mins weights 20 mins cardio
>1hr weights 0 cardio

I only have 1hr for workout in morning and have no time at night since i got a job.

At the 59:00 mark, just copy paste the url

PLEZ. the google isn't really informative on this shit.

40 mins weights 20 mins cardio

lift your heavy compounds during those 40 minutes and do a couple of sprints for the next 20 min of cardio

if need be, push you compounds down from 3 sets to 2 sets to finish them all within 40 minutes

Alright, I will try that tomorrow morning. Thanks.

All these are at my gym, which ones best?

It's a waste of money, don't use it or buy it.

If you need to take a supplement buy yourself a bag of pure creatine onlline, like this bulksupplements.com/creatine-monohydrate.html?gclid=CIWi8qCo0s4CFQIHaQodPxMMeg

Machines, idk bro, i just go outsid eon the track and start busting out 4x100m dash's, i guess the running looking thingy since you can set that thing on high speed then turn it down to simulate sprints?

What's the problem, if any, with adding isolation exercises into SS providing you do them after the three compound lifts?

The standing thing is pretty good (2nd from left), it feels like you're running so i guess ill do that. thanks.

how can I get skinnier legs, lads?

I'm pretty much t-rex mode atm

You did it right in there When you move the g to inside the square root, you get g*g/g (or g^2 / g) which simplifies to g. That happens because g = sqrt (g*g)


Nothing except SS is for beginners and usually it's better for a beginner to get used to doing heavy compounds than toy around with a billion isolations. If you can still do isolations after going hard at squat/bench/dead/ohp, go for it.

>get skinnier legs
(lose weight and sit on ass all day)


1) My family are all obese as fuck, so I don't know much about what fish are healthy. Any tips? The sticky recommends fish, but doesn't say what.
2) Carb blockers - I assume they're bullshit?
3) What's the deal with lettuce and salad? Worthy vegetables or meme food?
4) Fajitas and Yorkshire puddings. Decent sources of carbs, or utter shit?
5) E numbers, should I care?

Boring but big vs Lyle's generic bulk for bulking?

I really hope this is bait.

>too fat to squat
>tfw form suffers


If i look at my db/ohp ratio you should be able to pres 150+ for reps after u learned ohp

Why? It's the truth btw

Started SL5x5 a couple of weeks ago.

So far every session has been easy as pie. I started with bar weight and the app tells me to increase by 2.5kgs a session. At this rate I feel like I won't really be taxing myself for at least a couple of months.

Should I just keep following what the app says and adding 2.5kgs or should I just add more if I feel I could do it?

Fuck fit I got high and ate like 3 homemade Burritos and a beer. I went over my calorie intake by 800. I was cutting.

How bad did I fuck up? I will do cardio today but I'm not sure how much this hinders me.

SL's progression is idiot-proof, but the cost of that is a long ramp-up session. Starting Strength has a first-workout protocol to determine a higher starting weight: start with bar, do a set of five. Add 10 pounds, set of five. Continue until speed slows or your form begins to break down. That weight is your working weight.

Both work. In defense of SL, slow progression at the beginning is not a bad thing, especially as it gives you more time at light weights to really dial in your form.

Calorie counting is a long game. Add some cardio, and trim off 800 calories over the course of the next week. You'll be fine.

Is this a decent workout i took it from an youtube chanell im all ears if you guys have any better routines
Back: One Arm Dumbbell Rows (10 reps)
Chest: Clapping Push-Ups (10 reps)
Shoulders: Standing Dumbbell Press (10 reps)
Biceps: Dumbbell Curls (10 reps)
Triceps: Triceps Extensions (10 reps)
Traps: Shrugs (20 reps)
do all the exercises with the reps I laid out above, and this will be 1 round. Do 4 rounds to complete the entire workout

Sometimes I just can't be bothered to do anything.

I mean, I'll be sat at home on PC and want to get a drink and it will take me half an hour to actually finally get up and go get it.

Or I'll be at work and stuck on something and it takes me an hour before I can be bothered to ask a colleague for help (and have to focus and listen to them etc).

Not really sure if it's Veeky Forums related, but could this be a sign of low test? I've no idea really but I've head you just feel more proactive and stuff when your test is higher.

>can't piss much
>when i do piss, very weak stream and can only go for a few seconds at a time. water pills helped at first, then just kinda stopped working
>burns when i piss
>feels like acid when i ejaculate
>have been on z-pack for something unrelated, so it can't be an infection
>water pills don't help at all
>tasted my own cum last night for the sake of finding out what's wrong. have done it years ago when i was healthy when i was still horny after cumming, so i know what it tastes like.
>didn't taste like cum. it barely had a taste, and then it had a sickening aftertaste that made me feel like it was going to make me sick or give me a disease
>still have a nasty, bitter taste in my mouth whenever i eat anything. if i had to describe it, i would say that it's what i think battery acid would taste like.

also i'm really embarrassed by this, so if my doctor is browsing this thread and you figure out that it's me posting, please don't mention anything about it at my next visit. i'd probably be so embarrassed that i would leave and never return. he seems like the kind of guy who would post on Veeky Forums.

any doctors, nurses or med students in the thread that can help diagnose me so i can bring it up to my doctor and see what he thinks?

That workout is better than no exercise at all, but it isn't going to help you build muscle mass, or bone density, or increased flexibility, or do a whole lot for you cardio-wise. Goals should dictate the program you choose. Where are you trying to get to?

Fat fuck dyel manlet here. I know the sticky by heart and I know what I have to do but it scares me. I never lifted before, have minimal muscle mass and strength and I'm afraid I might lose it all even if I lift while cutting. I'm 5'6'' currently sitting at 198lbs. Any advice from former fatties?

Lack of motivation/proactivity is a pretty flimsy basis for a diagnosis of low test. If you have other symptoms that seem to suggest it, go to a doctor. If you want to be more proactive, practice being proactive at every given opportunity.

What are the other symptoms of low test? I've looked around but can't really find any definitive answers.

Sounds like you should read up on body recomposition. Don't start lifting on a deficit.

Hormones control a lot of things, so definitive answers for the self-diagnosing patient don't really exist. Read as much as you can, and try to alter your habits to address the problems you have. If you are really concerned, talk to a doctor--the only way you'll be sure you have low test is...a test.

After reading more I don't think I'm low test, just lazy, thanks for info.

>Sounds like you should read up on body recomposition. Don't start lifting on a deficit
Thanks man, just googled that and Adam Ali's article sounds pretty reasonable.

My goal is to build muscle but I'm fat. Going by the sticky I should lift while eating at a deficit until I lose the weight, and then start eating at a surplus while lifting to build muscle. Would that approach leave me too weak and demotivated to work out even if I manage to lose the extra weight?

I want to start with SL
Been to gym a couple of times to check it out.
I can bench 50kg 5x5 no problem, but struggle with 45kg squat.
What weights should I choose for the first day of SL ?
Should I just stick to suggested starting weights?
Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press: 20kg/45lb. That’s the empty Olympic bar. Deadlift: 40kg/95lb. The empty bar with a plate of 10kg/25lb on each side. Barbell Row: 30kg/65lb. The empty bar with 5kg/10lb on each side

Also, having bad times with deadlifts. weak lower back

Best ab/oblique exercises? I'm not making any gains there.

Im not skelly but i am slightly under weight my goal is to build muscle mass

What are some good examples of a HIIT session?
Preferably something that involves treadmill or stationary bike

I would. It'll give you time to learn proper form, although the first few weeks do feel pointless form is everything.

Anyone have good recommendations for workout earbuds?

hanging leg raises get me going desu

Treblab Bluetooth. Cord doesn't get in the way and they're noise cancelling. Excellent reviews on amazon, best earbuds I've ever owned. Highly recommend.

Slow bulk, TDEE + 200 and lift on a non-retarded program.

Yes. Keep tight throughout the lift.


Do barbell curls. The weaker arm will catch up.

You're too fucking light.

Stop looking up. Knees out.

Programming is managing overload and recovery to maximize gains.

Stop being vegan.

By not being a pussy. Those aches are the price we pay for not sitting on our asses.

Eating less is better than either.

None. See if they have a rowing machine.

1) Fatty fish - mackerel, salmon, smelt. You want those Omega-3s.
2) Yes.
3) Salads with a lot of different vegetables are fantastic.
4) Neither is terrible.
5) wat

All of my why.

See a doctor.

Get under the bar. Cut at TDEE-500 at most.

Which version?

>See a doctor

I already am. He thinks it's my blood pressure, but I'm on blood pressure pills and it's normal now and I still can't piss right.

XR100 are the ones I got

>Get under the bar. Cut at TDEE-500 at most
Thanks man.

Also some other user recommended body recomposition and I replied with this Thoughts?

thanks man

How long after ending a cut (and eating at maintenance) do lifts start going up again? What about energy levels and mood?

If you're on a linear progression program (and you should be as a novice) going on a cut will compromise your strength gains and shorten the easy muscle building that happens on LP.

My suggestion if TDEE-500 at most will allow you to lose fat and build strength by CNS adaptations; as soon as you stall, stop cutting and eat at maintenance until you hard stall at least twice despite good form, then move to another cut (if needed) and an intermediate program.

That's really helpful man, thank you.

>need to drink to have any chance with girls
>whisky dick almost every time

What can I do before resorting to viagra/cialis?

Would using grip thickeners for weights create extra work for my forearms, or just steal away work done by the bicep/tricep/etc.?

trying to cut on 1200 kcal a day. wtf can I eat? how do you eat 3 meals a day with 1200 kcal?!

pls respond


thank you, but what the hell is an arnold sandwich roll?

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