Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Have at it Veeky Forumsizens

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1. Are compression shorts worth getting? I've got big legs and butt if it matters and squat heavy

2. There's a new fancy japanese restaurant, it seems it's mostly sushi and other weird asian shit
is this food any good? never ate before

I found a whole-wheat bread with a supermarket with 30 g of protein per slice.

For someone who is always looking for a new protein source, this came off as a surprise to me.

Is this legit?

Brand? Or try finding it on MFP?

>30g per slice

either it's a typo they made or you're checking the carbs or something

MFP says it has 30 g of protein too.

No, it is protein.

1. Iunno dude if you like them then wear them, fuck it

2. Sushi and sashimi is pretty dank. Not for everyone though. I'd imagine it's relatively expensive to eat there, but doesn't hurt to try it

what the fuck. that's fishy as fuck, got a link?

guys, 1st time running, did 5k in ~35 minutes, how shitty is that time?

I used to swim, did about 6 months twice a week but I don't really like it so I tried running in the street instead.

they seem comfy af but i'm afraid of that shit showing a bulge in public

It has no brand name, it is produced by the grocery's bakery or something. It has high protein fiber as one of the ingredients. So no link, sorry.

Although I looked up "high protein whole wheat bread" on Google and found there are really breads with 30 g of protein being sold out there. I still have to verify though.

All that protein in bread for 125 calories? My ass.

Yeah, with 4 calories/gram of protein that shit just doesn't seem right

for a 5k? pretty shitty. For 1st time running a 5k? not bad.

20g of carbs=80 calories
30g of protein= 120 calories
2g of fat = 18 calories
1 slice of bread = at least 218 calores
125 calories MY ASS

Compression shorts under regular shorts are a thing. I mean if I personally saw someone just wearing compression shorts at the gym, I'd probably think it's a little weird but not care very much afterward.

I mean you gotta start somewhere right? As long as you progress from there then fuck it. My first 5k was like 40 minutes. Within a year, under 30 minutes. Eventually got up to sub-18 minutes

>gave up on running when college came around though

>I mean if I personally saw someone just wearing compression shorts at the gym, I'd probably think it's a little weird
tbqh, since I have a home gym i just lift in my boxers. Fucking feels great man

Yeah, that's what I tought. Considering bread normmally has 100 - 150 cals/slice, something put me off.

Ah well, back to the drawing board. Gotta scrounge for more protein-rich foods.

Thanks guys.

Which would be better for pressing/bench pressing strength?

Reverse close grip bench press or chest dips?
I can't bench with a prone grip because of a torn labrum.

I only use preworkout on max days and competitions, so I use it like 5 times a year. The one I got has expired, it's it still any good? I really don't want to buy a new one just to not even use most of it before it's expiration date.

in 11 days I need to look as good as I can topless.

I've been eating a caloric deficit for the past 2 weeks, and lifting + HIIT, and I'm almost at ottermode.

Is there anything I can do with my remaining 11 days to shred bodyfat?

take a 1.5x dose and see if you feel the effect.

how do I into boxing, fit?
does running long distances really help you in the ring? what are some techniques to help my footwork?

>drink a lot of water
>cut most to all carbs
>reduce salt intake
>do high rep isolation exercises to failure targeting the muscles you want to emphasis, especially the day before or of you want to look good topless.

how much caffeine should I be taking? I weight 72kg and I'm 177cm tall if it matters

Thanks m8!

Why would drinking lots of water help?
Also why salt?

>join a boxing gym
>get a boxing coach
>yes cardio helps out a lot, a shit ton
>your coach will tell you about what techniques help

just enough that you feel the effect. You don't want your body to get used to it. No more than two cups a day's worth.

I used to take 2 scoops, it was methylrush. Honestly I never really felt it that much. Is C4 any good?

there's this weird thing that happens when you drink a bunch of water where instead of your body retaining it, it starts pushing it out so you're not bloated. Same for salt, it makes you retain water.

If you have a torn labrum dips are probably a terrible idea.

Fast for 9 days, refeed with carb and protein and train for the last 2

I don't know, I use the ON brand one. I can feel my arms tingle with just one scoop but then again I don't drink any other caffeine. I assume they're all pretty mcuh teh same though, just caffeine and random stuff, caffeine being the main selling point.

n-not eat for 9 days?

Fastest way to lose!


that's stupid advice, don't do it.

Situps or crunches for someone who's underweight? Or are they interchangeable?

well I only take it when I lift
its those capsules for those coffee machines

usually take one that has 140mg but today I only had weaker coffee so I took two of 80mg and holy shit I got hyped

>1. Are compression shorts worth getting? I've got big legs and butt if it matters and squat heavy

"Compression shorts" has several different meanings.

Nike, Eastbay, Under Armour tier are cheap, good underwear, could be worn as an outer garment depending on how many fucks you give, prevent your thighs from chafing and make it easy to judge squat depth and positions in the classic lifts but otherwise are not terribly useful.

Virus, 2XU, etc., are pretty much worthless as far as I can tell--don't do anything Nike, etc., don't and cost 2-5x as much.

Rehband warm pants are made of neoprene, about as expensive as Virus, very comfy, very warm, very supportive. Not mandatory at all (unless maybe you have a history of groin strains?) but very nice.

>torn labrum
that's gonna be a problem and you're probably gonna want to get it fixed. Maybe close-grip floor pressing.

same shit. What does you being underweight matter? You should be doing weight situps tbqh

was talking about those like the chinese oly lifters use

Dips don't seem to bother my bum shoulder.
Probably torn in different places.
It only hurts when I bench press with a normal grip, possibly neutral as well.

Yeah. Comfy, easy to judge technique if on video or being coached, that's it.


Can I get a form check please Veeky Forums? I dead lift hook grip and when it gets heavy I kinda have some upper back rounding. I'm wondering if it's too much or I'm worrying about nothing. It doesn't hurt at all when I deadlift and doesn't drain me so much considering I've making sufficient progress with it and other lifts eating at maintenance. Also I'm 5'6 150 lbs. I know, I'll never learn.

How'd you get this labrum tear diagnosed exactly?

Are growth hormone SARMS a scam/meme? I'm 18 and looking into maybe trying mk 677 in the winter. I figure if it gives a gh gut I can wear a sweater anyways..


Don't look up.

I am a 250 pound (obviously) obese 23 year old who has just started lifting again for the first time since the end of high school football. I'm trying to do it the way my old coaches would - max out, then 3x10@70, etc for the next month or so before maxing out again- but my mother is concerned that it may be too much. I would write this off as just a mother being a mother, but seeing as I "maxed out" my squat at 300 pounds (I actually just ran out of plates), I'm wondering if she may be right.

Should I just keep doing what I'm doing, or should I slow down? I'm sore at the moment, that goes without saying, but I was sore back then too.

how do you break a stall on ohp? this is my third time deloading and the weight isn't that big either. pls help

>>torn labrum
>that's gonna be a problem and you're probably gonna want to get it fixed. Maybe close-grip floor pressing.

I was told that because of the location of the tear surgery wouldn't help. Which I will be getting a second opinion on because the healthcare system where I live isn't the greatest.

I can reverse grip bench press, wider than shoulder width or close grip just fine. Bodyweight dips don't bother me either.
I tore it while incline DB pressing and because of shit form and rushing, my left arm extended backwards well past it's range of motion. Though something else must have happened sometime before, because the doctor said it was strange that it was torn in the way that it was.

I went to an ortho, they took some images and told/showed me the results.

You don't in any real sense have a max if you haven't been training for two years, and you're probably not coordinated enough to safely attempt a near-limit weight. I don't know what running out of plates has to do with anything. I'd suggest that you work up from the bar in 20-50 lb jumps until you feel like another jump would result in a significant reduction in bar speed. Do the rest of your sets at that weight and add 5 lbs (and adjust your warmup accordingly, since you know what you're going to hit for your work sets and don't need to fumble around looking for the right weight) next time, and so on.

>I'd also suggest reading Starting Strength

don't deload

focus on being explosive from the bottom

do more volume

Well, if it doesn't bother you, why are you asking us if you can do it?

Also, were these images from an MRI? Or an x-ray?

My main problem is that I run out of breath on most of my lifts before my muscles give out (especially on big lifts like squts and diddlys)

should I do cardio or what?

watching the video. very interesting

Should I be worried about the weird amount of belly fat and the way it hangs on me? I think I'm still pretty skinny, but I don't think I'm as severely skinny-fat as many of the pictures I've seen.

>144 lbs
>2500 calories while lifting.

Hard to say for sure because I haven't been tracking my weight for long, but I think I've gained 0.5-1 lbs a week for about a month.

I've only been lifting for a month, too, so I'd imagine even if I ate at a slight deficit I would still make gains. I'm tempted to go ahead and try a cut for awhile to see if I can get the belly fat to be a bit less weird looking before going back to slow bulking. But what the fuck do I know, I'm aware that might be a dumb idea, just not sure what to do.

So should I consider cutting to a slightly better bf% or will I fill out and look a bit less weird the more I continue lifting and eating at a surplus

>I'd suggest that you work up from the bar in 20-50 lb jumps until you feel like another jump would result in a significant reduction in bar speed.

Begging your pardon, but how is that different from a traditional one rep max? Or is that a safety precaution for newcomers since throwing them a bar and saying "just guess" is a recipe for disaster?

Would 60 minutes of cardio a day + less eating be sufficient enough to lose significant amounts of weight?

I'm not overweight by any means, I just want to get rid of some pesky fat and hopefully make my abs more prevalent

Hey guys I want to bulk but Wen I do I just don't feel hungry. Is there any way I can feel more hungry wen bulking

A 1RM is going to move a lot more slowly than the empty bar. A LOT more slowly. First day's work set weight should not.

Whoops. Well, good to know that for when I start arms tomorrow.

I'm just asking for input on what translates better to pressing.
An x-ray. Torn at it's inferior and posterior aspect.

Yes but lift too. Heavy lifting actually burns calories too. Wen I was cutting i eat around 2000 calories did 45 min cardio and lots of lifting

p sure you'd want an mri to see soft tissue damage my dude

reverse grip bench more specific, dips easier to do more total volume. do both as pain permits I guess.

>less eating
this alone would be enough.

Will Senpai notice me


I just watched the video and I am convinced it isn't stupid advice. Can you argue your side?


I'm literally just starting and what exercises/stretches can I do to ensure I have flexibility and good squatting form?

Focus strength on back or in core while doing pushups

How do I git gud squat form if I work out alone?
I've had bad posture all my life (head forward, ass out) so I think that definitely affects my squat ability.

I just watched the video and I am convinced it is stupid advice. Can you argue your side?

Tore an abdominal erector muscle on Friday. When the fuck can I work out again? How much should I deload? My last workout was last Tuesday, so if I try tomorrow, 10 lbs?

Thanks user

Been at the same weight for overhead presses even though my squats/deadlifts/rows have been steadily improving. Tried taking a break, lowering weight and doing more sets, nothing seems to be working. What do I do?

tighten your core and butt as well

Dumb question, but you're not holding your breath, are you?


What are the best testosterone supplements?


Anyone know a good bodyweight routine? I've got a pullup bar but that's it.

Is chocolate after a workout actually helpful or is it a meme?

its a meme

there's no window or magic garbage

I recently bought a pair of dumbbells i need some upper body routines can any homie help me here

There are good things to eat post-workout, just google for a bit. Compare those things to eating chocolate after a workout. Think about that; it's not like chocolate has fantastic properties that make it vastly superior to other post-workout foods/drinks/nutrients/whatever.

tl;dr it's more or less a meme

Most nutrient timing is a meme desu

Is there any afk forearm dumbell exercise i can do while I Netflix?

put out an ad on craigslist asking for a large dicked strapping guy to netflix and chill with, get two guys to show up, sit between them and jerked them off.

How do you guys find the willpower to eat less food when trying to drop weight?

Here's how my day's go:

>I'm gonna make myself do better today
>First half of the day goes great eat the correct amount

do this
>go all day without eating until like 4pm
>eat half your calorie budget
>wait a few hours, eat the other half
>go to sleep
>start all over.

this sometimes happens to me at night, I'll eat a normal meal and feel really full, spend the entire day not hungry and then randomly feel like eating whatever I grab

just have will power, and throw your lower kcal meals to earlier in the day

>tfw just eat 200g of chicken with some veggies
>basically around 300kcals
>can stuff myself with a nice dessert

i use the chemical jew

Anyone have that Veeky Forumsizens guide to homemade protein bars, it's only like five ingredients but I cannot find it anywhere. Sitting at 208, looking to bulk over winter

>work in construction
>losing 1-2 hours every night to after work nap
How can I stop this? I pass out just sitting down for a few minutes sometimes.

Whats specifically wrong with my midsection/chest? I thought that it might fix itself if I kept loosing weight, but it's only looking worse. There's a huge dip in between my pecs, and my abdominal area looks lumpy and small. What's wrong with it, and can it be fixed? Or am I just worrying too much?

don't sit down. Do something until it's time to go to bed. Or drink coffee.

>Whats specifically wrong with my midsection/chest?
shit genetics. Nothing personelle kid

Sick reply guys

I'm actually quitting coffee, or at least reducing it just casual, meet a friend for coffee, kind of thing because naps, faps, cafs are the things I have least self control over.

I always say to myself while walking home right up until the door, don't sit, don't sit and then it's like I'm waking up an hour later groggy as fuck.

Has anybody on Veeky Forums joined the US military? How is it? I'm applying to college this year (18 year old HS senior) and I'm thinking about the military to help with tuition

Starting my first day at a gym for the first time in years tomorrow. Anytime Fitness, so they have free weights and barbells. I'm on a cut (289, down from 313), so I know cardio should be my big focus. But where do you recommend I start exercise-wise to get myself re-integrated into the spirt of the LIFT?

a. stop talking like a faggot
b. do SS or any other beginner strength program

Is it achievable to go bearmode with just bodyweight fitnesd?