How did you beat shin splints?

How did you beat shin splints?

Currently using biofreeze

Not my leg

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Weight less, run slower

Running on grass and sliding my thumb down along the bone with as much pressure as I could stand before crying.

I know that feel, agonizing...

>touching them
>applying pressure to them
No thank you

How does this help it? My athletic trainer does the same thing and I have no idea why that helps, but god it feels painful and amazing in a weird way

go biking, stop running

I started to get shin splints so I asked some friends and it turned out that I ran on my tip toes too much, so the problem could be form since the pain went away very quickly once I started landing more mid foot.

I have to run in Basic training late September..

Not OP, but does that thumb thing really work?

Yeah I didn't know about form until a while ago. How do you land midfoot? Isn't that just running flatly? I thought landing on heels was the way to go

who said you had to go now. Go on the next date. Shin splints is overuse and also because you're landing on your toes like a retard. Jog slowly. The best thing to do is to stop running but you can keep running and if they dont go away with 10 days youre fucked in basic training

OP here, yes that works to heal them, but won't fix them 100%. You have to put pressure on them and it gets painful, but helps for sure

I guess I'd be mistaken to say midfoot since It's just running flatly. Heels could be the way but I never liked the jolt I got from it, I will probably do some research on form to check up on it now.

lay on your bed and push your toes against it to work your shins. Just do 3x10 once or twice a day. Do this for a couple of weeks and work on your form. Good luck in basic because remember you're going to be running for the rest of your life

I'm in the same situation as OP except i'm leaving for basic on the 30th this month. Will getting new running shoes help?

I'm a diver in the Navy and running with boots will fuck your legs up, what always helped me was taking really short quick strides.

That's basically myofascial massage, I can believe it works on the musculature but may not be as effective on the bone

massage does some shit to your cells and stuff, increases blood flow and all of that to promote healing

actually reading a study right now on relief of muscle soreness/pain for homework so will report back with the fresh in head info about why it works.

t. massage therapy student

Get better shins.

>wear proper shoes
>use good running form
>eat right
>if overweight stop running as often and find a low impact exercise to substitute for cardio until you're at a weight acceptable for running
>stop running as much weekly period
Shinsplints are an injury, your body is telling you flat out something is wrong.
If you don't correct what is wrong you will keep getting them.

For sure worn out shoes is a factor on giving shin splints. I got them worse when running on walking shoes. That was before I knew about shin splints

Anterior flexion of ankle, lacrosse ball

could be a number of reasons why youre having this issue
if you run too forward on the balls of your feat try running more with your heals
its thats not the issue, run less and at a slower pace until the pain stops.
when stretching, point your toe and straighten your leg and write the alphabet , the whole alphabet.
attempt to stretch the ligaments connecting your shin to your calf and foot muscles.
shin splints can result in fractures of your shin, so be careful and exorcise correctly,
unless youre a nigger, then kill yourself.
there is a pic but.. never know.

no you dumb nigger it's not an injury. it's a muscle in your shin that isn't used to your fat fuckin ass running so much. It's WEAK

Why not alternate running with swimming when your shins start acting up?

Lose some weight.
Also, afterwards do this: 30 steps on your toes, 30 steps on your heels with your toes pointed as high as you can. Repeat for 4 to 5 times.

Check your form OP
If you're prone to rolling your foot inwards or outwards when you run try to correct it.
Better shoes also help a shit ton.

The first best healer of shin splints is time and rest. Second best which increases healing speed is hot Epsom salt bathes. I know most of you will say Epsom salt is voodoo and has no scientific backing etc, but it still works for me. I don't know why but it does. I felt almost instant relief after soaking for 45 minutes for as long as I could.