/plg/ powerlifting general

Powerlifting general
Islet is a weasel

This is what sparrow looks like now edition

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wtf i love tripfags now

Strengthshop belts are SHIT

How so? Had mine 6 months, no problems.

I like my knee sleeves from them. I have a meme spud belt


Lads, how the bleedin heck is this possible?


Neither did I. But once you touch a real belt and see how stiff it is, you'll instantly understand.

The outer edges of a soft belt deform. The cross section becomes U shaped. Stiffer belts become a shallower U or just remain straight.

I'm only squatting 3.5 plate so perhaps I'm not strong enough for this to be an issue.

grill benching babbyweight?

Should I get dominos? They're a fucking rip off.

I can a large pizza with only TWO toppings for £8.
Should I?

They've gone up in price, a pizza with NOTHING on it cost £14?!?!??!??

>those arms


Good internal leverages. Look at her instagram she does w lot of static holds and stuff. She doesn't train how you might imagine.

>internal leverages

Kys ssscntk100

nah i can't be bothered

Just replaced my SS belt with an Inzer and, yeah. Didn't realise how pathetically flaccid the SS was. When it got too humid or I sweat too much, the area under the lever hinge would just buckle when I tried to close it.

It's the only logical explaination. Her shoulders are just different from the rest of humanity

Her closest competitor is 30+kg behind. And Jenny adolfsson is pretty athletic.

That's BS.

The part you brace against remains perfectly straight.
And you cannot physically bend the material with your abs.

You are shilling too hard.

He's attention seeking, just ignore him

Is fatigue a meme at all? If I'm not able to pr on the sheiko skills test in 2 weeks should I kms?

Has anyone gotten pretty much no pr on skills test day, but then a decent increase after running the competition block?

How are you at skills test? YNDTP

I'm on my 7th week of sheiko now.

Could her technique have anything to do with it?

I know Cuckols praises her "flaired" elbows...

means your a genetic dead end desu

You don't max out until 12 weeks in

>doing half reps

Week 9 has a skills test where you go up to up to 105%. Week 12 is when you go for a max after the competition block.

Well, yes. But she's also largely flatbacked. Seeing her lift in person last year, Jenny comes on and does a wide grip, hyper arched, tiny rom bench for the silver. Then Jen comes out and does this huge rom and huge weight.

But obviously her form is great, though her technique is... okayyy.

That's jessicababyfat. Sparrow is an ugly Sinkie chink who can only dream about being this hot.

Failed all 3 exercises on 105% at skill test and at mock meet managed 5%increase on S and D but stalled on B.
Second cycle failed B and D 105% rep. Still got 5% increase at the mock meet.

Use that information as you wish, considering my lifts are close to yours.

Wtf is going on
I started sheiko BEFORE you, how are you a week ahead of me????


>And you cannot physically bend the material with your abs.
With my fat I can.

send me your old SS belt and I'll be the judge of that

I gave it to a WL friend.


What two toppings should I put on my my £8 dominos pizza?

Stop with the kirill spam


they look literally identical lmao

its stinky discussion

From the horse's mouth.


I started on July 12th. It has been 6 weeks since then, so I'm starting week 7 today.

Thanks for the response, user. Tbh I'd be pretty happy if I could consistently get 5% gains every 12 weeks. I'll still try my best on the skills test, so we'll see I guess.

No they don't. Nice try sparrow.

isley shut the fuck up your bench is horrendous in comparison to the time you've spent training, if you try to refute then just remind urself that its everyone elses fault that ur bench is garbage

Why is he so fat

Leave my friend alone asshole.

Also, how much did your bw change and was it medium or large load?

oh my god user, I love you
I nutted at least 5 times since I say that picture yesterday

I was sure squats were the reason to my erector spinae pain.
Turns out it probably is sumo deadlift.I didn't sq/dl in 3 weeks and went very light,today I'm not sure if those are doms or if the pain is back again.
Anyone with a similar problem doing sumo?

So he can outbench your total

He benches 2000lbs?

Bench not feeling as good as I hoped today, but at least better than last Tuesday.

Incline [email protected]
CG incline 107.5x1x8, [email protected]

Close grip was feeling weirdly good compared to the regular grip tho.

Are you white?

Are you of Caucasian ethnicity?

Wew lads taking a smelly ass shit
The fecal matter is just sliding out but smearing all over my butthole/asscheeks at the same time, might need an entire roll of toilet paper for this one

And it's making noises when hitting the toilet every five seconds or so you hear a "plop"

Whoops same user here lol
He benches 200lbs not 2000lbs??


From dumpy autistic /pol/ and /soc/ addicted legbeard nerdette to fuck hot sexpot babe that I would do anything to put my seed in.

This is the only true success story Veeky Forums has ever had.

She actually looks a lot more jacked in those videos. Really strong upper body muscle development

I don't know why you guys can't understand it. Jen Thompson is jacked, been training for a long ass time and probably does have some favorable muscle insertions

I, for one, welcome our new crossfit overlords.


>tfw you will never have buttsex for the sole purpose of injecting your protein into trapys intestines in missionary position with the lights off
why lift

sry for late response. bw didnt change much it was maybe 1kg gained from 80kg to 81kg. started with medium load and second cycle did large load.

These are SEAN hours, no posting until past 11, cuck


>Sucking Big Dicks

Why would you announce that to the world

that's not sparrow

those belts seem so gay


Hmm maybe it has something to do with the giant sucking big dicks acronym on the front?

tfw had a fraudian slip and mentioned lanklets in a conversation with a girl. I hope she didn't google it

Today is the second time i have to try the AMPRA of nuckols x3 bench programm with high volume but weekly progression.
Am on a cut so i might fail.

But fuck this, no

what are we lifting today kids

>Paid $200 extra so he could Suck Big Dicks

any male penis rectally applied

I am going to be deadlifting benching and squatting

>been lifting for a year, great progress, no problems, got to 400lb squat
>tape myself some more, just barely hitting parallel
>Veeky Forums and everyone on internet says I must go lower
>start doing stretches and exercises to increase hip mobility
>it works, i get lower
>get a pain in the interior of my hip, think it's because I'm tight, try to stretch and work it away
>go to doctor, sends me to physio
>I was squatting perfect the first time, in my desire to go lower I have screwed up the cartilage in my left hip because of my long femurs
>going to be out for months

T-t-t-thanks Veeky Forums

This isn't Veeky Forums

Why are you in this thread

I have this sudden urge to pound Livias boypucci

>all this poverty butthurt


I have over a million dollars I however see no reason to ever buy that gay ass fucking sucking big dicks britcuck belt

Like ever


Also you have to be able to diddy / squat monster weight to not look like a fool wearing a 200 dollar belt

Liquid chalk exploded in my gym bag
All over my adipowers, wahlander belt, sabos, titan wrist wraps and my winter hat
It's all ruined the lot of it

i just lifted myself out of the pool and slurping on some chicken soup like a pleb

See her in person next to her competition.

I mean, she's in great shape. She clearly looks like she lifts. But she benches more than this woman. And irl ielja looks way bigger than me.

I lift in a state of the art homegym which is worth more than your house so even if what you claimed is true it wouldn't matter seeing how I'm not a poorfag who has to lift other people's equipment that they sweated on lol you probably touched the same barbells stinky smelly sweaty currynigger topkek100 has touched

Enjoy your AIDS

Like you slurp on semen Kek


I recon her strength comes from her training. She does more static holds than benching,

Lol then why aren't we all doing static holds for insane bench gains
Use your fucking brain nigger

Try it nigger, you've not proved to me it's not worth doing.

You stupid fucking nigger

>claims something
>You have to prove me wrong!!!

Oh no, are you moronanon?

You don't need a belt because belts are only for lifters.

You're both stupid niggers

I have a belt which is superior to any gay ass looking memerelease or meme lever or men buckle shit lmao

I'm going to do static holds only and prove all you niggers wrong

... Why?

Wait,if the distance between my bones in the shoulders is 44cm,should I be benching max legal grip?

Why is nobody replying to me :(

For strength training

Just because you like prancing around in a onesie and like being humiliated on stage doesn't mean shit

There's no judges in the jungle

for what purpose? prove what wrong?

Nothing to stop me from beating you to death either.

You don't want to be in the jungle.

crippling depression setting in lads