Veeky Forums is even afraid to comment on this

Veeky Forums is even afraid to comment on this.

Deep down they know that there's no reason to continue eating animal products, but they're just pathetic boys that do not have the will to better themselves simply by restraining themselves from eating shit food.


Im a taoist, i eat animals to gain their power and energy

Vegans have shit chi.

the fuck, another autistic green skinned "black" guy

why do they look dead in the eyes

>posts childish reaction images
>doesn't address what someone that is stronger than 99.99% of Veeky Forums says

Ehh. I didn't really expect much from you meateaters

>most bodybuilders, powerlifters and strongmen eat meat
>vegans always point out the one or two vegans who are strong

The exception does not make the rule. Also why do you need our validation? Go lift weights and eat your greens, fagboy.

>doesn't address the fact that the vegan in the video COMPLETELY destroyed your whole view on diet and lifestyle
>throws insults

Haha. Meateaters are hilarious. What are you going to do, go eat another hamburger with extra fries and cry? :))

except there's no mention of all the steroids he's taking.

Maybe he's just not a fat retard like you and actually goes outside, unlike most of Veeky Forums?

>uses fake voice
>uses forced contrived way of talking
>clearly fucked in the head
>taking this vegan retard seriously

>He said his daily intake is 1000-1500 calories per day. Its all about efficiency and how clean the body is.
he's either full of shit or 4 feet tall

I'm not fat though. Retarded? maybe, but not as retarded as he is. And he's clearly taking steroids and masking it behind his hippy bullshit. The guy is batshit crazy.

Listen to him talk. He's a fucking robot, a high functioning autist living in his own dream world. Why anyone would take his word over science is beyond me

>implying spirulina isnt hippy vegan whey

>not a single post actually calls him out on ANYTHING he said
>keep posting ad-hominems
LOL. I'm laughing so hard right now. Never change, meat-retards :)

spouting mumbo jumbo isn't an argument. He's saying absolutely nothing. He doesn't provide any kind of evidence or proof. He's the exact same as any retard out there who roids the fuck out of himself and tries to sell you his meal plan

ps you don't seem very genuine you gotta work on your pretending skills

>4:44 minutes in
>the guy confirms he is a "no gf" /rk9/ sperg

100% legit bro, nice sources
vegans are fucked in the head

This looks like some sort of improv comedy sketch.

of course he's full of shit, he's Indian.

he said he started the research with his former gf- now wife

kill yourself

I like my chicken titties. I also love my lentils, black beans and leafy greens. It's almost as if balance is the key.

These "strong independent vegan bodybuilder" stories always end up the same way: either the guy is lying about being vegan, or far more likely, he built his muscle mass with a non-vegan diet and then went vegan like 2 weeks ago.

People who actually build their muscle mass on a vegan diet look HORRIBLE.

Get your gay animal rights shit out of fitness commie.

>that is so




Muh boy explained it

implying he is telling the truth, unless he drinks 2k calories he is lying

why the fuck does it have so many likes
is the majority of people really so braindead regarding nutrition and exercising

Go post your shit-tier, b8 somewhere else, you trend following cunt.

>aging is not normal

if this "master" were white he would look like shit already

Just look at the comments. Everyone's either a hipster vegan girl or 40+ unfit person that will believe anything that some eccentric would say

vegans are retarded. Their brains are starved

hes got one nipple looking up the other looking down

That guy looks good.

He talks like he's trying to not laugh at the guy's questions.


>the exception is the rule

>Inclusive of select supplemental or nutraceutical agents known to exert inhibitory effects on the aging process and/or age-related diseases

what's to say he's not taking testosterone supplement? test is natural, so he's definitely natty.

One meal that puts him into a surplus you fucking spacko

I might just do that, have been waiting for the right moment. You kinda just pushed me over the edge. I am going to hang myself, I will end it all after this post. Thanks for giving me the push I needed.

hes on steroids m8s

How come the guy didn't ask what the stick is for?
It's a nice looking stick.

Can you stop being a missionary idiot so it doesn't look like we others do our ethical non-meat-eating because of status and appraisal as a person aswell?


Funny how the only successful "vegan" lifters all switched over after they already made 99% of their gains with meat. Any retard can maintain from veggies, but you cannot tell me a scrawny toothpick can go Johnny Bravo without eating some good old chicken and beef.

I'd get big eating toilet paper if i roided like this guy does.