Why is every mass shooter a fucking dyel? What is it about getting huge that prevents a man from committing an atrocity...

Why is every mass shooter a fucking dyel? What is it about getting huge that prevents a man from committing an atrocity? Did working out help you keep your head in check?

seems like guys that go to the gym aren't much more sane than average

Dylan worked out

most people are dyel, you dumb fuck

Breivik took steroids.

Usually school shooters are people who hate the world because nobody loves them and they feel worthless

People who are jacked tend to overinflate their worth. They think theyre gods, they dont resent sloots unless theyre virgins.

someone posted yesterday a news story of some guy who lifts, has his own yt channel about fitness etc

killed 2 people and ate one of their faces

just sayin lol

he was on some drug at the time



Thats enough about Jason 'Hemmingway' Blaha. What he did i the field is in the past now.

Didn't the supreme gentleman use Creatine or something?


he innocent doe

This is good. This is very good.

Maybe he did, but he didnt lift.

As to OP, I know lifting helped me out

I used to resent everyone and think that people are disgusting worms who would be more useful as compost

Now I still still think that but only about most people not all


>unironically equating heroic freedom fighters with spergs like Dylan Roof and James Hplmes
All 3 of those were just ahead of the curve, they were more or less completely justified an ideologically sound. Just like Kaczynski or the Taliban.

Still a dyel by /fit-standards, but the media said he (Breivik) was a bodybuilder. He even said in his manifesto that he roided so he could rage when he did the attack.. lol

The same with Arabs that go and join ISIS. Fucking beta that cant get any pussy.

their white /thread

Blacks like shoot individuals while whites target no one in particular

Why are blacks so much more civilized when it comes to murder

The fact that you consider sex success is the reason why people join ISIS.

The nihilism and decadence of Western society leaves one emotionally empty and spiritually dead, and a militarized movement waging a holy war against modernity offers the brotherhood, valour, and warrior ethos that men disconnected in this meaningless, consumerist world crave.

I know racism is mostly just shitposting.
But do people really take it seriously?