I am legit mad

I am legit mad.

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>weeb shit

I bet you fap to lolis aswell


Anime get out

>he doesn't

Its so sad that grown men watch things like this.

How is it sad, explain it to me.

they are childrens cartoons.

Anime is a medium not a genre.

Yeah, children in Japan are mature as fuark though, they have sexual relations from the age of 10 plus, haven't you even been to ex-hentai?

/r/ anime

Anime is the lowest tier of entertainment.
It's often incredibly basic in every possible way. The humor, plot and characters are all dumb as shit. More often than not it contains nerd and neckbeard fetishes, and "fanservice" for them to fap over.
It's for people who actively reject reality and instead embrace living in their weeb dungeons.


Watching anime is no different than watching MLP

This. You should grow up and only engage in mature activities for mature people such as myself.

That's not true for every show.
That's like saying watching movies is the same as watching porn because it was both recorded with a camera.
Shit like Cowboy Bebop is pretty dope m8, I think everyone itt would at least like the story.
Also, One Punch Man is awesome.
And the now airing Mob Psycho 100 is cool too.
There are alot of shows I think are good.
Not saying there aren't a fuckton shows with fanservice for neets to fap to, just saying that Anime as a form of media isn't inherently bad or childish.

a childrens medium

t. Someone who didn't understand Eva

The only childrens medium in existance is those tin cups with the wire between them, senpai.

So deep and meaningful. It's okay to like anime, just don't pretend it isn't for children.

ITT low levels feed dumb faggots

Just because SpongeBob has adult messages hidden in it doesn't mean it isn't primarily for children.

>dat grammage

you know everyone in japan watches anime right? that would be like saying
>watching tv series is for kids

Yeah don't listen to this fag , eva's a show catered to NEETS
Watch Cowboy Bebop senpai, then tell me it's for children.


And Japan is a nation of manchildren.

Japan is actually the most redpilled nation I know.
>don't allow immigration except for when you're rich as fuck or have a job in japan
>semi-traditional male/female rolemodels
>culture built around respect, hard work and hierarchy

Oh shit I forgot:
>literally illegal to be fat in japan
But have fun living in the united cucks of america with your 33% obesity rate

only 33%?

whats considered obese and whats considered overweight ?

thought it was higher by now

How is this not completely true? He's not saying carbs are evil, only that you should be replacing shit carbs with good prots when staying within a reasonable caloric limit.

I think 3/4 of the adult population is overweight, obese means BMI>30 as far as I know.
I don't know if it's 33% right now desu I didn't google it or something.

i mean if you use bmi then a whooole lot of fit people would be considered obese.

this shit triggered me

America doesn't consist of a whole lot of fit people tho senpai.
Idk how they get the data or how valid it is, all I know is that America is the biggest fatfuck nation save for Mexico.

Those designs trigger me.
Fucking bl shit up in there

>>culture built around respect, hard work and hierarchy
>high suicide rates because you work 80 hours a week
>have to respect elders, must do what they say and they are always right

Yeah, who knew alpha society wouldn't be kind to weak men?

Your weeb society is so alpha women have zero children and grown men rather have a virtual gf.

Shit happens, men in general are becoming more beta everywhere.

>Chinese cartoons in charge of nutrition for bodybuilders

He's eating two prawns and a banana.

>Muh alpha society
>Shows you it ain't alpha it's just mindless drones and society is failing
>shit happens
Solid argument.

>watching shit high school shows

Shit taste famalam.

Actually it is a very good routine

>no pullups or anything fr back
>good routine
it's ok to say nothing if you don't know what is going on

It's true man, men in Japan are becoming more and more beta, but the society is still alpha, that's why they all turn themselves into hikikomoris, never leaving their houses.

At least there's one manga that actually knows it's shit

It feeds your delusions about life and after a while it changes your way of thinking. There is a reason only beta faggots watch anime.

And if you are the guy defending anime, your delusions are already showing, you are idolizing shitty japan probably thinking how your life could be better if you lived there

they make better shows on average then murica thats not really idolizing.

>the electronic tit is NOT for the emotionally undeveloped

Stay tuned, tube boob


>I'm a shut in because I so alfa

>There is a reason only beta faggots watch anime.
I watch anime too, fuckboy.
That's literally the opposite of what I said.
Before talking shit, read up about the national policies there. Also, my life is just fine. And I don't think I would have a better life in japan because they don't really like foreigners.

>I watch anime too,fuckboy.
Yes thats what I just said (^: β.

>It feeds your delusions about life and after a while it changes your way of thinking.
You're right but I would say this applies to Veeky Forums even more than anime.
Anime women are probably even closer to reality than the image of women that you get reading Veeky Forums

>there are children's anime so all anime is for children
>there are children's movies so all movies are for children
>there are children's books so all books are for children

Truly eric

>not having children
>not getting married
>literally entering relationships with cartoons, locking yourself in your room, paying women to cuddle with you and women pay to drink with men

this is a show for little girls about cake that has fairies

this is a show for adults

>watching an anime that revolves around a topic that the author knows jack shit about

>weab nerds who haven't touched a weight in their life
What did you expect? Don't tell me you watch that trash.

>weebshit can't into logic
There are adult books.
There are adult movies.
There are no silly animes.

>only two chapters

I feel like the same could be said for vidya gaems, imo its just as much of manchild hobby but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. I used to watch anime in hs and it was a fucking good time now it doesn't interest me so much, I don't get why people feel the need to defend their hobbies on the internet, who gives a fuck do what makes you happy.

...w-what is this?

>>culture built around respect, hard work and hierarchy
Fuck that. I read this greentext on /int/ where some guy went to Japan and became an English teacher and was forced to teach something incorrectly, because even though he was a native speaker, the retarded native nip teacher had authority over him so he couldn't call him wrong.

You're not really helping.

fuck that info in that anime is dat dat

suuu accurate

Speak English, nigger.

You have to EAT BIG to GET BIG.

/a/ actually thinks its accurate


/a/ is just full of silly boys with nothing but cocks on their minds desu

i liked that fairy show : 3

>don't allow immigration
they do this because there's literally no room in Japan. That's why they're an import nation. When they say FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL they mean it. The don't even have enough space for burying the dead ffs

is FMA considered Veeky Forums?

List of anime for people who don't normally like anime. I will try to keep the list "modern":

Cowboy Bebop
Outlaw Star
Samurai Champloo
Mono no ke
Death Parade
Ping Pong
One Punch Man
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Black Lagoon
Summer Wars
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Afro Samurai

>inb4 Afro isn't anime

It's totally fuckin' anime, bro.

Those are always the shows I tell people to try out. Put the series through the 3-episode test, and if it doesn't pique your interest, move on. Most people I know that aren't into anime like all of those shows.

You forgot the Boondocks and Avatar

stop sending your shitposters to our nice board

I'd say so, although the protag is a manlet.

>being on an anime forum and not liking anime

Boondocks is pure cancer

>he thinks Eva is deep
GTFO you underage shit.

What is the name of this animu

Oh look it's these guys again

Danberu man kiro moteru?
Essentially "Do you even lift?" the manga.

whats this anime?

I am also requesting a sauce on the anime.

Nobody was even complaining about weeaboos. They were just stating it's sad that grown men watch anime, because it's true. It's honestly embarrassing.

And I find it embarrassing that people spend more time that I do watching anime on their phones with Facebook and Twitter. Or people gassing on about Game of Thrones all the time. At least people who watch anime discuss it with people who watch anime. I get co-workers I've never spoken to or even people in a supermarket asking if I've watched the new Game of Thrones.
Don't enjoy the medium? That's fine. I don't shove it down your throat either so why the fuck do you care if I watch an anime about SCUBA or martial arts?

But it's perfectly logical, you're just being retarded.

>watching an anime about scuba
We need to hang out user. Now.

Cheer Danshi

everything you ever do/see/hear impacts how u think retard

Men should be worrying about more important stuff. This is boys stuff.
Men should be worrying about income. Making babies, making it big and networking. If you still think about things like these while being an adult. You failed at life.

>back extensions
>nothing for back

Y-you too...

I'm a certified open water SCUBA photographer but haven't gone diving in ages. Amanchu! reminds me of the mystery and challenge I went through when I was first learning.

But you can do those things and still watch anime.

Pls be my Pikari

You're fucking retarded.
If you want to cut out everything from your life that's not essential why do you watch tv?
Why do you watch movies?
Why are you shitposting on the chon?
Fuck off with your bullshit.

meal 2/16