Have I been memed this whole time? Do you faggots actually post lift stats as 1 rep maxes? What the fuck?

Have I been memed this whole time? Do you faggots actually post lift stats as 1 rep maxes? What the fuck?

I have always been posting what I do for reps, but a 145lbs ohp sounds a fuckload better than a 125lb ohp...

skinny no ass bitch jeff seid is a fucking tool

Yes, that's generally how it's done.

I do not max, like at all. The closest I've ever gotten to maxing out is doing exercises that I can only do 2-3 times without serious form breakdown.
Even now if I seriously think I can not do at the very least 3-8 reps with it and it's not a relatively advanced calesthinics movement then I won't even bother touching the bar/dumbbell.

Anything else is asking for trouble or will get me killed.

Jeff pls go

Omfg. Ok so 260lb squat, 145lb ohp, 215lb bench... Sounds a lot less fucking pathetic than what I do for reps...


Does this shit work this way in real life too if faggots ask what I bench or something?

Tell whatever you want. If you can lift the weight, then you can brag about it.

That's how it is everywhere.
When people ask your max they want to know how much you can lift for one single rep. Your 100% max.

its worse in real life. you say you bench 185lbs for 5x5 and get a "yo dude bro i used to bench too back in the day i did like 285 yo bro dude but i dont bench anymore its bad for your shoulders dude"
when in reality his "285lbs bench" was one half-rep with spotter rowing 50% of it

A double is "for reps" you dolt. It's very inexact.


Why state what you lift "for reps" when you can be exact with a 1rm? If I say I do 405 "for reps" that could mean I did it a double or knocked out eight of those suckers. That's imprecise.

That is because some guys like to test their strength so they attempt a 1rm

not everyone here is dyel so 3x5 isnt the only thing we do

1RMs aren't exact either.
They can be done with stuff that helps with lifting like a weight belt and a suit and have like 8 people help them lift it.
They could be bullshitting about how they did it.

The 1rep max thing is purely an honor code thing.
And anyone who claims extraordinary numbers but doesn't have anything resembling proof or pussies out of showing proof is called a lying bitchnigga.

>I lift for strength
I tip my fedora to you, fellow ninja samurai karate masturbater

listen up goof some of us compete here we dont like other sports so strength sports it the only thing we want to compete in its not our fault that you have no ambition in life please dont kill yourself now go get some goals

Sure you can lie, but that goes for any stat whatsoever.

I've not done any 1rm tests and post my 5 rep lifts but generally I assume people post the max they've ever lifted for one rep. That's generally what people do.

You guys are thinking about this way too hard
Jesus christ. If someone asks you what you drive do you say 40kmh?

>What do you lift?

Wow, so cool, so laid back. Bet you get all the girls


No I say cast iron polymers

>His hoodie

You take your 1RM, add 15 lbs because you're bulking so you basically have the strength anyway, then add ~30 lbs because you could probably hit that weight if you actually tried, and then add 10 lbs just because.
Now you are ready to post your lifting stats on the internet.

>talking to mom's family friend
>"hey little dude, your mom tells me you like lifting. I used to be super into it back in my college days. Man I miss it. I could bench 375lbs for 12 reps! But then I had kids so I can't do that anymore. Also don't use creatine cause it killed all my friends' livers"


I know you're making a joke but this shit is true. Everyone lies about their lifts if they know you won't be able to prove them otherwise

Don't forget that it's your calculated 1RM from adding one or two reps to what you did last session because you "felt you had two more in you".

That can't be good for her lower back. Why are women such sluts that they voluntary induce extreme lordosis just so that it looks like they have a bigger ass?

>some of us compete here
>we don't like other sports
>you have no ambition in life

Well she's obviously a beginner and has a shit teacher.

omg like
like dude
like what if not 9/10 people actually have over 7" dicks like you would think it is from Veeky Forums

or not 11/10 people are taller than 6 feet?

holy shit. why would someone lie? on the internet of all places

(srsly tho everyone here is full of shit, I'm just sad for the people who have been here for years and don't realize. there is truly no hope for them)

I just take the weight I use for 3x5, input it as a 6RM (since I'm doing multiple sets, I leave a rep in the tank on the first set) and post my estimated 1RM on Veeky Forums. I don't actually ever test my 1RM, since I'm not a powerlifter, so an estimation is fine.

The guy on the left looks natty as fuck

>There are people who post their 1RM
>There are people who count the bar

In both weightlifting and powerlifting the lifts are contested as a one lift. Stating your 1RM makes the most sense.