How am I supposed to get this much carb?

Give me foods that will help me meet these macros

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Just worry about your protein fambone. 3 scoops of powder + 500 ml of milk is like 100 grams of protein. Just do as much as you can after that. Try to have chicken. Try to have some other source of protein

eat food

Pasta, rice and whatever. I hit like 50-100g off my target carbs dailys. It wont really matter.

I was mainly talking about the carbs, I can meet protein goal

Smoke pot

I don't believe a significant difference between getting calories from fat and carbs really exists. Once you meet your protein goal it's not important, as both carb and fat can be easily converted to energy or stored as fat. The body is very good at this conversion process, although there is a slightly higher thermodynamic efficiency for fats.

There might be health effects though. For example trans fats and saturated fats seem to raise serum ldl and lower hdl, increasing your risk of coronary artery disease. However other studies have shown no contribution from dietary saturated fat, especially dairy saturated fat.

Glycemic index is also s factor to consider. Simple carbs like sugar, white rice, bread, these are all metabolized much faster than oats, sweet potatoes, or whole wheat. Honestly though I'm not sure if this is important for non diabetics.

Rice, bread, oats, fruits, glucose, maltodextrin are all great sources of carbs (timed properly, you wouldn't have maltodextrin for lunch but it's great after a workout).

>I don't believe a significant difference between getting calories from fat and carbs really exists.

>Simple carbs like sugar, white rice, bread, these are all metabolized much faster than oats, sweet potatoes, or whole wheat.
GI depends on each person and can be slowed down by eating the carbs alongside fats or proteins.

>Honestly though I'm not sure if this is important for non diabetics.
It really is very important at the elite level.

There's so much wrong (mis)information on your post that you'd be doing the world a favor by deleting it.

Post sources or admit you're doing nothing but regurgitating bro science.

how does someone not get carbs? just eat some fucking pasta or rice or bread or whatever, literally all the easy to eat in large quantities foods are full of carbs

>GI depends on each person and can be slowed down by eating the carbs alongside fats or proteins.
>It really is very important at the elite level.
I'm sure someone at the elite level is asking a malaysian morning cartoon forum advice to hit 200 grams of carbs a day

Not him but any university level book on human biology would agree with that post

Oats, sweet potato, whole wheat pasta, fruits, beans

I forgot potatoes and other calorie rich vegetables and pasta of course. Hitting your macros is so easy I can't believe people have trouble with it.

Need all macros? Eat a normal meal.

Need protein? Eat lean meat, chicken or fish.
Need carbs? See prev post.
Need fat? Butter, oil, cheese

Need proteins and carbs? Turkey sandwich or similar, low fat milk
Proteins and fat? Cheese, non-lean meat, greek yogurt with half a scoop of protein mixed in
Carbs and fat? Avocados, buttered bread and jelly

give me a sec, i will provide sources so i don't have to see that post ever again

Oats, honey, pasta, rice, fruit, juices, breads.

>However other studies have shown no contribution from dietary saturated fat, especially dairy saturated fat.

This was a fad in the media for a while. The studies we see this in are recognized as poorly designed with major flaws.

Should be super easy for him to back up his statements then. Oops, looks like he can't, because he's lying and you're either a retard or samefag.

I can, I just don't have all my books open all the time, it takes a while (it takes time because unlike your stupid opinions backing up claims requires some reading to recall the exact place where the information is)

I'll start with the fact that proteins or fats change the GI response of the carbs. The fact that different athletes respond differently to the same carbs will come later, although it's also implied here.

Now, part 2. Here we can see that the glycemic load of a particular food can vary both from outside factors (growth, preparation, etc) and athlete dependent factors (hunger, genes).

Next I'll prove that eating carbs and fats is not the fucking same. I can't fucking believe some retard on Veeky Forums actually tried to argue that they were.


should you really be eating high GI carbs right after workout? I mean over low GI carbs if I have the chance to pick? I've just been throwing in oats to my after workout shake because they're cheap and easy and don't taste like much

And finally, while fats are very important, the bulk of your calories should come from carbs.

I suggest your first PWO shake only has glucose or maltodextrin, and after than you can eat any kind of carbs, but oats will work fine you shouldn't worry about it.


What is the supposed to fucking prove?
Fat has legitimate regulatory functions. If someone functions just as well eating less carbs who gives a fuck. Science?

You're nothing but a science bitch

IIFYM master race

>You're nothing but a science bitch

More like this

brown rice
sweet potatoes
wholewheat pasta
ezekiel bread
Rich Piana 5% Nutrition REAL FOOD
just a few common carb sources off the top of my head

What book is that picture from? Thanks

Sports nutrition guidebook by Nancy Clark

That doesn't prove anything you retard and backs up exactly what I was saying. Fat and carbs both contribute to adiposity equally aside from the slight thermodynamic efficiency difference, which I mentioned in my original comment.

No shit glycemic serum rate of change is altered by bowel motility and stomach emptying. How fucking stupid are you?