I just ate 2 Wildberry Pop Tarts. How fucked or salvageable is this situation?

I went to the gym earlier to lose some weight, but I got hungry in the middle of the night and got tempted. It's 1:34am right now

Damn I love these. At least you're getting screwed for something worth it imo.

better go back to the gym right now

Nothing's Fucked per se. But today was worthless. Better make tomorrow count

There's something wrong with you if you crave junk "food" like this.

Lmao dude chill out, you dont need big mussel, you just wanna tone up right?

All jokes aside, one cheat day won't ruin your diet. Cardio is your friend. Last time I ate pizza like a big, I went for an hour long run. Everything is reversibile. If you let it be.

I had poptarts for breakfast one day after not having them for like 15 years. I felt physically ill and wanted to kill myself.

Are these things really that good?
Where the fuck can I find them in Aus?

It's literally one day of your life.

I'm not from the US and wanted to try poptarts and koolaid one time

both tasted like pure shit
fuck that

You're fucked harder then a bluehaired dyke with daddy issues who wanted to experiment with men who found herself in the apartment of a black man.

Let's just say the couch is destroyed and there's a hole in the wall where the headboard used to be.

BUT you can fix that by severly cutting back on all carbs for the rest of the day and the next day and eating clean.

A single "fuck up" or random indulgence in trash pseudo food is not the end of the world.
That single indulgence being your every meal is the true fuck up.

Remember, your diet isn't a diet. It's a new way of living. Find a way to live with it or lose that new life you're trying to create or already have.

Are you fucking retarded? So some research on nutrition

Is one salad going to give you visible abs if you have a gut?


just keep living healthy and the 12 minutes of your life lost from eating that will be insignificant to the bonus years added to your life

Cardio you dip. Most athletes actually go 60% carbs and still have visible abs (even the natty ones). Phelps eats 12000 Cal mostly carbs on days he spends 6 hours swimming.

Hell, on days I ball up with my friends I spend the rest of the day guilt free and literally eat whatever I want, ice cream, pizza, whatever because I get an instant -600 to my fat and carb cals.


Im actually getting pissed that so many people here side with op

I stuff my face with the most calorie dense food I can find, every day. And I dont even have a super active job, and the amount of cardio I do is negligible (some running, and I also have a bike). I lift for 6-7 times a week, but thats pretty much all I do. Did you guys all fall for the lifting more than three days a week kills your gains meme or wtf

>used to get high all the time
>would literally eat a box of these at a time
>tfw looking back

Dropped 30 pounds since then and I dropped the weed entirely. No regrets

stop making these posts dyels

Don't listen to this logic. You'll think, today you can pig out. Just add the calories to your weekly total and compensate with cardio.

Next time drink a protien shake, tea with stevia, ect to curb the cravings.

If you lift 6 days a week and youre natural, youre fucking retarded.

i also eat the most calorie dense stuff i can eat. Struggle to hit around 3500and gain weight very slowly.idk why hes crying about a pop tart.
lots of people do pplpplx or pplxpplx. also you are forgetting about neets who just eat sleep and lift

oh yeah and i havent done cardio in 4 years


>having this shit in your house
>"giving in" and eating this junk because you have zero willpower

Just stay a fat fuck, you're not going to make it.

Why. Do. You. Have. Them. In. The. House? There's literally no fucking reason.

But no, nothing is fucked. Just fit your macros.
1. What's your daily calorie target?
2. How many calories in these sugarshits?
3. Eat less than 1-2 for the rest of the day.

Don't do it again or I'm sending Kali Muscle to rape you.

Germoney bigbag here, one of our wholesalers had an americlap week with imported food a few month ago. I found dem Poptarts were just disgusting, but tastes differ...

Phelps is most likely roiding though.

>most likely

Wiw lad, you have quite the imagination!

I'm Also down under and I don't fancy them much. I'd rather nutella pizza instead

who gives a fuck faggot

go to bed earlier instead of staying up so late idiot

what are you even doing right now besides wasting time when you could be sleeping and not eating sugar pastries

If you lack protein, you will crave sweets.
You probably didn't fill your protein requirements

wow. just swallow a bottle of and end this un-salvageable 500 cal travesty that is now your life

> go clean up your pussy, Marissa, it's leaking