
Anybody suffering from gynecomastia? Sometimes I lose all my motivation to get fit and lift cause I will still have those fucking giant nipples and boobs. How are you dealing with it?

Buddy, few people are perfect. Having a decent physique will at the very least lessen the visual impact of your mantiddies, and if all else fails; there is surgery.

Clomid and Novaldex
Makes you a bit weepy for the 3-4 weeks you go on it but you keep your gains and don't have girly nipples anymore.

Go see a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist and say it makes you depressed. Then he can recommend you to a surgeon about it all insurance included

ralox, nolva and ai.

should kill your gyno

Thanks guys!
I am from Germany and already did all the necessary examinations. Unfortunately my insurance told me that they don't accept my pleading cause it might go away until I am 25.

I am going to college right now so saving money is quite hard but I try my best.

My doctor never told me there is a way to get rid of it using medication. I will talk to him soon, thanks!

I have some op. It's pretty demotivating.

IT's not as bad as the picture on the op, but it's definitely there. I'm going to an endocrinologist and then back to my family doctor, it will most likely be covered by OHIP here in Canada to get it removed, otherwise, I'm getting it removed in Colombia in december once I go back..

I got it from sterons years ago, before I spiraled into depression I didn't buy nolva/clomid and stuff to fix the issues.

the pills are not legal. i doubt he will give you that shit because it is usually associated with steroids, atleast aromasin and nolva.

he might give you ralox

If he can't get nolva for whatever reason he could try DIM

It's anti-estrogen and legal, but not as strong

I hope they will cover it. Best of luck! The worst is cutting cause the skinnier you get the more they stick out. Had a very anorexic phase in my life before realising that.

Unfortunately this shit runs in my family. I got it from my dad :/

Alright. How high are the risks of any effects I don't want? Is it permanent?


full name pls, never heard of DIM

Surgery bro, changed my life. However my government paid for 90% of it.


You deserve it then. You deserve to suffer.

no side effects, maybe some dry skin and moody feelings.
maybe dead dick for the duration you are taking it, but again that only happens if you take too much.

if it works, it will be permanent yes.

if it doesnt start to get less after 3 months, it means you have to get surgery.

It's a supplement, from indrole3carbinol which is found in broccoli and sprouts

It's known as DIM, just Google DIM Supplement

Not him, but what can you tell me about it in relation to gyno reduction?

wouldnt mind sucking on those tits desu

Amazing! I am very happy for you! When did you start to develop the gyno? And at what age did you have surgery?

But getting it will be very hard, right? I am a lot into drugs but don't know where to get those.

Very interested too.

I'm gud. Life is looking up, just need to get rid of this gyno.

You can't put me down more than what I've already gone through. Life is looking great, job prospects looking great, degree almost done, have gf, shit is great.

Gyno will be gone after a surgery soon.

As I said earlier, it's just something to try.

I doubt it would destroy gyno, but what it will do is lower your body's estrogen levels and stop it from being produced as much.

I'm not medically knowledgeable, but if you've got tits you've probably got a few estrogen problems.


That's my favorite piece by Erik Satie.

srs who did you see to get OHIP to cover 90% of it

Get some bitcoins and order them through the dark web

Alpha Bay is good

60mg of Raloxifene
2.5mg Letrozole

cost only like 120 dollars and your natty card.

do this daily for 3 months at a 500 calorie deficit.

it can reduce it by 45-100%

Had a fatty tumor in my nip and some gyno, doc got rid of it, but my nipple is super fucked up pointing sideways and the other nippe still got some gyno

dont liste to this guy

you can buy those on every steroid website

I think I do, I've never been able to tell. I have tits, but I don't have pointy nipples and I don't really feel hard stuff. It's hard to tell since I've lost 40 pounds but they never shrunk and I'm still chubby (24% body fat) so for all I know they will go away as I diet and lift, but I assume they won't. How do you guys know if it's gyno or just plain old moobys?

letro is side effect heavy tho

OHIP Covers the surgery?!

>every steroid website

Lmao. Don't tell me you've been buying off THOSE sites.

Well fuck it I'll just post a picture, what's the verdict? Gyno or should I just keep lifting/dieting?

Good lord, man. I'm sorry.

heres a pic of mine its only in the nipples i try to hide it with angles but you can still see it :(

Yep, got it during puberty. Worst part is it's only on one side.

I just recently got a letter telling me that the government will pay for the surgery at a private clinic. But after seeing the results from surgery online I'm reluctant to make the call. Seems to me that unless you get an expert in the field you'll end up with crater deformity and misshapen nipples.

Can you post a picture from the side?

OP here
Everybody with gyno has his own struggle. Even when it's "only" the nipples I fully understand you. But you are a handsome fella, props to you

See it sucks right. The thing is, when I tried to join the army in the doctors notes for the physical it said "mild gynocomastia due to lifestyle choices" which makes me wonder if I only have it for being a chubby bastard and I can lose them/shrink them significantly if I continue my cut and lift schedule. That's really the only thing giving me hope.

Thanks OP we are gonna make it

A little sexy side boob action for you

Never got nudes so easily, hot damn.
I think it's mostly pseudo gyno which means you can get rid of most of it by losing weight. The rest is just unfortunate distribution of fat.

Normally gyn is indicated by large glandular tissue which you don't have in my opinion. So lose some weight and get sexy!

We will bro! Can you be my internet lifting buddy please? You seem pretty chill

get it fixd man pls it hurts to look at

Thanks m8, gives me hope. If you saw what I said here the army doctor basically said something similar. I've been losing weight and these flabby bastards haven't left yet but I'll just keep at it. You wanna post some noods as well? Let's make it hot in here.

Tell me about it, I wake up to it everyday. I'll just keep cutting and working out, hopefully it'll just fade away on it's own as my bf% goes down.

kek bro I don't know if it's the picture but I literally don't see anything, you might just have body dysmporphia or something. Like I'm looking and everything looks totally normal.

>Worst part is it's only on one side

I have it in both but much more in my left pec. The funny/frustrating thing is that it actually kinda makes my right pec look slightly joocier and if my left pec looked similar I wouldn't have a problem with it at all.

nah i got a decent angle and yeah i do have dysmorphia desu no reason to but it just happens
hell yeah dude hmu got steam?

Here you go. I am very bad at cropping, my mirror is a mess and I just got out of a very messy breakup, so not a lot of gainz.

Steam: urakon1337
My display name is BonZai

Forgot the pic

Damn, I love to titty fuck those nips bro

>large glandular tissue

what would you call large? are we as males supposed to have small glands or no glands at all?

Yes I do, two botched surgeries and now I have no way of getting it fixed because I have spent all my money. I honestly want to fucking off myself, I've never been fat, never been fit... yet I've never taken my shirt off in public. I also don't know why the fuck I go put in countless hours every week at the gym if it doesn't make a difference, even if I was 90KG 10%BF some skinny dyel CUNT would still look better than me with these puffy nipples. Probably going to throw myself off a bridge soon, fucking over this 7 years of this shit since teenage yrs and even after surgery still nothing is fixed

Have you guys always had gyno or is it something that just came up when you started lifting?
It's the latter for me, I think I might've gained weight too fast while bulking. Trying to cut now but not sure if I'll get rid of it.
Shit sucks man.

Is it still gyno even if your nips get hard and look normal after they're squeeze/agitated or when they get cold?

yes it is

Let me suck on your sweet nips dude.

I know the feel

i have gyno, my nips are pointy as fuck and such

but the worst part is the pain and swollen nipple

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST during spring of this year my right nipple started hurting and now the ball is fucking huge AND IT IS STILL SENSITIVE and hurts touched even the slighest bit IT FUCKING HURTS

>tfw qt3.14 lays on your chest and it hurts

that's not even the wrost part

>tfw doing one armed dumbell rows and let out a muffled cry everytime i bring the weight up to my chest because it hits my nipple

how its like in Australia this time of the year?

I'm pretty sure I have pseudo and not full on gyno. I'm gonna check with a doctor soon and see what their diagnosis is.

I don't really feel the hard bump or ring people talk about.

If it's just pseudogynecomastia will good cuts and generally getting fit get rid of it?

No joke my gyno is the number one gay attraction. So many guy dudes praising my breasts and nips. I would go full prositution if there was any scene for it in my city.

For me it's hard to discuss this topic in English cause I only know the medical terms in my native language. But you are supposed to have glandular tissue but not as big for example in my case. During the surgery they only remove part of the tissuer so the nip doesn't "sink in". I don't know what's the "natural" size of the glands. I think there is a difference in the tissue between gyno and normal tits.

Damn dude, sorry to hear this. Don't give up! There is so much more in life than your breast. Just stick through it and gain confidence in other stuff until you have enough money for another surgery at a professional place with experience. You're gonna make it bro :)

I have it since I am twelve and it compromised my whole childhood. Never taking my shirt off, summer was shit and all my thought were about hiding my tits. Kinda ruined my younger years. But you can do it! Losing BF isn't the hardest.

Yes, I love runnning around in a Tshirt when it's cold outside. I feel so normal.

Did you go to the doctor? If I would have this kind of pain my insurance would cover the surgery.

Before I started lifting I was a hungry skeleton with normal nipples but now, a year later I have puffy nipples which look like a pregnant womans all the time. Is this a weight issue or can gyno suddenly develop? I'm 5"10 160lbs

Why are there so many people suffering from gyno on /fit? I've also seen a decent amount of people complaining about it on the various workout related boards on reddit.

Yet IRL I hardly ever see dudes who look like they have gyno.

You can mostly get rid of it with lowering your BF. But it's dependent on your fat distribution. Like some women only lose fat on their tits when they cut, it may be that your breasts are the last part your body will lose fat.

That's because people with gyno don't go out with their shirt off lel. It apparently affects like 36% of younger men or something like that, and 55% of older men. It's more common then you would think, but it comes in different shapes in sizes. I mean you have this going to . Shit sucks mane.

Alright I have looked into this topic for some time but I can't source or validate my information. So take this with a grain of salt.

It is possible to develop gyno through high intake of certain foods like meat or diary products. There are some growth hormones in there which cause the gyno. Also the medication and unnatural growth hormones given to the animals can induce gyno. You should definetly look this up.

Most likely fat over your pecs, cut bf% and those should disappear

Worst gyno in the world coming through. I've had this my whole life, quit swimming, soccer and football because I got bullied for it.
I tried lifting when I was 16 but whenever I tried to bulk it would make the gyno worse.
I wanna lift now, I'm nearly 21 but it's just gonna make the tits worse.
Feeling like a complete genetic failure your whole life sucks, I live right near a beach but I spend all my summers inside with a shirt on.
Biggest disappointment to my parents who are huge fitness/sports enthusiasts.
I'm going through the process of signing up to a gun club (cause no guns Australia), once I can put my hands on a gun I'm gonna shoot myself in the head.
Before that though I'm gonna try to go sky diving and not open the parachute so it can look like it was accidental, but I doubt I'll have the balls for that.

But clomid might increase estrogen.

I can't even see it lol, maybe you need a side shot? I'm confused right now. I'm starting to wonder if I actually have gyno at this point, everyone else here has the cone nipples and I just have moobs. But that really isn't that bad bro.

My ex girlfriend even made fun of it with her friends after she dumped me, I've had it pointed out in public tonnes of times even with a shirt on, I think it's really kind of screwed up my development

Dude, I have this, no way you can get rid of it if it occurred naturally without gear. Do not buy any pills or dumbshit, this is tissue that has to be cut out.
Surgery is your only way 6k cost and 2-3 weeks recovery, I'm still waiting for winter to get mine done, so I don't have to work as much.

Can confirm.

???? literally not gyno.
maybe try lifting weights? you're just skinnyfat dude...

insurance companies don't give a flying shit if it makes you depressed. I tried that.

I appreciate if you're trying to help, but look at it. Puffy nipples, sagging, it's hard under the nipple.
It couldn't be anything but gyno

Your self esteem doesn't matter to me. I'm telling you: you're skinnyfat and that is not gyno. Have you even seen pictures of real gyno?

Give it to me straight boys, how bad is it? 1/2


Consider suicide/10

that's definitely gyno but it also seems you have like 0 chest mass

Pls no

I have three things I'm very self-aware of. My gyno is number one. It's pretty bad.

You think so? I mean I did to but everyone in here has cone nipples and they talk about a hard marble of flesh in their, I have none of that. Just squishy fat down to the bone. Could that still qualify? Also yeah I only started lifting 2 weeks ago lel, any muscle you see there is just genes and day to day life.

before and after pics bro, let's see it.

gyno is pretty bad

this was in june, i've lost a little weight since than

I got some gyno. I went to the doc and he referred me to some people and said to tell them it hurts a lot so insurance will cover it

current plan is to bulk up, cut down and be lean, then get the surgery, so I can bulk after my recovery is over.

Yikes, good on you for losing weight buddy. But before you go on diagnosing gyno I would defenitely lose weight first. Gyno isn't a catch all term for any man boobs, it's the kind that doesn't go away without surgery because of the glands and shit. Yours could just be fat that will dissapear once you hit a lower bf%.

Yep. It's only on my left side and not major, but I want to get rid of it, goddamnit.

Alright guys thanks to everyone for sharing and giving advice. Felt very good talkin to you fellas. Going to bed now, good night :)

Can you boys give me a verdict? Gyno or chest fat.

you guys gotta change your attitude

take off your shirt and let everyone marvel at the hairy fat pepperoni nipples

who gives a fuck, why let some losers ruin your good time because you think they notice your nipples

you stop caring what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do

take off your shirt in public. walk on a beach in a sunny day. think of it as an exercise. do it once, and you'll lose the mental block. do it again and again. who gives a fuck jesus cmon guys. none of you are pro body builders so who cares. i've prolly got gyno and ive fucked way hot girls, it really has nothing to do with it.

H-hey guys, do I have gyno?

lose some weight, shitskin, and maybe we can tell

Lemme tittyfuck you gurl

1/3 how bad is it? Doctors diagnosed that I have actual gyno but they won't cut me up.


3/3 in this light it doesnt look that bad r-right?

It'll probably look better if you actually lift.

user start lifting and cutting down to less than 10% body fat
Look into removing BPA and other xenoestrogens from your diet while doing so
Trust me on this

B-but muh 3x5 80kg bench

I thought I escaped dyel mode already. And I was planning to slow bulk for a month.
OHP 3x5 52kg
Bench 3x5 80kg
Squat 3x5 100kg
Deadlift 1x5 120kg