What water do you drink?

What water do you drink?
Recently, because I don't trust the tap water in my area, I switched to Nestle 0 floride water. But I've head plastic is bad.

This has really got me stressin', Veeky Forums, so let's hear it, what do you drink?

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I drink tap water because I don't live in a second world shithole

I take tap water with me in one of those sports bottle things you can buy, haven't heard anything about bottled water having ill affects on your body but I can imagine it can become abit of a money pit, especially considering as you pay for it where you live. But if your water is playing up then I think it's a good, safe bet

>Implying 1st world countries don't have a shit ton of enhancing "additives" in their water.

I only drink milk

I drink nothing but diet pepsi because water makes me sick to my stomach.

there is water in diet pepsi and every soda

Your body burns off all the bad stuff you eat if you work out

Reverse osmosis is the best osmosis. But seriously, I love the stuff. Make ice with it, fill a stainless bottle with it before leaving the house. It's almost sweet tasting.

Water makes you sick? What has america done to you!

That's why I drink Diet Pepsi
Less calories for better taste
Nothing really.
Though I will admit I go through 2-6 bottles a day.

Me too.
Unlimited Coke Zero and Diet Pepsi at work. Also beef jerky.

Holy shit...
What is your pee like?

Third world alpha here, I drink Fiji cos I love it and they import it here.

Hi user. I worked in the bottled water business. You only want to be drinking water from a stabilised plastic bottle. The easiest way to tell is by looking for a "1" symbol in a triangle. This way you will be drinking from a bottle that wont be releasing gender-bending particles into your water!

Well done for moving away from tap water. You could get a water filter for your home tap too.

Very interesting.
Just checked, the Nestle ones seem to be 1's (the bottle caps are 2's)

Do you have any home water filters that you could recommend?

Really dark and yellow.
Gets darker when I leave it in bottles tho.

Nobody here is alpha.

Yeah, 1's should be kept out of sunlight really as that can cause degradation. I never re-use a bottle for more than a couple of days. 2 is the safest plastic, but also very hard and not see-through, hence used for the cap.

Next time you are in a supermarket take a look at the kids drinks. They are nearly all made from the cheapest (typically thin) plastics that leak chemicals into the drink. This is to keep the price down, but i think it is harmful for kids that grow up in lower income areas, as they tend to sell more in these areas. Give any parents you know with young kids a heads up about this.

As for filter, get one that is easy to maintain, filters need changing every 6 months or so. An under the counter with at least 3 stages is good.

Aquasana is fine



This might sound autistic, but I love the shape and feel of the bottles.

Same here desu

They will have put a lot of thought into the shape. People will buy just for that preference, like you do.

You mean phallic?


Hmm good stuff
This seems like very useful information. Thank you, user