Post YFW you just finish arm day

Post YFW you just finish arm day

>satisfied af

>arm day

>arm day

>arm day

>Le arm le day

we get it, you idiots dont know how to schedule a workout. piss off

>arm day detected

>made it to 185lb/84kg bench press
feels good man

i do two a week you monumental faggot. try spending an hour solely on you cant make it you pussy


>he doesn't do arm day

It's like you never want to make it

>arm day

>arm day

>arm day

>arm day

>arm day

>arm day


>arm day

>arm day

>arm day

>mfw legs


Man you've either written the dumbest post or smartest bait in all of chan history.
I applaud you either way, but more if this was serious seeing as I didn't know it was possible to be that fucking retarded

heh, nothin' personnel kid

>arm day

Ok that grammatical mistake was the tip off, you have to be bait.

me driving back home

You memel0rds realize brosplits are much better than PPL for real cutting or geared lifts right?

>arm day

What the hell is an arm day?

>tfw T-Rex mode
>tfw every day can be arm day without losing leg gains
>tfw do squats and deadlifts anyway

yeah hitting a body part once a week is better than hitting it multiple times. u are dumb mayne

can you read, retard? If youre on a serious cut and training right your body wont have enough energy to fully heal it 2 days and if youre on gear and training right youre strong enough to have so much volume and intensity that you need a week to recover.

Bulking with a brosplit is a dumb shit idea because your body has enough energy and your training isnt hard enough to require a week rest, but brosplits are legit as well, its just that dyels transformed it into a meme and 99% of fit nowadays is uneducated and just spew shit they read here in a funposting thread like this.

If you are on gear, you can see better results without lifting at all than from someone who doesnt juice and lifts. So whats your point? On gear, Anything is good.

As for your cutting scheme, never heard such nonsense. Got a source on that?

>arm day

First of all your opening statement is wrong, roids are not magical pills.

cbf looking for articles and videos but just use your god blessed little brain, user, how on earth will you be able to fully recover your muscles if youre already strong enough to need a lot of calories to maintain them, you are experienced enough to lift "heavy" despite being on a cut and youre eating like half of what your body would need to maintain what you have.

If you are natty with proper cutting diet and proper exercising you do not have enough calories to recover and maintain muscles whilst losing fat if youre destroying them twice a week.
with a bro split you work them once a week to the bitter end but then you have enough time to recover and not lose as much despite being on a deficit diet.

just put 2+2 and it will all make sense

also this "the harder i work my muscles the less ill lose and the more ripped ill look maymay is what makes so many people look so bad after cutting

if your supposition were right it would be much more benefic to do full body3/4x a week or just do many more reps with lighter weights at the end of every set so that you can really exchaust your muscles in every session

You are making a lot of assumptions about muscle recovery that I can only assume are coming out of your ass.

Proteins are the most important source in muscle recovery (protein synthesis) and if you arent eating enough proteins to fill your daily needs on a cut, you're not cutting. You're just dieting.

>he doesn't get the reference

whew lad

>roids are not magical pills
Holy kek, this absolute fucking delusion. I'm a roider and I can tell you you are so fucking wrong it's unbelievable.

get fucking counter b8ed kid

shooo, only curlbros allowed ITT