How can I stop doing this?

How can I stop doing this?

Just throw the cans out. Or make a home gym with them

I have arrived!

No I am risen

You're supposed to drink from the cans, not crush them, dumbo...

This stuff is so amazing.

I already did

Shit, this stuff keeps me from drinking alcohol. Thats how addictive it is to me. And its just canned fizzy water.

>Not drinking an ice cold coke classic to optimize the gains

You're not gonna make it

fucking degenerate


Also if you are a Texfag they have a generic brand thats bretty good for like $3 a dozen.

peach pear and grapefruit are GOAT. They mix well with liquor too.

I fucking love fizzy water (plain), and drink it by the liter sometimes. Would I enjoy this?

spot the amerifat

I'm not fat and I'm not America.

I'm pretty lean actually.

nice catbacking faggot

Who gives a shit girls dont let care about form.


Thank you for posting this

how did u get it to stick to the roof


Shit. That was gold. Thank you.

He lives in Aussie


>coke zero


Basically unflavored and really carbonated so it tastes like shit, I have tried and it's terrible.



>not doing handstand squats
Never going to make it

this is why I drink perrier every time I find myself at a convenience store

alcohol is a no no but for some reason carbonated water hits the spot