Uni/College Thread

Any of you guys know if non athletes can use sefcu?

Idk but u Albany is full of sluts I get laid every time I visit


I see more crop tops than t shirts. St rose girls are where it's at. No nigger in them.

Where my Blue Devils at?

No. Nobody else here is from the Air Force Academy. Get fucked, cadet.

For those of you who go to the ARC what times do you go?

I hear the USC gym sucks, true?


New Sequoia lookin' for a gymbro

lol faggot. Enjoy hours of PPT presentations on what to do when your polygendered wolf-kin obese A1C is constantly picked on by everyone in the squadron and how to hold CC calls for over an hour explaining why everyone should get their peepee slapped for doing so.

SD state anyone?

I'm in Oswego tons of sloots too man. I was getting mad chicks even when I was skinny fat now I'm built fat and it helps lol

If you see a dyel Asian always fucking struggling with squats and always look like he's fucking dying, that's me

CTfag here, where you from.

I'm from simsbury, you?


There's this hot girl kaylee, she's accounting or econ. Bang her for me she's a cute blonde


lets lift bitch

Back to school fags gtfo!!!!!!!!! Place is so fucking crowded I can't even have a routine anymore cuz I never know wtf is going to be available to use.

I only lived at Berkeley over the summer, so I might not be much help. But if it's possible, avoid lunch break and 5-7pm. Also, take a look at when crossfit type stuff is scheduled because half the gym is gonna be closed for them. It started at like 5:30 over the summer and lines for squat racks sucked after that.

Good news: I've been to two or three different unis, and the ARC is far the nicest gym / locker room combo of them all

One more year.

Fear the Turtle?

really looking forward to rowing season

Any one of you attending Dutch universities?

randolph-macon here

who /im/ here

Hell yeah whats up fellow Terpbro?

I lift at Eppley

hhs naast de TU Delft man

ayy, i move in tomorrow.

Commuter life for me. What hall are you in?

Meet up?

I guess lol

I just go at 5 am when it opens. I was just curious when other people go.


How is the CCRB, any other notable gyms?

that narrows it down to about 90% of the student body

You know who I am and if Tiny Tim don't trust you I will shoot you

Pls respond

Too many niggers and big nosed kikes for my taste

They could when I was there 5 years ago. Just barge your ass in there and demand satisfaction.

ACSR patrician or AOERC plebe?