What is the purpose of a one pound dumbbell? Is it a meme?

What is the purpose of a one pound dumbbell? Is it a meme?

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If you can't asdgasfdgarargfrdffggd

They're for weak slags to tone their brittle arms

Dumbbell, emphasis on the dumb

The only acceptable answer is to use it as a physical therapy aid.

so you can test your 1 rep max

training for handjob endurance


Nice meme exercise

Loll op btfo

to do lateral side raises with

i tape them to my penis at the gym
5x5 bonerlifts to train the lovemuscle

My grandpa had them for exercises to combat some kind of old-people condition.

They have a purpose, just not for actual exercise

probably rehabilitation after injury

rehab, also every normie has weak shoulders. Doing shoulder exercises with 1lb will probably burn them with 3x10

They are actually quite heavy.
But then again I am 4"9 and a recovering ana.

For toning if you don't want to get too big

Had to use them to rehabilitate my wrist

with 1 pound?

Drop set until you reach 1LB dumbell.
Gotta rape those muscles

this actually seems like it would be pretty fun

this is the actual answer

y-yes whats wrong with that

Can be used if squat plugs are all out.

wtf XD



They're used if you don't want to get bulky but you want to be a little toned


well memed

I know a guy who goes running with these in hand. I asked him why and he said "to train the muscles".
I did not inquire further.

To train what muscles?

heh h-he's right yknow

human muscles

if you tape 50 of them together you have a 50 pound dumbell

How about that?


this i like this

great post

very good

I'm down for this. I'm thinking dumbbell bench

Are you doing sets of 10 thousand?

no. about 3 sets with 12 reps. im using 0.5LB dumbbells

Honestly some of the people I see I'm surprised they can lift their phone in front of their face. Gotta start somewhere.

An easier way to do this is to jerk off two guys while running on a treadmill.

Shut the fuck up you piece of shit faggot

I do this shit with 20lb dumbbells and I'm weak as fuck

Keep moving that weight up and you'll have a shoulder injury in no time!


when i was on the swim team the twinks would use them during dry land exercises but i wasnt at a competitive level like collegiate or something so the general health/fitness was a lot lower than what you might be used to seeing from real athletes.

this thread good

Shadow boxing.

ha yes this.

good posts guys i love.

love this!

stop the samefagging

i like this post

post more please friend

They really exist, to be used by people who want to lift but can't manage anything heavier.

good posts!

more good posts please guys great!

epic post. i like this one very much!

very good post! very good!

It's used to help people recover from injury or surgery

very nice. very nice!


this are great posts! makes me cry from happy good posts good

wth is this faggotry?
are you at least saging or nah/

no sage. good post friend, makes me cry so much from the happy feelings!

such nice post such nice

such good post so happy feelings this post. please more please

amazing post! very good! keep up! good!

nice posts guys please keep up good posts

nice great post. i am like this one especially good.

>0.5LB dumbbells

excellent post! i so like this one very much so happy post


>not using quarter pounders with cheese for curls
>not taking a bite on each rep for easy pyramid set gains

it's like you're not even trying to make it

amazing post! makes me cry. so much cry. i like this one so good! great great post

very amazing plus one for that post my friend, by the way do you mind if i download your picture?

it actually makes sense, if you get surgery on a limb it becomes weak af so starting with this is actually reasonable.

Tie two to your barbell. Cheap fractional plates

to fuck with dyels
>hey buddy put that 20 back and use this instead

I work as a trainer and rehab specialist with some people at age 85-95.

one pound is a lot to somepeople who wake up from comas, too.